A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Zodiac Friendship Compatibility: Who’s Your Ideal Best Friend?

Updated: Jun. 28, 2024

The stars have entered the group chat. Here's your astrological guide to zodiac friendship compatibility.  

Zodiac Friendship Compatibility Who Is Your Ideal Best Friend

The best friend for every zodiac sign

Making new friends can be difficult, no matter your age. As a tarot reader and astrologer of 25 years, many of my clients come for readings and advice about this very topic—we need our friends, after all. So one of the first things we consider is zodiac friendship compatibility. Knowing the zodiac signs you gel with cosmically can help with friendship-building and meeting new people. We all have our tribe to discover.

Chemistry among friends can ignite different versions of ourselves, and that’s fascinating to consider. Of course, it’s not just astrology that dictates who you’re going to get along with. Some zodiac signs bond over shared humor; others connect through guilty pleasures. This guide shouldn’t stop you from being friendly with all zodiac signs, but it will offer inspiration and the best friend for your zodiac sign.

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Zodiac Friendship Compatibility Who Is Your Ideal Best Friend

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Aries best friend: Libra

Fire sign alpha Aries is best matched in friendship to Libra, who acts as a soothing (because Aries is hyper), entertaining (because Aries can’t bear boredom) and enthusiastic (because Aries brings all the drama Libra could ever want) partner in adventures and escapades. Libra and Aries are sister signs, also known as opposite signs, so they are utterly different characters but feel attracted to each other’s energy. They will never run out of fascination for their best pal.

People with Leo, Aries or Sagittarius sun signs can kick it up with Aries too—they’re fellow fire signs and love to party, play, get crazy, run wild and generally act like mad, bad and dangerous-to-know folk. Of course, these friendly soirees can end in the emergency room, so short, sharp bursts of activity are best.

Gemini and Aries also get on like a house on fire because both enjoy mischief and fun. These two are a dastardly duo that’s bound to cause trouble, but both are adorable enough that they get away with it.

Zodiac Friendship Compatibility Who Is Your Ideal Best Friend

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Taurus best friend: Taurus

Taurus loves doing what Taurus loves doing, and there’s not that much wiggle room for anything else, especially given their controlling and stubborn undercurrents. Luckily, what Taurus loves doing is great fun: eating, wining and dining, shopping, chilling, napping, relaxing and pampering. Only another Taurus can really, truly feel that magical feeling that great friendships create—being alone with someone else just like you.

Scorpio and Capricorn are also the best zodiac signs for Taurus to hang with, especially if they choose to indulge in all those earthy pleasures. Both are as materialistic, hungry for luxury and quality, and keen to be treated like royalty. This gang would definitely bond while experiencing indulgent vacations and beautiful venues. Only the best for these besties!

Libra and Taurus share a planet in Venus, which brings them together as partners in beauty, aesthetics, fashion, the arts and creativity. Put these two in a spa, salon, museum, gallery or high-end shopping mall, and they’ll be happy as clams.

Zodiac Friendship Compatibility Who Is Your Ideal Best Friend

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Gemini best friend: Aquarius

Although many people raise red flags around the zodiac’s twins, they are actually loving, giving and loyal friends. They can get along with everyone, which means they make new friends easily. Geminis are experts in mirroring. And Aquarius, as a fellow air sign and equally smart innovator, is a wonderful cerebral partner in exploration. Both signs love having plenty of space, so they might not get together that often, but when they do, they have the best of times.

Another great zodiac friendship compatibility for Gemini? Sagittarius is Gemini’s opposite sign, so they are always irresistible to each other. Both have huge appetites for philosophy, learning and culture, as well as strong thirsts for travel, adventure and exploration. These are partners in heading out, sans map or schedule, and ending up someplace unexpected.

Aries and Leo are also compatible with Gemini because fire and air complement each other. This creates a combustible and exciting chemistry, albeit one that can burn out fast if there are disagreements. What about the least compatible pals? Geminis can fall foul with water signs (especially Pisces and Cancer) because they’re too attentive and needy for this freedom-loving sign’s taste.

Zodiac Friendship Compatibility Who Is Your Ideal Best Friend Graphic 4

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Cancer best friend: Capricorn

Who is the best zodiac friend for Cancer? A steadfast, loyal, dependable Capricorn. Above all else, Cancerians need to feel secure, needed, appreciated and safe in the routines and predictability of those they keep close to them. Capricorn delivers on all levels—and beyond. This is a very close, intimate, secure duo for life.

Pisces has a soulmate vibe as a friend for Cancer folk too. Both are emotional, intuitive and loving water signs and can act almost like therapists for each other. There might be a lot of crying, relationship analysis and deep, all-night conversations when these two get together, so send tissues and chocolate.

As a fellow psychic and knowing water sign, Scorpio is another fantastic friend for Cancer. They’re tougher, rougher and harder than Pisces, however, so they play more to the shrewd and business-like side of Cancer. Together, these two can create empires, build side ventures and help each other design amazing career pathways.

Zodiac Friendship Compatibility Who Is Your Ideal Best Friend

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)

Leo best friend: Aquarius

Aquarius is a fabulous best friend for Leo. They are opposite signs, so they possess a magnetic interest in each other. Both are proud, confident, outgoing and ambitious people, so when they get together with a shared goal, the sky is the limit. These two can move mountains, although sparks can fly when they disagree.

Geminis and Leos also make wonderful magic together, as they have a shared sense of adventure, play and dramatic shenanigans. This friendship can blow up in their faces at times because one will (usually eventually) push it too far, but it’s fun while it lasts.

The fire sign crew (Leo, Aries and Sagittarius) are all very compatible zodiac signs because they have massive energy levels and big egos, and they all want to party and enjoy life in a chaotic, spontaneous, wild way. This friendship group is basically Las Vegas.

Zodiac Friendship Compatibility Who Is Your Ideal Best Friend

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

Virgo best friend: Capricorn

Virgo’s need for order and stability is well-matched by fellow earth sign Capricorn. These two get along famously because they put trust and reliability at the top of the list in relationships and will always have each other’s back—a true ride-or-die alliance.

Virgo’s zodiac sign friendship compatibility is also met well by its opposite sign, Pisces. Virgos are super hard on themselves and possess a very critical (and ever-present) inner judge. Pisces can soothe and calm those perfectionist tendencies, helping Virgo build a more positive self-image and sense of worth.

Gemini and Virgo both share a planet in Mercury and are also both mutable signs, which makes them great pals when it comes to travel, hobbies, pastimes, crafts or education. They are both very smart and like to puzzle new things out together.

Zodiac Friendship Compatibility Who Is Your Ideal Best Friend

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

Libra best friend: Taurus

Libra and Taurus are both ruled by the planet Venus, which is all about romance, pleasure, money, the good life and basically living like you’re inside the best Instagram reel ever created. That sounds like bliss to these two aesthetically motivated, laid-back, indulgent signs. These two are all about luxurious trips, wining and dining, and spa breaks.

Aries is Libra’s opposite sign and a totally different kind of character. It’s literally Venus meets Mars. The lover and the fighter. The diplomat and the hooligan. But they find each other immensely entertaining and fascinating, so the interest endures—until, perhaps, Aries goes too far!

Air signs, on the whole, get along well as friends because Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are all up for a good time. This pack is cerebral—the thinkers of the zodiac—so they’re likely to enjoy pursuits like exhibitions, movies, classes and mind-expanding trips.

Zodiac Friendship Compatibility Who Is Your Ideal Best Friend

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

Scorpio best friend: Cancer

Cancer and Scorpio are both intense, jealous, fierce, intelligent, intuitive and wise water signs. If any zodiac friend compatibility spelled “ride or die,” it would be this pair. They would literally go to war for each other, and if things go south, against each other too. This is the kind of alliance that can last a lifetime, and they will give each other unconditional love and loyalty because they both know the value of it—and recognize its presence in another.

Pisces is another great pal for Scorpio, as more of a therapist and shoulder to cry on. Scorpio is very private, secretive, controlled and guarded. Only a compassionate, nurturing Pisces can easily break through those famous walls to reach the protected soft core within.

Taurus and Scorpio are opposite signs and therefore have a magnetic energy between them. They are both strong, self-confident characters, sure of their own minds and eager to win at whatever they do. This might be a slightly competitive friendship, but they will urge (and encourage!) each other on. If you know a Scorpio and would like to be friends but think they’re too distant, don’t give up. Scorpios are famously private and like to test people before opening up even a bit.

Zodiac Friendship Compatibility Who Is Your Ideal Best Friend

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

Sagittarius best friend: Gemini

Sagittarius folks are basically best friends with everyone. Ruled by Jupiter, this sign is outgoing, fun-loving, confident and warm. But their real partner in crime is Gemini. They are opposite signs, so they enjoy a naturally strong chemistry, and both love freedom, adventure, play and fun. The fire and air elemental combination makes for a wild and anything-goes vibe. These two are capable of anything when in cahoots.

Sagittarius also has great zodiac friendship compatibility with Aries, Leo and other Sagittarians. This fiery bunch is exuberant, energetic, ambitious and playful, opting to experience everything going. Life is for living, one day at a time, to the max.

Pisces, once upon a time, was ruled by Jupiter (just like Sagittarius) before Neptune was discovered, so they share a link cosmically, which translates to a common degree of optimism and warmth, plus a genuine interest in human nature and other people’s lives. They like to share stories, gossip (a little) and discuss the meaning of life.

Zodiac Friendship Compatibility Who Is Your Ideal Best Friend

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

Capricorn best friend: Cancer

Capricorn is a naturally strong, suspicious, self-sufficient and determined character, which can make them hard to get to know sometimes. So who can break through their reserve and get to the funny, deeply loyal and loving soul within? A Cancer. Capricorn and Cancer are opposite signs and therefore enjoy an irresistible chemistry. Plus, both have an absolute need for trust and security. These two would never let each other down. It helps that they’re both secretly funny and talented at impressions.

Capricorns can also get along great with people whose sun sign is Taurus or Virgo, as they all share the earth element. Virgos, in particular, impress Capricorns with their clever organization skills, practical capabilities and reliable natures. Taureans are as materialistic and ambitious as Capricorns when it comes to earning well and creating a comfortable lifestyle, so these two can shop.

Just keep in mind that air and fire signs can find themselves on the outs with level-headed Capricorns. Their chaotic antics, dramatic flair and cavalier attitudes to money and security can irritate the zodiac’s hardest worker.

Zodiac Friendship Compatibility Who Is Your Ideal Best Friend

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

Aquarius best friend: Libra

Libra and Aquarius are both smart cookies who like to have their own space, aren’t fussed with creating drama (although they are quite happy to analyze other people’s), and enjoy exploring, being in the newest venues, following the latest trends and venturing here and there. These two are great friends, as they are both social and outgoing, and they love to innovate and experiment with new ideas. They are always on the scene, being noticed as fashionistas and icons.

Leo is Aquarius’s opposite sign and another zodiac best friend. Leo and Aquarius are drawn to each other’s strength, confidence and self-assurance. They are proud of each other and interested in the very different lives each of them pursue (Leo is more of a performer, Aquarius more of a scientist). They always have a lot to eagerly discuss and debate.

Air signs get on well, as they match one another’s intelligence and curiosity about the world. They like to venture outside their comfort zones and see different places, people and cultures. Libra, Gemini and Aquarius are great travel companions.

Zodiac Friendship Compatibility Who Is Your Ideal Best Friend

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20)

Pisces best friend: Virgo

The best zodiac friendship compatibility for a Pisces comes in the form of a Virgo. As opposite signs, they complement each other with the qualities the other lacks. Pisces is creative and imaginative; Virgo is practical and down to earth. Pisces comes up with the big ideas; Virgo manifests them in real life. It’s a true partnership.

Because Sagittarius and Pisces once shared the planet Jupiter, they’re both very lucky, optimistic, happy and warm characters who want the best for other people, share kindness and enjoy feel-good stories and moments.

Water signs all get along and understand one another best because they are naturally emotional, intuitive, knowing and even a little psychic. The zodiac’s therapists, this crew can talk and talk … and talk some more. Put Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio in a room together, and they can resolve anything.

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