A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Do you love to learn? If so, you’ve come to the right place. From mind-blowing facts to grammar mistakes to psychology terms, get ready to exercise your brain.

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    23 Things Your Mail Carrier Won’t Tell You

    Postal workers from around the country reveal the secrets of their profession and why mail is still the country's best...

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    What Could Happen if the U.S. Postal Service Stopped Delivering Mail

    It would mean more than the end of the Restoration Hardware catalogs...

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    Sneaked or Snuck: Which Is Correct?

    What's the one thing that's more sneaky than a teenager, loophole, and a surprise fine combined? The difference between sneaked...

    Who vs. Whom: Here’s When to Use Each Word

    You've always wondered, so we're setting the record straight.

    18 Common Hair Myths That Are Ruining Your Hair

    Just because you've heard it a million times doesn't mean it's true! Separate fact from fiction to get the luxurious...

    Where Do Subway Trains Go When They’ve Retired?

    All aboard as we crack this case!

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    Why Do We Eat Birthday Cake?

    Hint: It has to do with the Ancient Greeks!

    Free Reign vs. Free Rein: Which Should You Use?

    Does this expression imply that someone with the freedom to do whatever they want is a ruler or a horse...

    This Is the Bank with the Worst Reputation in America

    It's more than just poor customer service when it comes to ranking the bank with the worst reputation in America.

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    Why I Signed Up for Family Camp During the Pandemic

    How one writer and her family experienced a life-changing escape from coronavirus reality at summer camp.

    8 Steakhouse Etiquette Mistakes You May Be Making

    Steakhouse etiquette is designed to create a formal-but-friendly experience, but all those rules can seem stuffy. Warm up the experience...

    8 Secrets I Learned While Working at Walmart

    You love their deals and the fact that it's a one-stop-shop, but what goes on behind the scenes at your...

    14 Big Facts That Were Left Out of History

    Sometimes the most interesting information gets lost on the 
cutting-room floor of time.

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    7 Secrets to Avoid Flying on a Crowded Plane

    Avoiding the dreaded middle seat carries even more importance in this age of social distancing. Here's how to make sure...

    13 Surprising Facts About the U.S. Army

    How much do you know about the Army?

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    Passed vs Past: What’s the Difference?

    Leave this common word mix-up in your past!

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    The Most Scenic Campsite in Every State

    Here's how you can get away, marvel at the wonder of nature, sleep under the stars, and keep your distance...

    Where Did the Concept of Race Come from, Anyway?

    What began as a concept of classification evolved into an agent of war and a symbol of supremacy and oppression...

    12 Free Online University Classes You Can Take on African American Studies

    Want to expand your understanding of race relations in America but don’t know where to start? You’re in the right...

    All of a Sudden vs. All of the Sudden: Which Is Correct?

    You've been using the phrase "all of a sudden" with confidence. Now "all of the sudden," it's not so clear...

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    Farther vs. Further: What’s the Difference?

    How far would you go to figure out the difference between further and farther? Look no further—we've got your answer.

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    12 Ways Hotels Are Changing Forever

    Your next vacation or business trip will look and feel a little different in the wake of COVID-19—skip the surprises...

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    10 Ways We Already Know the Holidays Will Look Different

    Although coronavirus may cancel some holiday festivities, it will never cancel holiday cheer!

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    20 of the World’s Greatest Lost Cities

    Get your Indiana Jones-style fedora ready for a modern-day armchair expedition of places rediscovered after centuries—and some that have yet...

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    8 Things That Will Get More Expensive (and 3 Things That Will Be Cheaper) Post-Pandemic

    COVID-19 is affecting the cost of many everyday items from the price of eggs to car insurance.

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    13 of the Most Famous Sister Rivalries in History

    Sisters always share a deep bond—and sometimes, they share an even deeper rivalry.

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    How Many States Can You Identify on a Completely Blank Map?

    Think you know where most of the U.S. states are located? See if you can still pick them out when...

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    7 Times Crazy Weather Changed the Course of History

    Mother Nature is powerful—so powerful, in fact, that there are times when the very course of historical events has been...

    33 Middle School Vocabulary Words Adults Still Get Wrong

    Think you have a strong vocabulary? See how many of these common 8th grade reading words you can recognize when...