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8 Things Professional Housecleaners Do in Their Homes Every Day

Updated Sep. 24, 2024

Having a tidy home might seem impossible, but it's easier than you think with these simple tips from the pros.

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professional house cleaner tips
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Cleaning made simple

Ever wonder how some people never have mountainous piles of dishes in the sink, grime on the fridge handles, or shoes scattered everywhere? If you can’t seem to cut down on your clutter or keep your home at a certain standard of cleanliness, turn to the pros. And you might not even need to hire a housecleaner—just take the advice of one! These totally doable cleaning tips will get you well on your way to a consistently clean home you’ll be proud to invite guests to. For more specific cleaning tricks, find out how to clean shoes easily, how to get coffee stains out of carpet, and how to get blood out of sheets.

iStock/Wojtek Skora

They make the bed

Ashlee Edie, cleaning expert at Handy, says that bedrooms should be cleaned properly once a week, but to keep them in order, there are simple, short tasks you can do daily. “In the morning, make your bed and put away your pajamas,” she says. “At the end of the day, either hang up your clothes or put them in the laundry basket to stop them piling up and making the room look cluttered.” She also suggests clearing away items such as books and glasses from the nightstand on a regular basis. A neat bedroom will make you feel great. You should also know these nearly forgotten housecleaning tips from the past.

Boy Playing With Toy Blocks At Home
Paloma Herbstein/EyeEm/Getty Images

They make it easy for kids to put toys away

Kids rooms and playrooms can get chaotic quickly, so it’s a good idea to keep on top of toy clutter. “Encourage your kids to put away their toys at night to stop mess from building up,” Edie says. “The best way to do this is with baskets where they can easily pile them in.” For ideal organization, label the bins by toy type, such as Legos or dolls. If your kids can’t yet read, add a picture of the toy under the words. Toy chests should be cleaned with a disinfectant at least twice a month, as they can be a breeding ground for germs. Here are the effortless things clutter-free people do every day.

Woman Cleans refrigerator Handle Using Disinfectant Wipe, Coronavirus concept, COVID-19
Paul Biris/Getty Images

They keep the stainless spotless

Most homes have some stainless steel appliances, whether in the kitchen, bathroom, or laundry room. Often, these areas get splashed with water or marked with finger and hand prints that make the surfaces look dirty. “To keep mine looking brand new, I wipe all my stainless-steel surfaces and appliances daily with an oil based cleaner,” Edie says. “The oil will protect from water marks and repel antithetical substances, meaning that when it comes to deep-cleaning my home, my appliances need minimal attention.” Here’s how to clean a refrigerator (and keep it clean).

Wiping down surfaces
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They wipe down the bathroom sink

Edie cleans her bathroom sink every time she uses it. “Cleaning the bathroom sink several times a day may sound silly, but when you start wiping it down after every use, you will instantly see what a big difference it makes,” she says. “Toothpaste, makeup, and hard water builds up daily.” Grab a damp paper towel or a cotton round and wipe down the faucet handles, the sink basin, and the top of the vanity around the sink. If you have time, spritz the mirror with a quick wipe of glass cleaner to erase messy-looking fingerprints. Next, check out these professional cleaning tips to clean like an expert.

Mature man and woman wiping down surfaces
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They sanitize heavily trafficked surfaces

It may seem excessive to clean your remote control every day, but this little piece of technology can be one of the most forgotten germ collectors in the house. “With so many people handling the remote, there are no limits to how much dirt can end up on it, from chip crumbs and sticky fingers to hairs and oils from our skin,” Edie says. You can use a drop of dish soap on a damp cotton cloth or an antiseptic wipe. Housecleaning expert Diane Regalbuto, owner of Betty Likes to Clean in Philadelphia and South Jersey, also suggests wiping down other items that get a lot of use. “Sanitize door handles, home phones (if you have them), light switches, coffee pot, tea pot, and the refrigerator door—they are filled with bacteria,” she says. Professional housecleaners also know the difference between cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing.

iStock/Dean Mitchell

They build in extra time for tidying

Regalbuto says that extra time allows her to clean up, collect herself, and get the kids out the door in an organized manner. “I start the night before with loading the dishwasher or getting kids to load it, so in the morning I can unload it,” she says. “Doing a little planning can keep things rolling along and prevent tasks from getting backed up (read: piles of dishes in the sink). But beware of these ways you’re using the dishwasher wrong.

Several types of keys hanging on wall hooks
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They put like with like

Regalbuto suggests keeping baskets near the front door for shoes, bags, and sports equipment. Put keys in the same spot every day—on a hook or in a designated bowl on the console, so you never misplace them. “Coats go on hooks or hung up immediately,” she says. “We have one junk drawer and only one. All bills go in the same place to be handled once. When you spend six minutes cleaning up and putting away, you save hours of looking, searching, and cleaning.” These are the things your housecleaner knows about you.

Asian Man Wearing A Protective Mask Cleaning Ceiling Fan At Home
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They look from floor to ceiling

Cobwebs and dust bunnies are a clear sign of a neglected home, so do a quick visual scan to make sure you don’t have any. “In each room start at the top—look up to see if there are cobwebs, and down to see if there are dust bunnies,” Regalbuto says. “Pick one room from which to remove any cobwebs—it takes less than five minutes and it makes a huge difference.”


  • Ashlee Edie, cleaning expert at Handy
  • Diane Regalbuto, owner of Betty Likes to Clean in Philadelphia and South Jersey
Reader's Digest
Originally Published in Reader's Digest