A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Knowledge - Psychology

We promise you there are no mind games here! Instead, come explore the incredible range of the human mind, from depression facts to happiness secrets.

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Getting Less Sleep Could Actually Make You Happier, According to Science

Snoozing could definitely be losing—especially when it comes to your mood.

Science Finally Has an Explanation for Why the Clock Slows down When You Stare at It

Time flies when you're literally anywhere else but at your desk.

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This Is the Real Reason You Hate Scary Movies

Yes, it's perfectly normal to NOT enjoy being scared.

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There Are 4 Types of People—and These Two Types Are the Most Compatible

Zodiac signs and Myers-Briggs types have nothing on this test.

Lessons About Living from People Who Spend Time with the Dying

Encountering death so closely every day leads to serious life inspiration that we all need to hear.

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What Your Glasses Are Secretly Revealing About Your Personality

Your glasses are one of the first things people notice about you. Do they give the impression that you're wild?...

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What the Shape of Your Lips Says About You

If eyes are a window to the soul, lips may just be a framework to our character. See what face-reading...

There’s a Reason Why You Always See Faces in Everyday Things

This phenomenon actually has a name. And a lot of people experience it.

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Real Teachers Reveal What It’s Like Teaching a Genius

If you spend enough time teaching, you're bound to eventually encounter a student with truly unbelievable brainpower. Here's how 10...

If Your Child’s Drawings Look Like This, You Could Be Raising a Genius

According to a new study, the real way to find out if you have a genius on your hands isn't...

The Smarter You Are, the More You Judge People—Here’s Why

This may be one of the only downsides to being smart.

This Is the Strange (But True!) Origin of the Smiley Face

The story behind the happiness symbol isn't as cheerful as you'd expect.

The Word That Makes 55% of People Yawn When They Read It

Be careful *yaaaawwwwwwn* how you use it.

These Extraordinary True Stories Will Remind You About the Power of Trust

Taking a leap of faith and trusting someone else is one of the scariest things you can do, but these...

Using THIS Color on Instagram Will Get You More Likes, According to Research

Can you guess what color is most likely to get a double-tap?

You Might Feel Stupid. But Playing These Games Will Build Trust

Couples who stay together play together—even if it means feeling like an idiot.

If You Have This Phobia, You Literally Can’t Take a Joke

Up to 13% of the population could be afraid of laughter. No joke.

8 Incredible True Stories That Prove Good Karma Is Real

What goes around comes around—and sometimes that's a good thing.

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How to Find a Hobby That Will Fill Your Life with Joy

Hobbies can help you beat stress and keep your mind sharp. Here's how to connect with a pastime you're passionate...

11 Etiquette Rules You Need for Dealing with Death on Social Media

The digital age makes it easy to share everything all the time—which can be problematic when someone passes. From knowing...

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11 Best Movie Happy Endings Ever

There's nothing like a bona fide feel-good ending to lift your spirits. Get ready to cry tears of joy with...

10 Warning Signs Your Child Is a Bully

With one out of every four children getting bullied this year, it's a growing epidemic. But what if your child...

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What Your Favorite Flower Says About Your Personality

Roses, tulips, sunflowers, and more... Your favorite flower may hold the key to your personality. Find out what your flower...

The 6 Hidden Strengths of People Who Are Messy

Why do neat freaks get all the credit? Messy people have the edge: they're relaxed, flexible, and possibly more intelligent.

Everyone Should Know the “20-Second Rule” for Breaking Bad Habits

Make nasty habits a little harder to follow, and your brain will do the rest.