A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Do you love to learn? If so, you’ve come to the right place. From mind-blowing facts to grammar mistakes to psychology terms, get ready to exercise your brain.

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    11 Things You Should Never Do Over Text Message

    For the sake of your friendships, relationships, and career, it's important to know when to keep your thumbs from doing...

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    9 Things You Never Knew About the Secret Service

    Read on for surprising facts about one of America's most private agencies.

    Here’s Where Your Favorite Slang Words Actually Came From

    Love them or hate them, slang words help us express emotions for which no words otherwise exist. But where do...

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    10 Group Texting Etiquette Rules Everyone Should Follow

    Here's how not to be the most annoying person on your group text chain.

    This Is the Most Commonly Misspelled Word on Job Resumes

    You can't rely on spell check to catch this one.

    10 Signs You’re Smarter Than You Realize

    Do you doubt yourself? Are you content with being alone? What about this one: Are you a chocolate lover? All...

    Busted! 10 Disgusting Habits We All Do in Secret

    These strangely satisfying habits may be socially unacceptable, but that doesn't stop them from being widely practiced.

    18 Foreign Words That Sound Rude in English

    You may not want to use these words in polite company until you know what they mean.

    17 Memory Tricks for the Most Commonly Misspelled Words

    Use these memory tips and tricks to help you conquer those hard-to-spell words!

    13 Times Fortune Cookies Literally Changed People’s Lives

    That fortune can be surprisingly accurate—or incredibly beneficial: Check out these amazing stories of fortune-cookie inspired luck.

    Why You Should Always Ask for a Receipt at McDonald’s

    A former McDonald's employee spills the beans on the perks that come when you ask for a McDonald's receipt

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    United States Trivia Your History Teacher Never Taught You

    When was Christmas illegal in America? Which state did Congress forget to officially add to the Union for 150 years?...

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    This Is Where You Can Find the Original McDonald’s Fried Apple Pie

    The mere memory of a fried apple pie is enough to make nostalgic fans drool, but the dessert has been...

    9 Fake Words That Actually Ended Up in the Dictionary

    Even dictionary editors make mistakes sometimes.

    This Is Why You Can’t Smell Yourself

    Not being able to smell when you have B.O. is actually a good thing!

    56 Secrets Life Coaches Won’t Tell You for Free

    There is no one secret to life but there sure are a bunch of smaller secrets that can help you...

    If You Prefer to Be Alone, You Could Be a Genius

    Love canceled plans and prefer to stay in? You're probably pretty smart.

    State Flag Quiz: Can You Guess the U.S. State By Its Flag?

    What do you really know about the good ol’ U.S. of A.? Take this state flag quiz to test your...

    The Fascinating Origins Behind 9 Sodas You Love to Drink

    Which drink used to contain cocaine? Which was inspired by the inventor's honeymoon? Read on for mind-blowing trivia on your...

    13 Craziest Conspiracy Theories of the Year

    Want proof that you can fool all of the people some of the time? Read these crazy conspiracy theories that...

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    How Much 12 Classic Fast-Food Items Used to Cost

    Find out what your favorites cost back in the day.

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    12 Most Bizarre Unsolved Mysteries of the Year

    2018 had more than its fair share of bizarre and disturbing events—but these may be the most mysterious of all.

    11 of the Most Inspiring Quotes from the Dalai Lama

    We rounded up some of our favorite Dalai Lama quotes that can teach every reader something new.

    10 Weird Facts About Rain

    Where it rains sulfuric acid, why some rain never hits the ground, and more facts you never knew about the...

    15 Bizarre Ancient Remedies You Won’t Believe Existed

    In ancient times, and on rare occurrences today, quirky, bizarre medical procedures were the "norm." Here are some that you...

    Here’s How the U.S. Government Really Spends Your Tax Dollars

    The U.S. government collects trillions of dollars in taxes per year—here’s how they spend it.

    6 Common Holiday Card Grammar Mistakes to Avoid

    Tip number one: Keep those apostrophes in check!

    The One Thing Natural Disaster Survivors Wish They’d Done Differently to Prepare

    If you're in the path of a hurricane or another natural disaster, what's the one thing you should always do?...