A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


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The Strangest Roadside Attraction in Every State

As you travel our great country to see some of its most beautiful sights, don't miss these offbeat attractions you'll...

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20 Baffling Forensic Cases That Stumped Everyone

Forensics—fingerprints, DNA, time of death—may seem like hard science. But the practice is still evolving and as these mysteries reveal...

35 Absolutely Essential Recipes You Should Know Before You Turn 35

Everyday healthy meals, quick and easy snacks, decadent treats—learn to make these essential recipes and you'll be equipped for any...

12 Tricks Con Artists Use to Win Your Trust

Getting conned could be as simple as a stranger knowing your name. Be careful.

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How to Cook Chicken Breast, Plus 20 Ways You Don’t Realize You’re Cooking Chicken Wrong

Everything you *shouldn't* do, whether you're learning how to cook chicken breast, roasting a whole bird, or frying up some...

17 Summer Vacations Everyone Should Take Before They’re 50

Let's face it, you're still plenty young, hale, and hearty. So dive into these exciting destinations before you turn the...

13 Things Starbucks Employees Won’t Tell You

If you're looking to save bucks on Starbucks, look no further: We've got the inside scoop from frequent customers and...

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13 Biggest Mysteries Surrounding the British Royal Family

Public as their lives are, members of the royal family have always managed to maintain at least a bit of...

13 Things You Never Realized Were Shrinking

For better or worse, these things are getting smaller and smaller—and you probably haven't even noticed.

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How to Get Rid of Dandruff: 11 Natural Treatments

Skip the dandruff shampoo and try these homemade dandruff treatments to banish those pesky white flakes.

20 Plastic Wrap Uses You Probably Didn’t Know About

You can use it for more than just covering up leftovers.

12 Tips for Throwing an Amazing Party in a Small Space

You don't need tons of space to invite guests over. Follow these simple steps to pull together the perfect party...

13 Sneaky Things in Your Home That Trigger Anxiety

Anxiety triggers aren't always easy to identify—if fact, they could be the ordinary things in your home that you would...

10 Amazing Words We No Longer Use (But Should!)

Zounds! These obsolete yet colorful words have fallen out of use, but you’ll sound super smart mixing them into your...

The Most Difficult-to-Pronounce Town in Every Single State

The English language is tricky enough without all those U.S. town and city names that aren't even derived from English....

Top Trainers Share How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

Want some effective strategies to get results ASAP? Here, fitness professionals share their best tips on how to drop weight...

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15 Secrets Airports Don’t Want You to Know

From the high prices at duty-free to the free unadvertised water and WiFi, here are the secrets airports won't tell...

12 Funny Out-of-Office Messages That Will Make Your Co-Workers Chuckle

These funny out-of-office auto-replies are definitely not business as usual

Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy: When to See a Doctor

Though abdominal pain during pregnancy is not uncommon and can be caused by things minor or serious. Experts say it...

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The 11 Most Clever Secret Service Code Names for U.S. Presidents

Can you guess who Rawhide, Eagle, and Searchlight are?

15 Craziest Requests Shoppers Have Made in Stores

Retail workers have heard more than their share of ridiculous questions. Here are some of our favorites.

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8 Common Items That Remove Blood Stains

Wondering how to remove blood stains? Work as quickly as possible with these household items to save your soiled clothes.

11 Fascinating Facts About the FBI You Won’t Believe Are True

Read quickly (before this message self-destructs).

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10 Crazy Predictions That Actually Came True

These people, publications, and even TV shows made predictions—and ended up with pretty spot-on visions of the future. Coincidence or...

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10 Myths About the Royal Family That Are Totally False

From the silly (Prince Charles needs seven eggs each morning) to the scary (a rare species of venomous spiders lives...

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15 Science Mysteries No One Has Figured Out

"To know, is to know that you know nothing," said Socrates, the famed ancient Greek philosopher. And while we know...

What Your Birth Order Really Reveals About You

Birth order has a great influence on child development, specifically because parents tend to raise each sibling differently—which can be...

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11 Tricks to Make Your Laptop Battery Last Longer Than Ever

Having your laptop constantly run out of juice is no fun. That's where these handy tips come in. You're welcome.