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13 Things in Your House That Are Attracting Pests Right Now

Updated Jun. 01, 2022

The best way to control pests in your house? Don't make it enticing for them to live there. Use this list to help you reduce the odds that bugs move into your space.

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The empty dirty plate. Eaten food. It was delicious on the sink .Top view

Dirty dishes

Put washing dishes on the top of your to-do list if you’re passionate about being pest-free. “You might want to think twice about waiting until the morning to do the dishes,” says Brad Smith, president of Preferred Pest Control. “Insect pests such as flies, ants, and cockroaches are highly attracted to leftover food on dishes.” When you do spot pests invading your space, don’t automatically reach for the fly swatter. Here’s why you should never kill a house centipede.

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Rain gutter on the wooden house
Kalabi Yau/Shutterstock


Dampness attracts pests of many different types. “We need water in our everyday lives, but so do the pests,” says Cherie Hartzer, an entomologist for Orkin. “Even small amounts dripping from an air conditioner unit may attract wasps that are foraging for water. Water that has soaked into wood is attractive to termites. Downspouts and gutters that are holding water can be perfect habitats for mosquitoes. A dripping faucet may attract rodents, especially if it has been dry and there aren’t other water sources around.” The cure? Regular maintenance that fixes any leaks that could provide a water source. These common items will keep ants away. 

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Fire in fireplace
Africa Studio/Shutterstock


When the weather turns cold outside, many bugs look for a cozy winter home—and your place may just be the perfect spot. “Pests like stink bugs and lady beetles are just looking for a protected spot to wait out the winter and your home fits the bill,” Hartzer says.

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Bird seed in an enamel cup


Birds can’t resist it—and neither can bugs. “Moths that feed on grains are a very common type of insect that invades homes,” Smith says. “The Indian Meal Moth’s favorite food is birdseed. A homeowner inadvertently brings them into their home by purchasing a bag of birdseed that is infested, and within a few weeks, a home can become infested with moth larvae and adults. To avoid an infestation, carefully check over a birdseed bag for moth larvae, adults, and webbing before buying—and then keep it stored in a tightly sealed plastic bin to avoid attracting animals. Try these tips to bug-proof your kitchen.

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Turkish bagel simit pieces and sesame seeds crumb on wooden background

Spilled food

Spills happen—but if even a little bit of the mess is left behind, the bugs simply can’t resist. “Spilled food crumbs in your kitchen contain a veritable feast for insects such as cockroaches and ants,” Smith says. Regular cleanups—including moving and vacuuming behind the stove and the refrigerator—can help make your kitchen a whole lot less palatable to pests.

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Metallic Kitchen sink with water drops shot from from above

Unused drains

A dormant drain—especially one that has a little water and some organic material like hair and soap coating the insides—makes a perfect home for drain flies. “Unused drains create a slimy film that creates an ideal breeding spot for drain flies,” Smith says. “If these flies are present in the house there is almost certainly a slow or clogged drain.”

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Recycling bins in home are full


The smell of garbage may be completely unpleasant to your nose, but for bugs like flies, it’s like a siren call. You probably already know the secret to stopping this—contain your garbage. “Make sure when you take out the trash it is bagged and the trash bin is tightly closed,” Hartzer says. That’ll also help keep other pests attracted by garbage, such as mice and raccoons, away as well.

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Pile of written postcards in disorder. Postcrossing footage. Postal mail. 2018
Valentina Perfilyeva/Shutterstock


Piles of papers that are rarely touched can be a big draw for silverfish and even cockroaches. To avoid having a bug infestation damage important papers, you should place them in tightly sealed plastic bins. Make sure you know the common signs that bugs are infesting your home.

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Ceiling fan
Sompop Stitvarakom/Shutterstock

Still air

Keeping those ceiling fans running during the summer can do more than keep your air conditioning costs down—they can help keep unwelcome critters at bay. “Many flies love still air,” Ricci says. “Fans don’t necessarily blow flies away, but they make the air turbulent enough to discourage them from hanging around too long.” Check out these secrets your exterminator doesn’t want you to know.

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Messy office desk
Leszek Czerwonka/Shutterstock


Here’s another incentive to get rid of your extra stuff—all that clutter can make wonderful homes for critters you definitely don’t want hanging around your house. “If clutter is kept to a minimum, and a home is kept relatively clean, there will be few places for insects to hide,” Ricci says.

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Fresh fruit salad, top view in a bowl on wooden background, vegetarian food concept
alicja neumiler/Shutterstock

Overripe fruit

That fruit bowl on your counter may be appetizing—until one fruit gets a little overripe and attracts fruit flies. “Don’t leave food lying around – place it in the refrigerator or sealed containers if possible,” Hartzer says.

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Top view of two beer bottles and a wine on wooden table

Sweet stuff

We can’t resist sugar—and neither can our fellow animals. “Sweet and slightly fermenting substances, like wine and beer, are the most attractive to many insects, like some flies, butterflies, ants, beetles, and more,” Ricci says. “Other species, like wasps and other ants, will readily go for sweet substances, like sugar and honey.” Again, keeping sweet products under wraps—in well-sealed containers—and thoroughly cleaning up spills will go a long way toward keeping pests at bay.

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Leaking wooden window - water running down the inside of traditional single glazed timber window frame causing damage
kay roxby/Shutterstock

Cracks and gaps

Bugs are always looking for tiny spots where they can sneak into your home, so gaps in the caulk around windows, missing door sweeps, and cracks in your foundation can be like a welcome mat for some unwelcome guests. There’s a simple solution: “Check all your door seals—especially on the bottom of the door—window seals and screens, even your HVAC system to make sure there are no openings for the pests to get in,” Hartzer says.