A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


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15 Money-Saving Ideas That Will Make You $1,200 Richer

The small indulges really do wreak havoc on the wallet. So here's how you could be $1,200 richer—or more!—every month.

8 Pets You Probably Never Realized Are Actually Illegal to Own

We might love our pets dearly, but some states have surprising restrictions against owning these animals.

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8 Sure Signs Your Cat Trusts You

Sometimes it's hard to tell what your cat is thinking. These signs can let you know where your relationship with...

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15 Hidden Job Perks You Should Be Asking For

If your negotiating stops at the salary, you could be leaving a lot on the table.

12 Ways Your Dog Is Trying to Say “I Love You”

They may not be able to speak, but that doesn't mean they're not smitten with you! From over-the-top displays of...

15 Real Words That Were Invented by Accident

The English language is chock-full of words that were born out of errors. Read on to find out which everyday...

15 of the Most Endangered Languages in the World

There are more than 7,000 living languages in the world, but UNESCO predicts more than half will be extinct by...

15 Royal Dress Code Rules You Never Knew About

The British royal family has a strict royal dress code to follow when it comes to hats and skirt length—and...

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12 Disneyland Secrets Only Insiders Know

The "Happiest Place on Earth" can also be one of the most crowded—and expensive—places on the planet. Whether you're a...

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The Real Reasons Behind Those Weird Airplane Safety Rules

Raising your airplane window shade could actually save your life.

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13 Signs You’re About to Be Pickpocketed

Make sure you know the signs that a pickpocket is nearby, and take precautions so that the pocket that gets...

10 Historical Figures You’ve Been Picturing All Wrong

Thanks to Hollywood and generations of misinformation, most people don’t know the truth behind these 10 historical figures.

6 Foods to Never Wash Before Cooking

If you think you're getting rid of bacteria by washing these food items, think again.

6 People Who Froze to Death—and Came Back to Life

Once you freeze to death—that's it, right? Not always. With the right techniques, doctors may be able to bring a...

13 Smart Ways to Sell Your Home as Fast as Possible

Here's how to score the most money, close the sale, and get settled in your new home ASAP.

15 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Susan B. Anthony

An early advocate for women's rights, this passionate, complex leader was crucial to the women's suffrage movement. But Susan B....

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21 Candid, Rarely Seen Photos of the Royal Family

The royal family is used to having their photo taken, but these are some of the lesser-known candids you need...

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25 of the Funniest Jokes on the Internet

The Internet is constantly churning out new gags, giggles, and spoofs, but we've saved you the trouble of looking by...

13 Normal Fights Even Happy Couples Have

Every couple fights and the ones who don't fess up to it are lying. Here's how to stop getting stuck...

8 Animals You Never Knew Could Walk on Water

Don't blame your eyes or think it's a trick of the light. These mammals, insects, reptiles, and birds can actually...

10 Surprising Secrets About Girl Scout Cookies

We dish up who-knew, fun facts about Girl Scout Cookies, America's most beloved treat.

12 Ways You Didn’t Know You Could Use Butter

We bet you never thought of using this kitchen staple for anything other than cooking.

Can You Guess What These Antique Objects Were Used For?

Kids these days might not know a floppy disk from a Walkman, but it’s up to you to guess what...

15 Things You Should Never Put Down a Garbage Disposal

The modern garbage disposal provides a quick and sanitary way to dispose of food waste, keeping trash bags lighter and...

12 of the Most Ridiculous Dating Tips from the 1930s

My, how times have changed! Some 80 years ago, anything from having your mom send you flowers to playing bridge...

18 Outrageous Things Your Taxes Actually Paid For

These ridiculously expensive federal projects prove that government waste comes in all shapes and sizes.

10 Unfortunate Typos You Won’t Believe Were Actually Printed

Enjoy these spelling goofs big and small from present and passed.