A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Interpersonal relationships are a vital part of everyday life. We know relationships aren’t perfect, but we can help guide you through advice on how to fix common issues, things you should and shouldn’t say to the people in your life, and, of course, roundups of funny cartoons and quotes to remind you that laughter can be the best medicine.

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The Middle Name Traditions in 8 Countries Across the World

Picking your baby's name is almost as important as taking your prenatal vitamins (must), never drinking alcohol during pregnancy (must...

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What Is Your Social Media Profile Really Saying About You?

Whether Snapchat, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter is your social media of choice, it's easy to come off conceited, angry, or...

Behold, the Old Barn that Was Transformed into a Basketball Court

When they saw how their friends made an old barn the perfect space for a pickup game, this family decided...

10 Things You Must Consider Before Seeing a Psychic Reader

Obviously fortune-telling is more of an art than a science. But if you're considering consulting a medium, these guidelines can...

11 Etiquette Rules You Need for Dealing with Death on Social Media

The digital age makes it easy to share everything all the time—which can be problematic when someone passes. From knowing...

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6 Ways to Properly Clean Your Children’s Toys to Remove Mold

Even though bath time gets your kids squeaky clean, it can be making their toys grow mold.

The 7 Worst Mistakes Parents Make When Flying with Their Baby

Veteran parents share the in-flight fails that taught them how to keep baby comfortable and happy for her first ride...

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9 Reasons Giving Tiny Compliments Is the Key to a Happy Marriage

When you're married, it's the little things—like these thoughtful, meaningful compliments—that help keep happy couples, well, happy.

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This Creepy “Family History” Site Might Know Way Too Much About You

Here's how to keep your information off the site.

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8 Unspoken Etiquette Rules for Using a Public Restroom

Using a public bathroom isn't just an exercise in being quiet and using your leg muscles to hover elegantly—it's also...

7 Non-Negotiable Rules Every Parent Should Set for Their Babysitter

Hiring a new babysitter can be nerve-wrecking, especially for parents of younger children who don't have a lot of experience...

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Here’s the Real Reason We Propose with Engagement Rings

The history behind this tradition dates back to ancient times, and it wasn't always so romantic.

8 Signs You Share Way Too Much on Facebook

Sure, posting about your anniversary is fine, but posting about every date night is drawing the line. And yes, your...

8 Ways to Turn Your Online Friends into Real-Life Besties

These days, apps give you what you need when you need it–including a flock of online friends. But how do...

10 Superhuman Things Only Moms Can Do

Mothers these days seem to wear more hats than ever before. They're juggling work, activities, housework, homework, and everything in...

8 Signs You’re Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children

One of the most important things you can do for your child is help them manage their emotions. But it's...

Hey, Exhausted Parents: Here Are Hacks for Playing with Your Kids When You’re Too Tired to Move

Parenting is exhausting, am I right? No matter how tired or sick you are, there is no "time out" from...

8 Solutions to Get Rid of Awkward Silence on a First Date

First dates are exciting but also nerve-wracking. Follow these steps to avoid awkward silences, and you'll be killing the dating...

11 Things to Never Post About Your Relationship on Social Media

When it comes to social media and relationships, less is definitely more. Here’s what experts say should stay offline.


The 10 Best Ways to Know for Sure If You’re Done Having Kids

You may be completely in love with your children and amazed that you've created such incredible little humans—but at some...

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13 Social Media Etiquette Rules You Really Need to Stop Breaking

Sitting in front of a screen is a freeing feeling, but just because you can say what you want doesn't...

18 Things I Learned From My Sister

Family is great, but there's something especially special about having a sister. Whether it's learning about love, sharing, giving, or...

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12 of the Best Movies About Friendship to Watch with Your Bestie

These fun flicks celebrate the joys and comforts of true friendship. Grab a tub of popcorn and settle in with...

Necessary Techniques to Cool Down Your Kid’s Food Without Blowing on It

Worried your kid's food is too hot? Don't get winded blowing on their food, try these tips from real parents...

Meet the Parents: 13 Tiny Acts to Make Them Love You

With the holidays approaching, introductions to your significant other's family may be on the calendar. Yes, it can be a...

Forget Plastic Surgery! These 7 Makeup Tricks Could Completely Transform Your Features

Changing your appearance can be as simple as learning a few simple, but nearly magical, makeup techniques.

Think You Know What “Alpha Male” Means? These Wolves Will Prove You Wrong

The wolves of Yellowstone have some surprising lessons on being a man.

11 Ways to Move Past a Friendship Fight

A best friend by your side is invaluable, whether it's someone you've known since childhood or someone you encountered by...

7 Things to Never Share About Your Children on Social Media

What's so risky about posting smiling, finger-painting photos of your kids on social media? Surprisingly, a lot. Here's what not...