A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Knowledge - Psychology

We promise you there are no mind games here! Instead, come explore the incredible range of the human mind, from depression facts to happiness secrets.

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12 Signs Your Workplace Is Toxic

Your work environment can make a huge impact on your health, which is why it's so important to ensure that...

11 Secret Habits of Straight-A Students Even Post-Grads Will Want to Steal

It's not about brains, or about the amount of time spent studying. Many of the highest-scoring students attribute their success...

10 Body Language Secrets That Will Make You More Successful

Success depends on more than just a shiny resume.

The Secret Meaning Behind 7 Paint Colors in Your Home

What color can ruin guests' appetites if you use it in the kitchen? And how can you use color to...

5 Myths About Left-Handed People We All Need to Stop Believing (and 2 Surprising Truths)

Just 10 percent of the population is left-handed. There are many myths about the differences between righties and lefties, yet...

11 Surprising Signs Your Partner is a Keeper

Here's how to know if you're in it for the long haul.

13 Fascinating Things You Didn’t Know About Animal Crackers

Remember animal crackers? Weren't those fun? Take a trip down memory lane with these quirky facts about the classic snack.

10 Natural Ways to Release Endorphins Instantly

Time to get the "feel good" chemical flowing.

10 Weird Negative Effects of Social Media on Your Brain

According to new research, your social networking habits might be affecting your brain more than you know.

15 Advertising Tricks You Didn’t Know You Were Falling For

Ad and industry experts reveal the psychology and technology advertisers use to trick you out of your hard-earned dollars.

Successful People Do These 8 Things Each Weekend

Time management expert Laura Vanderkam reveals the subtle secrets to restorative and productive weekends in her book ‘What Successful People...

12 Things Middle Children Need to Watch Out For

Middle Child Day is August 12—here's what the middleborn have to be wary of if they want to lead a...

11 Psychology Experiments That Went Horribly Wrong

Science has given us amazing breakthroughs, but some researchers have been responsible for horrifying studies—here are some of the worst

12 Definitive Traits of a Middle Child

Birth order doesn't automatically impact your personality. But there are some common traits that middle children share—beyond peacekeeping.

Craziest Things That Have Happened During Hypnosis

While hypnosis can be used as a resourceful tool in therapy, it can be fodder for some strange anecdotes from...

9 Common Sayings That Are Actually Total Nonsense

ALWAYS cry over spilled milk, NEVER pick the low-hanging fruit, and 7 more common sayings improved by science.

16 Signs of Evolution You Can Still Find on Your Body

We've come a long way from hunting and gathering, but certain physical traits and natural reactions remind us of our...

9 Phrases to Commit to Memory Before You Go Abroad

Being able to communicate, especially in emergency conditions, can save a trip and an experience from falling apart, super quickly.

10 Tips to Help You Quit Your Day Job and Pursue Your Dream

You've heard the saying: "Failing to plan is planning to fail." These strategies can help you ensure a successful transition...

24 Adorable Tooth Fairy Traditions You’ll Want to Try ASAP

Add a little magic to the standard teeth-for-treats routine and create memories your kids will treasure forever.

10 Signs You’re an Ambivert (Hint: You Probably Are)

Not totally sure where you fall on the personality spectrum? Here are some key traits that suggest you might be...

13 World-Changing Ideas That Came from Dreams (Literally)

From classic novels to scientific breakthroughs to box-office blockbusters, some of our most important innovations were inspired by our subconscious

13 Small Changes That Can Make You Instantly Happier at Home

Here's how to improve your state of mind—by improving the state of your home

Most Honest Cities: The Reader’s Digest “Lost Wallet” Test

What are the most (and least) honest cities in the world? Reader's Digest conducted a global, social experiment to find...

12 Popular Facts About the Brain That Aren’t Actually True

You only use 10 percent of your brain. Your memory declines with age. Alcohol kills brain cells. These and other...

9 Scientific Explanations for Your Weird Reading Habits

We’re looking at you, page sniffers and back-to-front flippers! What type of reader are you?

What Happened After I Tried 5 Different Sleep Apps to End the Insomnia I Had All My Life

If you have a hard time falling asleep at night, get ready to download solutions—no special pillows, pills, or blackout...

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Here’s What Your Daydreams Reveal About Your Personality

Don't take those fantasies too literally. But do take them seriously—because they tell you a lot about your innermost thoughts!

10 Blatant Lies Your Parents Told You, Debunked By Science

Your suspicion was right: They really did have a favorite child.