A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Pets & Animals

Whether you have a fur baby you adore, are thinking of getting one, or are just an animal lover, this is the place for you. We’ve got answers to your pet questions and advice, fascinating facts about creatures big and small, and, yes, cute pictures.

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14 Mysteries of the Ocean Scientists Still Can’t Explain

Before you get in the water this summer, remember there's a lot going on under the sea we don't yet...

14 Facts About Animals That Have Gone Extinct in the Last 100 Years

Since 1900, nearly 500 species of animal have gone extinct, according to a 2015 study. The good news is, scientists...

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How to Get Rid of Cat Pee Odors from Anywhere in Your Home

The stain has been cleaned and dried, yet somehow that ammonia-like odor lingers. Here's how to get rid of it...

This Is What the Tyrannosaurus Rex Really Looked Like

The T.rex. The ultimate predator. But is what you're imagining right now really what the prehistoric beast looked like? Science...

The Best Zoo in Every State in America

Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! From the largest to the oldest to the most fascinating, these are the best...

14 Amazing Things You Didn’t Know Elephants Could Do

These majestic animals are smarter than you think. For Save the Elephant Day on April 16, learn why they're so...

13 Best Places to See Dolphins in the Wild

If you're wild about dolphins, you probably already know that the best way to see and appreciate these amazing mammals...

50 Funny Animal Pictures That You Need In Your Life

The Internet was practically invented for funny animal pictures. Here are some of the best ones to brighten your day...

Why Dolphins Are Some of the Smartest Creatures on the Planet

The big-brained marine mammals are chatty, playful creatures that we humans find it easy to identify with, but scientists are...

This Is How Many Elephants Are Left in the World

While the number of elephants is in steep decline, there are still reasons to be hopeful that we can save...

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50 Secrets Your Pet Won’t Tell You

We asked animal behaviorists, nutritionists, veterinarians, and pet groomers to shed some light on what your furry friends would tell...

9 Animals That Can Change Color

When you think of color-change artists of the animal world, you probably think chameleons, but these other cool beasts can...

How Smart Are Elephants Really?

There's a reason behind the old adage, "an elephant never forgets." Read on to learn more about these brilliant, beautiful...

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop—and How Can You Stop It?

It's totally gross! Yet some dogs just can't resist eating poop. Here's why.

Why Your Pet’s Food Bowl Could Be Making You Sick

What’s more, your pet is at risk, too.

10 of the Longest Living Animals in the Entire World

For many species, turning 100 years old is nothing special.

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13 Puppy Training Mistakes You’ll Regret Later

Begging at the table or jumping up to lick your face is super cute now but when the puppy days...

16 Items Every Dog Owner Needs in Their Car for a Safe Road Trip

Whether you travel across town or cross country, a dog's comfort and safety depends on what you take along. Here...

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Here’s How Much Exercise Your Dog Really Needs

Is a walk around the block or playing fetch in the backyard enough for your pooch? If your dog could...

20 Amazing Wildlife Photos in Yellowstone National Park

Bears, moose, elks, oh my! These stunning animal photos capture the true essence of Yellowstone National Park.

Can You Tell the Difference Between These Nearly Identical Animals?

There are a few distinct characteristics that set these similar looking animals apart.

13 Polar Bear Facts You Never Knew

The world's largest four-legged predators are great swimmers, walkers, and hunters, but climate change is rapidly changing their way of...

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Here’s Why Amazon “Employs” Thousands of Dogs

Yes, the dogs that appear on Amazon's error pages are real dogs—and they're an important part of Amazon's company culture!

8 Pets You Probably Never Realized Are Actually Illegal to Own

We might love our pets dearly, but some states have surprising restrictions against owning these animals.

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8 Sure Signs Your Cat Trusts You

Sometimes it's hard to tell what your cat is thinking. These signs can let you know where your relationship with...

12 Ways Your Dog Is Trying to Say “I Love You”

They may not be able to speak, but that doesn't mean they're not smitten with you! From over-the-top displays of...

8 Animals You Never Knew Could Walk on Water

Don't blame your eyes or think it's a trick of the light. These mammals, insects, reptiles, and birds can actually...

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53 Mistakes Every Dog Owner Makes

Bad human! No!! Stopping rubbing your dog's nose in their poop! It just confuses them and smears it all over...

23 of the Most Colorful Animals in the World

The natural world is full of bright surprises, like these amphibian, insect, avian—and even mammal—species.