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Knowledge - Psychology

We promise you there are no mind games here! Instead, come explore the incredible range of the human mind, from depression facts to happiness secrets.

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What Your Face Shape Could Be Saying About Your Personality

It's not an exact science, but you may be able to learn a lot about someone's personality just from their...

This Is the Kind of Parent You’ll Be, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

The way you handle your kids depends on your birth date. Learn how to maximize the strengths and minimize the...

20 Things Your Father-In-Law Is Secretly Thinking

Anonymous dads spill their funny, poignant, and tough-love lessons about life, love and marriage—all in the name of being closer...

14 Subtle Signs You’re Being Taken for Granted—and What to Do About It

Being helpful is a good trait ... but some people will take advantage of your willingness to assist. Here's how...

These Touching Stories Prove How Meaningful a Simple Thank-You Note Can Be

Never underestimate the power of a 
thank-you note. As these readers show, 
the sentiment can last a lifetime.

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11 Unforgettable Pieces of Life Advice (In Just 6 Words Each)

Let these quick hits of wisdom help you guide your life.

11 Serious Consequences of Favoring One Child over Another

If you've got more than one kid, you're showing favoritism, whether you know it or not. Here's why you need...

8 Inspiring Women Who Are Changing the Lives of Women Across the World

The amazing stories of these women prove that it's possible for one person with a big idea to change the...

16 Hilarious Ways to Laugh More Every Single Day

There is an epidemic of Seriousness. Innoculate yourself against doom and gloom by... listening to drunk people explain history and...

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11 Things Your Car Says About Your Personality

Those LED headlights and cherry red paint job aren't just fun, they're making a statement about who you are as...

12 Surprising Costs Every First-Time Home Buyer Needs to Know About

While there should be no hidden fees in the home-buying process (because that would be illegal), make sure you budget...

8 Signs That You May Have Lived a Past Life

If you have recurring dreams, inexplicable skills, or you just have a strong affinity for another era, you may have...

How Traumatic Brain Injuries Can Unleash Extraordinary Hidden Talents

In rare cases, victims of severe head injuries can develop remarkable creative talents they never previously had. Is there a...

7 Tips for Arguing With Someone Who is “Always Right”

Here’s how to win the battle—and the war.

The Real Reason Why Some People Are Left-Handed, According to Science

In a new study, scientists may have just discovered what makes you a lefty.

The 17 Most Inspirational Kids of 2023

They've created life-saving innovations, founded nonprofit organizations, and raised money for important causes all before reaching legal age. The future's...

Here’s Why People Started Counting Sheep to Fall Asleep

One sheep, two sheep, three sheep...wait, why are we counting sheep again?

Only 60 People in the World Have This Insanely Powerful Memory

Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory is a rare condition in which people can remember nearly every day of their lives with...

This Is the Smartest Zodiac Sign, According to an Astrologer

Are you among the smarty-pants of the bunch? Our astrologer explains which is the smartest zodiac sign and which signs...

If Music Gives You Chills, You Might Be an Emotional Genius

Turns out your brain is literally wired differently.

11 Daily Habits of Couples in Healthy Relationships

Do you expect your partner to take out the trash every week without ever being thanked? Can you recall the...

This Is the Real Reason You Believe in Superstitions—Says Science

Most Americans know superstitions are nonsense. But why do more than 50 percent of people still believe in them?

The Best Essential Oil Scents for Every Room in Your House

Whether you're looking for a clean and crisp aroma for your bathroom or a relaxing and soothing scent for your...

There’s a Psychological Reason You Laugh at the Worst Times

They say laughter is the best medicine...unless you're laughing in these situations.

25 Dating Deal Breakers All Women Have—and Men Should Definitely Be Aware of

Women and men aren't so different—we all have our date-night turnoffs that can range from superficial to deeply offensive. But...