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10 Funny Vintage Slang Words People Should Start Using Again

Updated Sep. 22, 2024

In 1909, a British writer recorded thousands of Victorian slang words to make sure they were never forgotten. Now it's your turn to use them.

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10 Funny Vintage Slang Words People Should Start Using Again
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Mutton Shunter

Definition: Policeman

Usage: “Is the President in town or something? There’s mutton shunters on every blasted corner!” If you like vintage words, you’ll also enjoy the origins of popular modern slang words.

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10 Funny Vintage Slang Words People Should Start Using Again


Definition: An habitually smiling face

Usage: “These Miss America contestants are just a bunch of gigglemugs.”

These pet slang words are just as cute as the word “gigglemug.”

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10 Funny Vintage Slang Words People Should Start Using Again
Everett Collection/Shutterstock

Fly Rink

Definition: A polished bald head

Usage: “Be sure to wear glasses if you go outside; Grandpa’s fly rink is blinding today.” Here are 20 contemporary slang words that need to end.

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10 Funny Vintage Slang Words People Should Start Using Again
Africa Studio/Shutterstock


Definition: Looking for a man who will pay for liquor

Usage: “Jess forgot all her cash at home, so she’s off juggins-hunting again.” Once you’ve mastered these vintage words, don’t miss these 16 social media slang words you should know.

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10 Funny Vintage Slang Words People Should Start Using Again
Everett Collection/Shutterstock


Definition: The mouth

Usage: “When my kids won’t stop talking, I give them some chips just to fill their little sauce-boxes.”

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10 Funny Vintage Slang Words People Should Start Using Again
Everett Collection/Shutterstock

Bags o’ Mystery

Definition: A satirical term for sausages, because no man but the maker knows what is in them

Usage: “Hope there’s no intestine in these bags o’ mystery; I’m trying to cut down on intestine.” Learn the real meanings of trendy words you don’t understand.

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10 Funny Vintage Slang Words People Should Start Using Again
Everett Collection/Shutterstock


Definition: A figure of speech, meaning “drunk”

Etymology: Order an “arf-an-arf” (or “half-and-half”) in a London pub and you’ll receive a malty cocktail of half black beer, half ale. Add one more ‘arf of beer to the mix and your mug suddenly runneth over; you, chum, must be arf’arf’an’arf—that is, drunk.

Usage: “Charlie ordered another Guinness? He’s already arf’arf’an’arf!” Don’t miss these other British phrases everyone in the world should know.

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10 Funny Vintage Slang Words People Should Start Using Again
Everett Collection/Shutterstock

Gas Pipes

Definition: Name given to trousers when tight

Usage: “I just saw this poor hipster get his gas-pipes stuck in his unicycle spokes and totally eat curb.” For more vintage words, check out these hilariously weird slang words from the 1920s.

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10 Funny Vintage Slang Words People Should Start Using Again


Definition: Human ass

Etymology: From Uncle Pumblechook, a character in Dickens’ Great Expectations described as “that basest of swindlers”; greedy, pompous and piggish.

Usage: “This fat Pumblechook at Arby’s totally cut me off in his Hummer—then he gave me a sneer in the drive-through.” We can’t stand these slang words from 2019.

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10 Funny Vintage Slang Words People Should Start Using Again
Everett Collection/Shutterstock


Definition: Riot

Etymology: A play on “row” (18th century slang for “quarrel”) or “rowdy.” Also spelled, “rowdydow.”

Usage: “When the police arrived to break up the Scrabble feud it escalated into a full-on row-de-dow.” After these vintage words, find out which words you still say that make you sound old.

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10 Funny Vintage Slang Words People Should Start Using Again

For more amazing slang…

Browse James Redding Ware’s Passing English of The Victorian Era, available for free via archive.org. Next, here are 10 fancy words that make you sound smarter.