A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Do you love to learn? If so, you’ve come to the right place. From mind-blowing facts to grammar mistakes to psychology terms, get ready to exercise your brain.

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    In This Country, It’s Illegal for Grocery Stores to Waste Food

    Food waste is a major problem the world over, and this European nation has taken legal measures to reduce it.

    15 Gross-Out Facts About Competitive Eaters

    Read this, and you will never look at a hot dog the same way again.

    Here’s Why People Started Counting Sheep to Fall Asleep

    One sheep, two sheep, three sheep...wait, why are we counting sheep again?

    10 Self-Defense Tips That Could Save Your Life

    When the unthinkable happens and you're faced with an attacker, knowing the right moves ahead of time could be key...

    Can You Solve the World’s First Crossword Puzzle?

    Up for a challenge? Take a stab at completing the first crossword puzzle ever published.

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    You Can Now Take 600 Free College Courses Online Thanks to These 200 Universities

    Attending and paying for college can be stressful. But this doesn't have to be the case.

    Only 60 People in the World Have This Insanely Powerful Memory

    Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory is a rare condition in which people can remember nearly every day of their lives with...

    This Is the Smartest Zodiac Sign, According to an Astrologer

    Are you among the smarty-pants of the bunch? Our astrologer explains which is the smartest zodiac sign and which signs...

    10 Crazy Things You Can Only Find in Japan

    If you spot blue traffic lights and sweet potato Kit Kats, you're probably in Japan.

    The 15 Best Things That Happened in 2017

    2017 wasn't all bad! Here are some amazing feel-good stories from all throughout this year that'll lift your spirits. Keep...

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    This Is the Only Polite Time to Leave a Party, According to an Etiquette Expert

    Admit it: At some point, we have all secretly wondered.

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    Who Exactly Is Geronimo—and Why Do We Say His Name When We Jump Off Stuff?

    “Aubrey” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

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    13 Potluck Etiquette Rules to Memorize Before Your Next Party

    Potlucks are a wonderful and informal way to gather with friends and family but just because it's casual doesn't mean...

    The Hidden Secrets Behind the History of Wedding Cakes

    They weren't always just a tasty dessert.

    Here’s Why There’s a 57 on Your Heinz Ketchup Bottle

    No, there aren't 57 types of Heinz ketchup.

    If Music Gives You Chills, You Might Be an Emotional Genius

    Turns out your brain is literally wired differently.

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    9 Royal Ghosts That Still Haunt Britain to This Day

    From Elizabeth I to Henry the VIII still hobbling about Windsor Castle, royal ghosts have been making the rounds about...

    11 Daily Habits of Couples in Healthy Relationships

    Do you expect your partner to take out the trash every week without ever being thanked? Can you recall the...

    This Is the Real Reason You Believe in Superstitions—Says Science

    Most Americans know superstitions are nonsense. But why do more than 50 percent of people still believe in them?

    The Best Essential Oil Scents for Every Room in Your House

    Whether you're looking for a clean and crisp aroma for your bathroom or a relaxing and soothing scent for your...

    There’s a Psychological Reason You Laugh at the Worst Times

    They say laughter is the best medicine...unless you're laughing in these situations.

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    There’s a Very Specific Reason Why the Oval Office Is an Oval

    It's not just for the sake of alliteration.

    This 10-Minute Morning Habit Burns 400 Extra Calories Every Week

    Can't get to the gym in the morning? No problem. There's a creative way to fit your cardio in.

    9 Great Words You Never Knew Were Gaelic

    More than 1.3 million Irish citizens still speak Gaelic—and whether you know it or not, you do too! Here are...