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30 Things You Should Clean in the Next 30 Days

Updated: May 02, 2024

It's time to do a deep dive and clean your home.

Cleaning products.
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Cleaning tips and tricks

You know the obvious of washing your towels and sheets, but what about not-so-obvious items like stovetops and coffee pots? Many items in your closet and pantry deserve a good cleaning too, so you might as well take the time to clean your home. These are the 13 secrets of people who always have a clean house.

Fan on Box Beam Ceiling
Lisa Kingdon/Getty Images

Ceiling fans

Sometimes, it’s not enough to clean what’s in front of you, but what’s up above you as well. “[Ceiling fans] need to be cleaned regularly,” Jacqueline Janus, cleaning expert and owner of cleaning company Two Chicks and a Broom tells Reader’s Digest. “You can’t see up there, but it’s a great place for dust to settle, even if you keep them running. An extendable microfiber duster is perfect for this.”

Six seater outdoor patio set
Ozgur Coskun/Getty Images

Prepare outdoor furniture

Freezing temperatures outside isn’t an excuse to neglect outdoor furniture. “Take out your outside furniture from storage to give it a good clean for warmer weather,” Jennie Varney, Brand Manager for Molly Maid, a Neighborly Company, tells Reader’s Digest. “Mix up a mild solution of dish detergent and water to clean umbrellas and cushions, and combine 1 gallon of water to ½ cup of vinegar, ½ cup of rubbing alcohol and about 2 squirts of dawn to clean glass tables.” Here are 95 surprising household vinegar uses you never knew about.

window screen
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Window screens

There are a few items around the house that you don’t even think about cleaning. Window screens are just those items. “Did you know that rain actually doesn’t make your windows dirty? It’s when rain passes through a dirty screen and carries dirt and debris with it onto your window that you see splotches after an April shower,” David Flax, Vice President of Operations for Window Genie, a Neighborly Company, tells Reader’s Digest. “It’s likely your screens accumulated a lot of dust, dirt, and other contaminants over the long winter, so prevent recurring dirty windows by also having your screens thoroughly cleaned during your first window cleaning of the spring season.”

Light matte wall, white baseboard and tiles immitating hardwood flooring
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House trimmings

There are a lot of items in the house that are overlooked for cleaning–and that includes trimmings. “Trimmings like baseboards/wall moldings, doors, and wall switch plates—these are all things that get a lot of use and need to be wiped regularly to prevent grime build-up,” says Janus. To clean these kinds of trimmings, Janus recommends using a damp microfiber cloth or a Magic eraser if they’re really dirty. Or, you could use the Baseboard Buddy to get the job done.

Stainless steel kitchen sink with soap suds and cleaning sponge
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The kitchen sponge

The often thankless task of cleaning cutlery, dishes, and random kitchenware goes to the kitchen sponge. In the end, instead of actually cleaning it, the solution might be to just toss the sponge and get a new one.

Dust blinds inside a window, Dust and Dirty mosquito wire screen window, Light & Shadow shot, Close up and macro shot, Selective focus
eyepark/Getty Images

Dust blinds

Sometimes, the most overlooked spots in your house that should be cleaned are also the most obvious. Fortunately, dusting blinds is easy to do. “Close the blinds and use a microfiber cloth, a clean pair of cotton gloves or an old, clean sock to run your hand along each slat to pick up dust starting at the top and working your way down,” says Varney. “Next, close the blinds in the opposite direction and repeat.”

Stove panel control
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Outside of kitchen appliances

When cooking dinner or baking a cake for a friend’s birthday party, you don’t really think about cleaning the front of a microwave or the knobs of the oven—but those items can get dirty, too. “These items regularly pick up dust, grime, build up from cooking oils, etc,” Janus says. “Clean the front, sides, and top (especially the fridge, it gets really grimy up there).”

Best thing in the morning
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Coffee maker

“Coffee makers can get dirty inside just like anything else, and if you’re not using distilled water every time you brew, hard water buildup can take a toll,” says Janus. “Mix a 50/50 vinegar and water solution, add it to the water reservoir and start the brew cycle. I would recommend doing this twice, before running it again with just water 2-3 times to clear out the vinegar.” Make sure you know these 7 ways you’re shortening the life of your coffee maker.

Credit cards

You may be concerned with cleaning up your credit, but you may also need to clean your physical credit cards, too. “People often forget to clean the things inside their wallets such as credit cards, bus passes, library cards, and debit cards, even though these quickly accumulate germs,” says Varney. “To clean, wipe down with a damp towel or antibacterial wipe. Use a rubber eraser on the magnetic strip to wipe away excess grime.” Here are 11 ways to improve your credit score and fix your credit.

Modern vacuum cleaner vacuuming on carpet
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Cleaning the floor under furniture

You’ve heard of sweeping something under the rug as an idiom, but you may have also done this… literally. “Tons of dirt, debris and grime hide under things like tables, chairs, couches, etc,” says Janus. “Anything you can quickly slide to the side to vacuum and mop when you’re cleaning your floors should be moved, and bigger items you can use the wand or hose feature on your vacuum.”

Vacuum cleaner
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Vacuum cleaners

Vacuum cleaners are an efficient way to clean your home, but you want to make sure you’re cleaning it appropriately. Unplug the vacuum cleaner when you’re cleaning and empty the bag, if applicable.

Open Refrigerator With Stocked Food Products
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Refresh the fridge

When you take out your milk carton for your morning coffee, are you doing a morning check on the contents of your fridge to see what’s good and what’s…not? “Increase efficiency, save money and get ready for fresh ingredients by cleaning out your refrigerator,” says Varney. “Clear out old food and defrost your freezer. Use a sponge and a baking powder solution to wipe out the inside of both your freezer and refrigerator.” It’s tricky to know which foods to keep in your pantry and which to keep in your refrigerator. To keep it simple, here are 20 foods you shouldn’t be putting into your refrigerator.

drawers spring cleaning
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Inside of appliances, cupboards, and drawers

It may be convenient to place a clean plate from the dishwasher back in the cupboard, but the cupboard needs to be cleaned, too. Janus recommends removing everything from the inside of those containers and wiping down the inside before putting everything back in. Throwing away expired items is a good idea, too.

Close-up of a striped shower curtain
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Shower curtains

Taking a shower is a great way to wash your hair, body, and generate great ideas. However, your shower needs to be washed, too. “To clean a dirty shower curtain, put it in the washing machine with two bath towels on the gentle cycle,” says Varney. “Add 1/2 cup baking soda to your detergent during the wash cycle and 1/2 cup vinegar during the rinse cycle. Don’t put your curtain in the dryer, but let in air dry instead.”

New rain gutter on a home against blue sky.
Vitaliy Halenov/Getty Images


“Oftentimes, homeowners focus on the inside of their home during spring cleaning—but after a long, harsh winter, it’s important to evaluate the condition of the exterior of your home as well,” says Flax. “Gutters should be the priority. You want to be sure they’re clean and free of any clogs before the notorious April showers hit. Clogged gutters cause a number of issues throughout spring including water damage, mold, and rotting of your roof and siding, as well as providing a nesting area for squirrels, birds, and mosquitoes.”

Cute ducks on grey oil painting in white rustic bedroom interior with fancy bookshelf and bed with wooden headboard
KatarzynaBialasiewicz/Getty Images

Bedroom pillows and pillowcases

It may be gross to think about, but if you’re not consistently washing your pillowcases and pillows, you may be sleeping with 1.5 million dust mites. Even though experts recommend washing pillows a few times out of the year, it depends on how often you wash your pillowcase, which should be more frequent.

Single toothbrush in white beveled cup against blue tile
nicolehofmann/Getty Images

Toothbrush holders

You already know to brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day, but there’s another item on the kitchen sink that you may be forgetting to clean. “People usually remember to clean their toothbrush, but what about the holder where it’s stored?” asks Varney. Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to clean. “Rinse the holder with hot water and use a clean cloth to wipe down the outside. Next, fill the toothbrush holder with an antibacterial mouthwash, allowing it to sit for two minutes. Rinse and run the holder underwater and let it air dry.”

Custom Mini Cooper S
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Your car

Yes, you should be cleaning your car regularly, even in winter. Think of how often you’re in and out of your car commuting to work or going grocery shopping…and think of the days of accidentally stepping in puddles or spilling coffee all over the car. For washing your car outside, more care needs to be taken in colder weather. Angie’s List recommends waiting until your car is safely above freezing at 40 degrees F or higher in order to wash your car.

The airpods headset lies on a wooden table.
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Gone are the days of popping in your headphones and taking them off without a care in the world. According to Wirecutter, you should be cleaning your earbuds at least once a week with a soft cloth and soap and water. However, you should wipe down your headphones more frequently after every workout.

Smart Phone and Notebook on the Desk
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Cell phones

On a similar note, you should be cleaning your phone more often than you think. It might be hard to wrap your mind around this, but you should really be washing your phone as often as you wash your hands. If you think about it, you take your phone everywhere, and, likewise, there are germs everywhere.

Rubber duck with bubbles sitting on bath edge
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Baby bath toys

We know children like to have fun outside, but indoor baby bath toys are a lot dirtier than you think. “At the end of each bath time, we recommend soaking all your child’s bath toys in a tub of warm water and mild liquid dish soap for several minutes, then rinse well with cool water,” Debra Johnson, Merry Maids home cleaning expert, tells NBC. “Once dry, store them in a basket or storage bin outside of the bathroom.” Here are 6 ways to properly clean your children’s toys to remove mold.

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Sometimes, when heating up food in the microwave contents tend to spill over. But cleaning a microwave should happen beyond just cleaning up a spill. Place wet paper towels in the microwave and then heat for a few minutes. The steam will break down food on the inside of the microwave, and you can then wipe down the sides with a towel.

Open Dishwasher and Kitchen Drawers Cabinets
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It’s important to remember that the things in your home that clean other things need to be tidied, too. “Things that clean other items, like your washer or dishwasher, need to be maintained like anything else to make sure they’re cleaning as they should be,” says Janus. “They make tabs you can run through your washer and dishwasher to clean out grime and remove odors.” This is why you should start adding white vinegar to your dishwasher.

All Reasons Weather Collection
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From high heels to suede shoes, you shouldn’t let your shoes gather dust in the closet and instead clean with the appropriate products. It’s possible to even put some sneakers in the washing machine.

Modern white plain clean toilet bathroom with shower tiles and hardwood floors from ground level
krblokhin/Getty Images


You should be cleaning your toilet at least once a week, possibly more given how many people share the space. To keep your space neat and tidy, here are 11 things you shouldn’t store in your bathroom.

Finishing a part house, washing the white towels.Closeup of washing machine drum
Viktoriia Oleinichenko/Getty Images

Dryer vents

To have a happy and healthy clothes dryer, it’s best to make sure that your dryer vent is in tip-top shape. That means cleaning the dryer filter after each cycle and the dryer drum. After making sure your dryer is in working order, make sure you know these 14 things that should never end up in your dryer.

Scandinavian entrance lobby hall with mirror reflecting bright bedroom with bed, chair and table lamp, minimalist white interior design
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The best way to clean a mirror is with a microfiber cloth in an “S” motion. Contrary to popular belief, moving a cloth back and forth just moves the dirt in the same area.

Dog feed theme
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Pet water bowls

Pet bowls are actually quite dirty, and since you don’t want Fido to get sick, it’s best to create a routine to clean your pet’s bowl.

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Yes, you should be bringing out and cleaning the silver cutlery more often than you think—and if you’re planning on using it in the near future, you should clean it three days before you use it.

Modern man's business desk from above
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Gone are the days of writing letters by hand to keep in touch with friends and family, and doing homework by hand. Instead, we do everything online, and that includes touching the keyboard of your computer. Among other reasons, you could actually get sick from your laptop, so it’s best to clean it ASAP. Next, make sure you know the 43 things that you should get rid of in the next 43 days.