A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


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11 Surprising Facts About George Washington You Never Learned In School

Our first President's drink of choice, favorite dog names, and first love. Plus, the truth about the cherry tree.

How We Paid Off $78,000 in Debt in Less Than Two Years

Newly married, the Smiths were united in their goal to pay off nearly $78,000 of debt. Here's how they did...

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13 Baby Names That Have Been Banned Around the World

Sure, every parent wants their kid to stand out. But these parents definitely took it a little too far.

21 Signs You’re Way Too Addicted to Your Phone

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

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13 Ways Your Hotel Room Could Be Making You Sick

You're going to want to bring sanitizing wipes to wipe down every square inch of your hotel room after reading...

13 Things You Probably Never Knew About Salt

It's been valued as currency and decried as a health hazard, but there's so much more to salt than meets...

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14 Grammar Myths Your English Teacher Lied to You About

Your English teacher would probably be mortified, but you can safely ignore these grammar "rules."

25 Famous People You Didn’t Know Were Boy Scouts

Established in 1910, the Boy Scouts of America is well over a century old. With so many years under the...

17 Most Bizarre Diseases You Won’t Believe Are Real

Purple urine? Skin like tree bark? Allergic to water? To the patients who have them, these strange diseases and conditions...

13 Things That Are Older Than the United States of America

It may be well over 200 years old, but in the grand scheme of things, America's still just a baby!...

10 Little Compliments You Should Be Giving Every Day

Spread a little happiness with these nice things to say to friends, colleagues, and even total strangers.

The 40 Best Hairstyles for Women Over 40

It's all about finding a look that highlights just how gorgeous you are. These expert-recommended hairstyles for women over...

10 Silent Signs Your House Has a Major Electrical Problem

Popping or crackling in an outlet. The sudden hush of appliances as a breaker pops. These sounds can indicate a...

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The Very Best Airplane Seats for Every Type of Need

Spoiler alert: Bulkhead seats and exit rows shouldn't always be your top choice.

12 Stunning Black Sand Beaches You Never Knew Existed

Mother Nature never fails to surprise us.

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9 Bizarre Things You Never Knew You Could Get at Costco

On the off-chance there's a coffin on your shopping list...

10 Subtle Things that Will Get You Noticed at Work, According to Managers

Ever wish you could tell what your boss is thinking? Join the club. That's why we got real employers to...

13 Foods That Were Invented by Accident

If you love Popsicles, beer, or ice cream cones, you have one of these accidental foodies to thank for stumbling...

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15 Surprisingly Frugal Habits of the British Royal Family

Living like a queen (or king!) doesn’t require the paycheck of one.

6 Vitamin Myths You Have to Stop Believing—and 2 Vitamins You Actually Do Need

Taking vitamins you don't need isn't just a waste of money—it could put your health at risk, too.

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The 33 Best Frozen Foods You Need from Costco

Don't skip over these nutritious, delicious frozen food finds at the popular warehouse club.

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18 Sneaky Ways Disney World Gets You to Spend More Money

The most magical place on earth has a few tricks up its sleeve.

The Best (and Absolute Worst) States for Taxes

Here's a look at the top ten—and bottom ten—states for taxes, according to Kiplinger and other experts.

8 Secret Signs Your Marriage Is Headed for Divorce

Sometimes the signs that your marriage is on the rocks are surprising and sneaky. Always consider seeking professional guidance to...

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The 13 Funniest Royal Family Moments in Pictures

When members of the normally straight-laced royal family break character, hilarity ensues.

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15 Things You Aren’t Buying at Costco—but Should

If you're heading to Costco for only mega rolls of toilet paper, dish soap, and maybe a rotisserie chicken,...

11 Money-Saving Secrets Target Employees Won’t Tell You

You're probably losing out on deals every time you shop there.

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The 15 Relationship Questions Marriage Counselors Get Asked the Most

Here are the questions that marriage counselors get asked the most often from couples—and how they answer them.

14 Secret Code Words You’re Not Meant to Know

These phrases are meant to sound like random letters and numbers, but in certain situations, they can be signs of...