A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Do you love to learn? If so, you’ve come to the right place. From mind-blowing facts to grammar mistakes to psychology terms, get ready to exercise your brain.

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    Here’s How Your Memory Really Works

    Your brain doesn’t work like a tape recorder. Sometimes that’s a good thing.

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    Why Is the White House White?

    It isn't just for looks.

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    13 Unlikely Jobs U.S. Presidents Held After the White House

    You can’t accuse these former presidents of resting on their laurels once they left office.

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    12 Facts About the White House You Missed in History Class

    Here are a few facts about the White House that will surprise you.

    How to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine at Walmart

    Walmart is just one of many retailers that will be offering COVID-19 vaccines. Learn how the process works and what...

    Historical Facts You’ll Wish Weren’t Really True

    History is stranger than fiction... and often grosser and creepier too.

    15 Interesting Facts About Martin Luther King Jr.

    We're sharing facts about Martin Luther King Jr. to commemorate his life and legacy as a civil rights leader

    25 Pictures of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Life and Legacy

    These pictures of Martin Luther King showcase his life, legacy and impact as a civil rights leader

    This Is the Most Rat-Infested City in America

    Before we know it, the rat population may exceed the human population in this city.

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    The Smallest Town in Every State

    Think you live in a small town? These places give a whole new meaning to the concept.

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    25 Presidential Firsts You Didn’t Learn About in School

    Who was the first president to officially call it "the White House"? The first to attend a baseball game? Some...

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    The Subtle Difference You Didn’t Notice Between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton’s Photos

    Meghan may no longer be a royal, but the way she posed for photos when she was points to a...

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    13 Glaring Grammar Mistakes in the U.S. Constitution

    The Constitution may have earned an "A" in civics, but in terms of grammar, it's well below the (Liberty) bell-shaped...

    14 Bizarre Things the Government Actually Has the Power to Do

    The United States is known as the "land of the free"—but how free are we, really? Here are some strange...

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    10 Myths About the U.S. Constitution Most Americans Believe

    Not everything you've read about the U.S. Constitution is totally accurate. Here are the most common myths—and what the document...

    This Is Why the U.S. Constitution Uses F’s for S’s

    Don't worry—our Founding Fathers did know how to spell.

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    How Well Do You Know the Amendments of the Constitution?

    Calling all American history buffs! Test your knowledge of the amendments to the Constitution with this quiz.

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    How Many People Actually Signed the Constitution?

    The U.S. Constitution put in writing how the government of the United States should operate. Read on to find out...

    I Think Black History Month Should Last All Year

    We know about Harriet Tubman and Martin Luther 
King Jr., of course. But our American history lessons skip 
over so...

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    12 Rude Money Habits You Need to Stop ASAP

    Don't "forget" your wallet again, or commit these other money habits that are just as rude.

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    These Are the Only Ways You Should Be Using a Colon

    They may seem tricky, but they're easy to master.

    This Is What Your Waiter First Notices About You

    From your table etiquette and cell phone placement to how you order a meal, this is what waiters observe about...

    16 Rude Gym Habits You Need to Stop Doing ASAP

    Gym culture has an etiquette all its own, so brush up on the things never to do at the gym—before...

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    11 of the Biggest Lies That Made History

    From frauds and imposters to scheming and scamming, these historical lies will make even your biggest fibs look harmless.

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    14 Zoom Etiquette Rules You Need to Follow

    Making eye contact is important—so look directly into the camera, not at the person you're talking to. (Oops.)

    10 Accidental Discoveries That Changed the World

    From penicillin and anesthesia to saccharin and silly putty, chance played a major role in some of the world's great...

    14 Body Language Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making

    Actions speak louder than words. Here's how to make sure you're sending the right message.

    Do Pheromone Perfumes Really Work?

    You may have seen advertisements for pheromone perfumes or sprays that promise to make you more sexually attractive or to...