A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


We all know that money makes the world go ’round. But want to know the real secret to financial success? Understanding the ins and outs of saving and spending money in the first place! The more you know, the more it will grow.

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12 Things You Should Never Buy Used

In tough economic times, everyone’s looking for bargains. But while it’s a great idea to buy used bookshelves, books, and...

11 Ways to Get Cash From an Airline Instead of a Voucher

If you’re being inconvenienced, you deserve cash—in fact, you’re often entitled to it by law. Here’s how to get it.

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12 Red Flags You’re Falling for a Bad Car Rental

Nothing can torpedo a vacation like a bad car rental experience. Here are a dozen red flags that you're falling...

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How Much Money Does the Average U.S. McDonald’s Make Every Year?

The company itself is booming, but what does that mean for an individual franchise owner?

11 High-Quality Items That More Than Pay for Themselves

Sometimes it pays to spend a little more.

This Is What ALDI Actually Stands For

There's a pretty straightforward reason behind the name!

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13 Things You Should Never Keep in Your Wallet

If someone swipes your wallet, losing any of these would be so, so much worse than losing a few bucks.

20 Business Secrets from the Savviest Girl Scout Cookie Sellers

Need motivation to get ahead in your career? Look no further than these Girl Scouts, who have a stronger entrepreneurial...

These 12 Rare Barbie Dolls Could Fetch a Lot of Money

The first Barbie sold for $3. Flash forward 61 years and meet some rare dolls that could net you an...

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The Best Chicken Tenders to Buy, According to a Taste Test

Even foodies love a fast food-style snack once in a while! Find out how seven different chicken tenders ranked—then grab...

25 Retailers That Will Give You the Most Money for Your Old Stuff

Instead of tossing those unwanted items, here's how you can get a nice chunk of change for them.

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10 Things You’re Buying at Costco That Are Cheaper at BJ’s

Are you really saving as much as you can? If you're not shopping at BJ's for these items, the answer...

12 Things Target Will Never Sell Again

It’s not your imagination: You can’t find these items at your favorite retailer anymore—and for good reason.

11 Tax-Related Documents You Should Never Throw Away

It's up to you to stash your documents for safe keeping.

34 Shopping Secrets from Your Favorite Grocery Stores

With prices rising everywhere, we're dishing savvy strategies for keeping your food budget in check

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The Truth Behind 10 Popular Aldi Rumors

If you've heard any of these rumors, you've probably been hesitant to shop at Aldi. We set the record straight...

10 Surprising Things That Decrease Property Value

Your home is one of your biggest purchases, so it makes sense that you'd want to protect your investment. Read...

Case Closed: This Is the Cola Brand That Tastes the Best

Coke vs. Pepsi is one of the most heated debates in foodie history. We tried these brands, plus six others,...

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If You See This Tag on Your Favorite Target Item, Stock Up Now

A simple way to tell exactly how good of a deal you're getting, based on the price tag alone.

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Can You Match the President to the U.S. Currency?

How well do you know the presidents hiding in your wallet?

14 Times It Actually Pays off to Use a Travel Agent

If you like upgrades, lower rates, and peace of mind, think twice before booking your next trip without a little...

14 Huge Sales You Won’t Want to Miss This Super Bowl Weekend

You don't have to watch the big game to score a great deal. Whether you're getting ready for a blowout...

Why You Shouldn’t Tip Your Mail Carrier in Cash

It might seem rude not to slip them some green for the holidays, but there's a very good reason to...

Why Your Local Aldi Store Doesn’t Have a Phone Number

If you're looking for a phone number to call your local store, you're not going to find one.

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12 Things Supermarkets Aren’t Cleaning As They Should

Watch out for these common things that experts say put the "gross" in "grocery."

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This Is the Best-Selling Car of All Time

It's been on the market for more than 50 years, but this car is still holding strong.

I Live in a Tiny House—Here’s What Most People Don’t Know

More people are interested in living a bigger life by downsizing in a major way...but there are a few essential...