A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Do you love to learn? If so, you’ve come to the right place. From mind-blowing facts to grammar mistakes to psychology terms, get ready to exercise your brain.

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    10 Beautiful Words That Should Make a Comeback

    Listen up, language lovers. Increase your vocabulary with these pretty words that roll off the tongue.

    16 Signs of Evolution You Can Still Find on Your Body

    We've come a long way from hunting and gathering, but certain physical traits and natural reactions remind us of our...

    Notable Events You Forgot Happened When the Class of 2018 Was Starting School

    When this year's college graduates first started school as fresh-faced kindergartners (circa 2000-2001), the world was a very different place.

    10 French Phrases Everyone in the World Should Know

    Whether you live in Paris, France, or Paris, Texas, these are the French phrases that, according to Jeannette DeJong, senior...

    9 Phrases to Commit to Memory Before You Go Abroad

    Being able to communicate, especially in emergency conditions, can save a trip and an experience from falling apart, super quickly.

    10 Tips to Help You Quit Your Day Job and Pursue Your Dream

    You've heard the saying: "Failing to plan is planning to fail." These strategies can help you ensure a successful transition...

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    13 Creepiest Things You Can Find at the Bottom of the Ocean

    Locomotive graveyards, ancient civilizations, felled military vessels, and unbelievably odd marine creatures are just a few macabre and magical wonders...

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    GREAT News—Those Funny Cat Videos You Love Are Actually Good for You

    As if you needed an excuse to watch those furballs trip over themselves.

    11 Bizarre Origins of Everyday Superstitions

    A pinch of salt, rabbits, and knocking on wood: Learn the surprisingly ancient histories of these common superstitions.

    LaBelle, FL

    LaBelle is a sanctuary for those looking to reclaim balance in their lives. While the view of the Caloosahatchee River...

    Rochester, NY

    Rochester has a history of kindness and philanthropy that has only gotten stronger with time, as some of Rochester's most...

    Aston Township, PA

    Aston Township traces its roots to before the Revolutionary War. While history is an important part of the town, it's...

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    13 Moon Mysteries That Scientists Are Trying to Figure Out

    Even though it's right there above us, close enough to visit, scientists still have a lot of questions about Earth's...

    Fall River Mills, CA

    When Lyn Palmer went missing, hundreds from the community came to look for her. The outpouring of care and love...

    Williamsburg, VA

    Williamsburg is steeped in American history and patriotic pride runs deep. Friendly neighbors and good people are as reliable as...

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    10 Secret U.S. Government Operations, Revealed

    Get a classified tour of what's happened behind the closed doors of power in Washington: hidden bunkers, fake attacks, body...

    Joliet, IL

    Joliet has a long history of welcoming folks to town with open arms -- including, once, President Kennedy.

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    10 Petty Conflicts That Changed the Course of History

    Here's what happens when people in power decide to let silly squabbles influence their possibly world-altering decisions.

    Montecito, CA

    It was a tough winter in the idyllic California town of Montecito. First, wildfires, then, a deadly mudslide. Now, the...

    Roseland Collegiate Prep in Santa Rosa, CA

    When Sonoma County burned in the wildfires of 2017, the community scrambled to help those most affected help get back...

    Can You Spot All 14 Iconic Constellations In These Pictures?

    People have been seeing stories in the night sky for thousands of years—once you learn to find some landmark stars,...

    Slang Words No One Outside Your State Will Understand

    These words will leave your out-of-state friends scratching their heads.

    The Origins of 14 Commonly Used Phrases

    You use these idioms all the time, but did you ever think about where they came from?

    10 Bizarre Human Body Features You Didn’t Know Existed

    Superheroes may only exist in comics and movies, but some of these regular human abilities definitely qualify as superpowers.

    Westport, IN

    Like something out of a black and white movie, Westport is one of those classic American small towns with chivalry...

    Kennebunkport, ME

    Steeped in history and camaraderie, community is in no short supply in Kennebunkport. Taking an organized approach to education and...

    20 Reasons the American Flag Is Even Cooler Than You Thought

    Who really designed it, why so many Boy Scouts burn it, the epic reason soldiers wear it backward, and more.