A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


For better or for worse, technology is the new frontier. When it comes to navigating the web, avoiding hackers, and enjoying our devices—Reader’s Digest is here to lead the way and help you get the most out of our interconnected world.

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This Website Can Help You Make a Foolproof Password to Keep You Safe from Hackers

Because a combination of your graduating year, your high school mascot, and an exclamation point doesn't always cut it.

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Say These 8 Words to Siri, and She Will Break Out Into Song

The iPhone digital assistant can set alarms, set up reservations, look up words, and apparently sing to you in a...

The Emoji Hacks You Didn’t Know You Needed to Step Up Your Texting Game

Think you know everything there is to know about emojis? These emoji tricks and tips may prove otherwise.

How to Use Do Not Disturb on Your iPhone

Our phones are a major distraction. Thankfully, the iPhone's Do Not Disturb feature lets you maximize productivity, sleep and social...

Using THIS Color on Instagram Will Get You More Likes, According to Research

Can you guess what color is most likely to get a double-tap?

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The 13 Best Grocery Shopping Apps That Will Save You Time and Money

Forget that list on the fridge—these grocery shopping apps make food shopping and meal prep faster, easier, cheaper and more...

The Surprisingly Simple Reason We Say ‘Hello’ When We Answer the Phone

Thank Thomas Edison for this uniform phone greeting. If Alexander Graham Bell had his way, we'd all talking like pirates.

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What Is Your Social Media Profile Really Saying About You?

Whether Snapchat, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter is your social media of choice, it's easy to come off conceited, angry, or...

11 Etiquette Rules You Need for Dealing with Death on Social Media

The digital age makes it easy to share everything all the time—which can be problematic when someone passes. From knowing...

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This Creepy “Family History” Site Might Know Way Too Much About You

Here's how to keep your information off the site.

7 Non-Negotiable Rules Every Parent Should Set for Their Babysitter

Hiring a new babysitter can be nerve-wrecking, especially for parents of younger children who don't have a lot of experience...

14 of the Best Apps for Becoming More Productive and Organized

From the best apps for organizing your home to apps for streamlining your family's schedules, we've rounded up the top...

8 Signs You Share Way Too Much on Facebook

Sure, posting about your anniversary is fine, but posting about every date night is drawing the line. And yes, your...

8 Ways to Turn Your Online Friends into Real-Life Besties

These days, apps give you what you need when you need it–including a flock of online friends. But how do...

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13 Social Media Etiquette Rules You Really Need to Stop Breaking

Sitting in front of a screen is a freeing feeling, but just because you can say what you want doesn't...

14 Mind-Blowing Facts About Selfies

Selfies may seem vain and frivolous, but there's actually a lot more to this cultural phenomenon than meets the (camera's)...

7 Things to Never Share About Your Children on Social Media

What's so risky about posting smiling, finger-painting photos of your kids on social media? Surprisingly, a lot. Here's what not...

7 Tricks to Make Yourself Stop Texting and Driving

Despite knowing the dangers of texting and driving, many people still do it. Take these steps to keep your hands...

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Malware Infections Spike in November and December—Here’s How Protect Your Personal Info

Cyber-savvy scammers are standing by to snag our personal information and infect our devices with malware. Here's how to protect...

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10 Hacks to Free Up Space on Your iPhone (Without Deleting Photos!)

Tired of the message, “There is not enough available storage"? Read on.

4 Things You Can Learn From the Dumbest WikiHow Articles

The popular how-to website can be a lifesaver—except for when it doles out bizarre, hyper-specific advice no one really needs....

How Unhealthy Is Binge Watching? Press Pause, and Read On

Binge-watching might be worse for you than you think, according to the latest research, but here's what you can do...

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7 Computer Pranks to Try on Your Friends

Have some fun at work with these mischievous computer pranks—but don't be surprised when your cubemates strike back.

10 of the Goofiest Facebook Groups

No thought is too random, no grievance too petty, to keep people from organizing a group.