A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Do you love to learn? If so, you’ve come to the right place. From mind-blowing facts to grammar mistakes to psychology terms, get ready to exercise your brain.

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    It Could Be Illegal to Throw Away These 8 Things

    Americans throw away literally tons of trash. But tossing out any one of these items with your regular garbage could...

    30 Statistics That Show the Undeniable Reality of Structural Racism in America

    Want proof that racism infiltrates every level of American society? Easy. Just look at the numbers.

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    20 Mysteries Actually Solved by Psychics

    Just because some so-called psychics are full of hooey, it doesn't mean no one out there has psychic abilities. In...

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    You Could Already Qualify to Be a Member of Mensa—Here’s Why

    There’s a good chance you’ve already taken the test you need to join this prestigious society.

    17 Polite Habits Most People Secretly Dislike

    You mean well, but some of the things you do in an attempt to be polite may actually bother the...

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    11 Shortages We’re Likely to See This Winter Because of COVID-19

    Earlier in the year, it was hard to find things like toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Now, as we head...

    60 Weird Facts Most People Don’t Know

    Prepare to have your mind blown.

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    If You Laugh at These Dark Jokes, You’re Probably a Genius

    A dark sense of humor doesn't make you a bad person—just a smart one

    7 Myths About Full Moons You Can Safely Ignore

    The full moon gets blamed for a lot of crazy stuff—not just werewolves! Here are the common myths about the...

    If You Can Answer These Mensa Quiz Questions, You’re Probably a Genius

    Here's a fun way to put your IQ through its paces. Try these sample questions from the Mensa IQ test!

    7 Famous Slogans That Had to Be Changed

    A slogan has to be catchy, memorable, and clever—so what happens when a company's tagline turns out to be outdated,...

    12 Everyday Expressions You Didn’t Realize Were Sexist

    Words are only one of the many tools the patriarchy uses to keep women down.

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    Here’s What Happens If a President Won’t Leave Office

    It's more complicated than you might think.

    16 Questions Polite People Never Ask

    While your intentions may come from the right place, you need to think about how a question will make the...

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    Confirmed: This Is How You Should Hang Your Toilet Paper

    Over or under? We finally have the answer.

    12 Polite Habits Retail Store Employees Secretly Dislike, According to Old Navy Staffers

    You may think you're lending a helping hand, but your good deed could make more work for employees

    10 Everyday Examples of the Glaring Reality of White Privilege

    Chances are, if you're tired of hearing about White privilege, you've probably spent a lifetime benefiting from it.

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    14 Final Jeopardy! Questions Everybody Got Wrong

    Jeopardy may be fun to watch, but you can't help but feel for the contestants when they get hit with...

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    12 Ways Coronavirus Changed How We Shop Forever

    It's made a difference in both what we buy and how we buy it.

    10 Things That Must Happen When a Supreme Court Justice Dies

    Some very specific traditions honor a justice’s life, while constitutional rules keep the country running

    This Is How Confusing Life Would Be Without Proper Punctuation

    Punctuation can save lives, relationships, and money.

    What Is the Longest Word in English? Hint: It’s 189,819 Letters Long

    Move over, "antidisestablishmentarianism." The longest word in English will leave you speechless.

    15 Fascinating Facts About Dictionaries That Will Make You Want to Pick One Up

    From dropped words to fake definitions, learn fun facts, hearsay, and scandal about our most useful language resource, and the...

    11 Signs You May Have Already Had COVID-19

    You felt lousy, you had trouble breathing—did you have COVID-19? Here's what the experts say you should look for if...

    What Would Happen If the U.S. Stopped Minting Coins?

    The global pandemic has led to a coin shortage in the United States. But why do we need coins at...

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    13 Bizarre Facts About America’s Earliest Elections

    Times sure have changed! Early in our country's history, Election Day was a jubilant affair filled with alcohol, parades, cakes,...

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    18 Positive Ways the World May Change After Coronavirus

    There are some surprising silver linings to the devastation of the COVID-19 crisis.

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    Here’s Why There Isn’t a Single Stop Sign in Paris

    It has to do with Paris's traffic laws... and a possible stop sign heist.