A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Do you love to learn? If so, you’ve come to the right place. From mind-blowing facts to grammar mistakes to psychology terms, get ready to exercise your brain.

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    16 Things You Never Knew Were Invented by Women

    You can thank these brilliant female minds for making the world what it is today.

    8 Math Lessons You’ll Actually End Up Using in Real Life

    You're probably using math way more than you think.

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    This Is Why Fast Food Always Looks Better in Commercials

    The sad-looking food you sometimes get in the restaurant may not look as appetizing, but it actually tastes better.

    9 Sneaky Things You Touch Every Day That Could Be Toxic

    While you might take the extra precaution to double (and triple) clean the items you use, there are certain chemicals...

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    12 Strangest Gifts Ever Given to U.S. Presidents

    U.S. presidents receive thousands of gifts per year from foreign dignitaries, celebrities, and everyday, regular Americans. These are among the...

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    13 Strange Etiquette Rules from Around the World

    These manners might seem backwards to you, but they're the norm in other countries.

    Here’s What You Need to Know About Vintage Cast Iron

    The oldest vintage cast iron has been handed down from generation to generation. Here's everything you need to know about...

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    11 Subtle Ways Your House Can Predict Your Personality

    Your shower, your closet, and your pantry say a lot more about you than you realized.

    13 Polar Bear Facts You Never Knew

    The world's largest four-legged predators are great swimmers, walkers, and hunters, but climate change is rapidly changing their way of...

    This Is the Most Roach-Infested City in America

    It is notoriously hard to get rid of cockroaches. Here's the one city that has an especially hard time keeping...

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    The Real Reason It’s So Cheap to Open a Chick-fil-A

    For them, it’s not about the money.

    15 of the Most Endangered Languages in the World

    There are more than 7,000 living languages in the world, but UNESCO predicts more than half will be extinct by...

    Why Do Onions Make You Cry?

    Grilled, fried, caramelized, or raw, onions will always provide affordable flavor. But why must we cry?

    10 Dress Code Rules Everyone in the Royal Family Must Follow

    From facial hair to hats, find out all the fashion rules for British royals.

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    Can You Guess Which U.S. State Has Produced the Most First Ladies?

    Here's a hint: It's one of the original 13 colonies.

    10 Historical Figures You’ve Been Picturing All Wrong

    Thanks to Hollywood and generations of misinformation, most people don’t know the truth behind these 10 historical figures.

    15 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Susan B. Anthony

    An early advocate for women's rights, this passionate, complex leader was crucial to the women's suffrage movement. But Susan B....

    24 Things Happy People Never Forget to Do

    Happiness isn't just a trait you're born with, it's a choice. These simple habits of happy people are guaranteed to...

    Can You Guess What These Antique Objects Were Used For?

    Kids these days might not know a floppy disk from a Walkman, but it’s up to you to guess what...

    This Is the Only Time You Shouldn’t Reuse Zip-Top Bags

    We investigate when (and how) to make your zip-top bags reusable.

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    14 Grammar Myths Your English Teacher Lied to You About

    Your English teacher would probably be mortified, but you can safely ignore these grammar "rules."

    The World’s Hardest Maze Only Geniuses Can Solve

    If you can find a way to solve the world's hardest maze, you can consider yourself a genius

    17 Most Bizarre Diseases You Won’t Believe Are Real

    Purple urine? Skin like tree bark? Allergic to water? To the patients who have them, these strange diseases and conditions...

    13 Things That Are Older Than the United States of America

    It may be well over 200 years old, but in the grand scheme of things, America's still just a baby!...

    Finally! Here’s When to Use “E.g.” Versus “I.e.”

    We’re all guilty of making this mistake.

    10 Little Compliments You Should Be Giving Every Day

    Spread a little happiness with these nice things to say to friends, colleagues, and even total strangers.

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    The Scandalous Story of How King George VI Became King

    Her Majesty The Queen spent her first ten years assuming she would live her life as a "minor" royal. But...

    14 Secret Code Words You’re Not Meant to Know

    These phrases are meant to sound like random letters and numbers, but in certain situations, they can be signs of...