A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

12 Common Habits You Should Avoid in the Drive-Through

Updated Jan. 20, 2023

Love to save time by using the drive-through rather than going inside? You definitely won't want to slow down the line!

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Drive Thru
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Not knowing your order

Think of the drive-through as the express lane of the restaurant. Don’t know what you want? Need some time to decide? That’s totally fine—just go inside so you can take your time, ask questions and so on without slowing down the express lane.

Some restaurants even measure the time it takes their staff to process each car’s order, so slower cars can actually affect a worker’s performance rating.

Drive Thru at Mcdonald's
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Making it hard to hear your order

Your turn to order? Pull up and talk clearly into the speaker. Don’t mumble or face the back seat while ordering. Likewise, don’t yell or shout into the speaker. That’s just bad manners.

One of the top pet peeves of drive-through workers? Having everyone in the car say their own order, especially your kids. It’s hard to hear, which slows things down and increases the likelihood of a mistake in your order.

Drive Thru Order Here
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Don’t interrupt the order-taker

You know this one. It’s just bad manners to interrupt. Let the cashier tell you what the Flavor of the Day is at Culver’s first. Chances are these extra tidbits of information are just part of their job. Wait until the order-taker is done with their greeting (or questions) and then place your order.

Close-up of woman talking on mobile phone while driving a car.
Drazen Zigic/Getty Images

Talking on the phone

If you must chat on the phone in the drive-through, take a pause in the conversation to place your order. It’s confusing for the worker to parse out which words are directed to her. Wait until the entire transaction is finished, so you’re sure to hear them repeat back the order, give the total and so on. Drive-through workers see some weird stuff too—here’s some that are truly crazy.

line of cars at a drive thru
toddmedia/Getty Images

Ordering for a crowd

Again, the drive-through is like the express lane. It should be quick and streamlined. If you’re going to order for a huge group, especially if there are any special requests in the mix, be courteous to your fellow drivers and go inside.

Group of credit cards on computer keyboard
Kritchanut/Getty Images

Splitting the check between car passengers

Grabbing food with a group of friends? If everyone is paying separately, then go inside. Creating a separate tab for everyone in a car, or trying to split a bill over multiple cards, is difficult and slows down the drive-through line.

drive thru arrow indication on the road
jessicaphoto/Getty Images

Failing to pull ahead promptly

Keep the flow of cars moving! When it’s your turn to order, pull right up. When you’re told to proceed to the next window, hop to it. And make sure to stay close enough to the window to make it easy to pass back and forth food bags and credit cards. Find out which fast-food chain is the most convenient.

McDonalds Speeds Up Take Out Service
Tim Boyle/Getty Images

Changing your order at the window

Once you’ve pulled up to the window, the restaurant is already preparing your food. Changing your order is effectively making them start over—again, a major slowdown. If you need to get a different item, it’s probably best to park and head inside.

Need extra items? (Think extra napkins, cream in your coffee, etc.) That’s OK, just ask right away.

Mcdonalds drive thru service
KingWu/Getty Images

Idling at the window, even to be friendly

Whether you’re checking the items in your order, fumbling for your wallet, or fiddling with the radio, it’s a major faux pas to dawdle at the pick-up window. It’s even bad form to chat with the worker. It’s nice to say good morning or evening but then stick to business. See all the polite habits that fast-food employees secretly dislike.

Fast food employee and customer hands in a transaction at the drive thru
Raymond Deleon/Shutterstock

Being unprepared to pay

Are you one of those people who takes pride in offering exact change? If so, get those bills and coins ready to go as soon as you hear your total. Otherwise, cards are quicker. Psst: This is what McDonald’s employees aren’t telling you.

Car music
deepblue4you/Getty Images

Playing music loudly

Even a quiet radio can make it hard for an employee to hear your order over those crackly speaker systems. Turn it off when ordering, and don’t blast loud music when you’re waiting in line, as it can interfere with other customers’ hearing or ordering.

Drive thru fast food restaurant.(motion blur)

Changing (or adding to) your order at the window

Making changes to your order after you’ve left the speaker is a no-no. Adding items once you’re up to the window is going to slow the whole drive-thru down. Remember: It’s an express lane, not a sit-down experience. The one exception here would be something quick like adding on a soda or asking for a dipping sauce you forgot.