A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Do you love to learn? If so, you’ve come to the right place. From mind-blowing facts to grammar mistakes to psychology terms, get ready to exercise your brain.

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    Fewer Than 1 Percent of People Can Pass This Color Test. Can You?

    Naming the colors in the rainbow is easy, but can you differentiate between the different shades of yellow?

    10 Fascinating Facts You Never Knew About Ambidextrous People

    A tiny fraction of the population can use both hands with equal skill. Here's the biology behind this cool ability,...

    Here’s What’s Happening to Your Body When You Have a Fever

    When you heat up, a lot of extraordinary things are happening in your body. This is what a fever means—and...

    11 Weather Myths You Need to Stop Believing Right Now

    Some untrue weather facts seem to ride out the storm. Find out which potentially life-saving info you’ve got wrong.

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    11 of the Most Famous Riddles in History

    From the Bible to Shakespeare to Harry Potter, these riddles were dreamed up by some of history's most celebrated writers—and...

    This Is Why People Believe Pennies Bring Good Luck

    There's a reason why they're luckiest when they're heads up.

    10 of the Longest Living Animals in the Entire World

    For many species, turning 100 years old is nothing special.

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    20 Baffling Forensic Cases That Stumped Everyone

    Forensics—fingerprints, DNA, time of death—may seem like hard science. But the practice is still evolving and as these mysteries reveal...

    12 Tricks Con Artists Use to Win Your Trust

    Getting conned could be as simple as a stranger knowing your name. Be careful.

    13 Things You Never Realized Were Shrinking

    For better or worse, these things are getting smaller and smaller—and you probably haven't even noticed.

    13 Sneaky Things in Your Home That Trigger Anxiety

    Anxiety triggers aren't always easy to identify—if fact, they could be the ordinary things in your home that you would...

    10 Amazing Words We No Longer Use (But Should!)

    Zounds! These obsolete yet colorful words have fallen out of use, but you’ll sound super smart mixing them into your...

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    10 Crazy Predictions That Actually Came True

    These people, publications, and even TV shows made predictions—and ended up with pretty spot-on visions of the future. Coincidence or...

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    Only 3 People Have Ever Escaped Alcatraz—Here’s How

    Read the story behind "one of the greatest prison escapes in American history."

    This Is Why People Are So Afraid of the Number 13

    There are a few reasons this number gets such a bad rap.

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    15 Science Mysteries No One Has Figured Out

    "To know, is to know that you know nothing," said Socrates, the famed ancient Greek philosopher. And while we know...

    What Your Birth Order Really Reveals About You

    Birth order has a great influence on child development, specifically because parents tend to raise each sibling differently—which can be...

    16 Explanations You Don’t Owe Anyone—Really

    The choices we make define us, so we deserve to be confident in those decisions—No justification necessary. These are the...

    Here’s How Every State in America Got Its Name

    Native American words, honoring royals, or homesick settlers—check out the crazy origins of every American state's name.

    13 Secrets to Acing Crossword Puzzles

    Here are the tips and tricks to make you an ace crossword puzzle solver. Sit back, put on your thinking...

    Here’s the Real Reason Why Diners Look Like Train Cars

    You'll probably never look at a diner the same way again.

    Here’s How to Make Your Own Non-Toxic Pesticides

    Now's the time to start strategizing against the bugs, weeds, and fungi gunning for your garden. Protect it the non-toxic...

    9 Real-Life Medical Mistakes That Will Make You Cringe

    Surgical supplies are left behind more often than you would think.

    What You Probably Never Realized About Award Show Trophies

    In honor of Hollywood's most wonderful time of year, here's a closer look at the coveted golden guys, gals, globes,...

    16 Words You Use Every Day You Didn’t Realize Are Trademarked

    Bubble Wrap® is not a generic term. Neither is Realtor®. Did you know any of these common words are actually...