A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Interpersonal relationships are a vital part of everyday life. We know relationships aren’t perfect, but we can help guide you through advice on how to fix common issues, things you should and shouldn’t say to the people in your life, and, of course, roundups of funny cartoons and quotes to remind you that laughter can be the best medicine.

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The Real Reason Costco’s Hot Dogs Cost $1.50

The big box store isn’t planning on raising that price either.

10 Most Common Things Men Lie About

Whether they tell white lies or real whoppers, everyone bends the truth. Experts reveal the things men are most likely...

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16 Travel Secrets to Always Get the Best Airfare Possible

How to make the most of online travel agencies, price alerts, and special offers on every single trip.

50 Things Everyone Should Do Before They’re 50

When is the perfect time to learn new skills, have fun, and take care of the serious adult stuff you've...

5 Countries That Are Aging the Best (and 5 That Are Aging the Worst)

A new study found that there's a huge gap in how well people age. Here's what's going right—and wrong—in the...

Men, Being Bald Makes You Sexier—According to Science

Depending on your genetics, going bald may be inevitable. There are ways to slow the progression, but you may just...

8 Things That Cost More When You Retire (and 3 Things That Cost Less)

In retirement, 80 percent of your salary is supposed to be enough—but these unexpected expenses can lead you to blow...

Why Spaniards Are the Healthiest People in the World

How can a country known for its smoking habit, wine, and late nights have one of the highest life expectancies...

Why Your Pet’s Food Bowl Could Be Making You Sick

What’s more, your pet is at risk, too.

12 Tricks Con Artists Use to Win Your Trust

Getting conned could be as simple as a stranger knowing your name. Be careful.

Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy: When to See a Doctor

Though abdominal pain during pregnancy is not uncommon and can be caused by things minor or serious. Experts say it...

What Your Birth Order Really Reveals About You

Birth order has a great influence on child development, specifically because parents tend to raise each sibling differently—which can be...

16 Explanations You Don’t Owe Anyone—Really

The choices we make define us, so we deserve to be confident in those decisions—No justification necessary. These are the...

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11 Bizarre Sibling Stories You Won’t Believe Are True

From giving birth to your own twin to true tales of being switched at birth, these are not your everyday...

13 Ways Marriage Counselors Can Tell a Relationship Won’t Last

While every pair is different, these are the little—and not so little—signs that often spell trouble for a relationship.

13 Women with Endometriosis Reveal What Finally Worked for Them

From surgery and hormones to acupuncture and diet, when it comes to treating endometriosis symptoms, every woman is different.

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11 Subtle Ways Your House Can Predict Your Personality

Your shower, your closet, and your pantry say a lot more about you than you realized.

13 Normal Fights Even Happy Couples Have

Every couple fights and the ones who don't fess up to it are lying. Here's how to stop getting stuck...

12 of the Most Ridiculous Dating Tips from the 1930s

My, how times have changed! Some 80 years ago, anything from having your mom send you flowers to playing bridge...

21 Signs You’re Way Too Addicted to Your Phone

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

Finally! Here’s When to Use “E.g.” Versus “I.e.”

We’re all guilty of making this mistake.

10 Little Compliments You Should Be Giving Every Day

Spread a little happiness with these nice things to say to friends, colleagues, and even total strangers.

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The Very Best Airplane Seats for Every Type of Need

Spoiler alert: Bulkhead seats and exit rows shouldn't always be your top choice.

8 Secret Signs Your Marriage Is Headed for Divorce

Sometimes the signs that your marriage is on the rocks are surprising and sneaky. Always consider seeking professional guidance to...

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The 15 Relationship Questions Marriage Counselors Get Asked the Most

Here are the questions that marriage counselors get asked the most often from couples—and how they answer them.

8 Things You Should Never Do When Texting Your Partner

Communication over text is just as important for a relationship as talking in person. Make sure your text messages aren't...

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13 Costco Tips Frequent Shoppers Keep to Themselves

Because not everyone can be an expert.