A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

Expensive Night Out

Harry can’t figure out what to get his girlfriend for her birthday. "Oh," she says, "just take me someplace expensive." So he drops her off at the gas station.

Honest Questions

Two kids are on their way to Sunday school when one says to the other, “What do you think about this Satan stuff?” “Well, you remember Santa? This could turn...

Good Seats

Looking down the stairs at a football game, a fan spots an open seat on the 50-yard line. He asks the man sitting next to it if the seat is...

Learning Tricks

A talking horse shows up at Dodger Stadium and persuades the manager to let him try out for the team. In his first at bat, the horse rips the ball...

Slightly Worn

"For sale," read the ad in our hospital’s weekly newsletter, "sleeveless wedding gown, white, size 8, veil included. Worn once, by mistake."


Trying to do my share to help the environment, I set up a trash basket at my church and posted above it this suggestion: "Empty water bottles here." I should...


After years of battling the bulge, my sister finally lost weight. In fact, she shed so many pounds that her suits began to sag, leading one co-worker to suggest she...

Review and Repeat

When my husband pointed out my tendency to retell the same stories over and over, I reminded him that he was just as guilty. "Allow me to clarify," he said...

Like New

I love making clothes for my five-year-old granddaughter. And she, in turn, always seems happy to accept them. The other day, I asked if she would like me to make...

Taking It With You

Lying on his deathbed, the rich, miserly old man calls to his long-suffering wife. "I want to take all my money with me," he tells her. "So promise me you’ll...

Looking Good

Even at age 88, my mother was vain about her looks. At a party, an old friend exclaimed, "Edith, you haven’t changed in 20 years." "Oh," said Mom, horrified. "I...

Innocent Question

Up on the screen at our local multiplex, the star whispered to his female costar, "I want you to be my mistress." "What’s a mistress?" my eight-year-old granddaughter yelled out....

Safe Haven

Safe Haven Small Animal Hospital 24 Hour Veterinary Service Bill Mosley, DVM 200 E. Norway 936-4798 Hunters Welcome!

Apples and Pineapples

After a number of attempts to get the customer service agent on the phone to understand his name, my Asian American friend Appappa decided to spell it out. "A for...

Parking Permit

As I pulled into a crowded parking lot, I asked the cop standing there, "Is it all right to park here?" "No," he said. "Can’t you see that No Parking...

It’s All Relative

En route to Atlanta, my stepfather spotted some mules by the side of the road. "Relatives?" he asked my mother. Not taking the bait, she responded, "Yeah, through marriage."

Slightly Off

One of our projects at military leadership school called for us to speak in front of the class on a topic picked by our instructor. A classmate gave an impassioned...

Don’t Drink the Water

Seen on the bathroom door of an upscale spa: "Caution! Toilets flushed with reclaimed water. Do not drink!"

Peace in the Middle East

We were discussing the Middle East when my friend asked about the Kurds. "They want their own homeland," I explained. "But Iraq won’t give up any land for it, and...

Cleaning Up

Standing in line at a restaurant, I noticed that the few available tables left had not been cleaned off. I mentioned this to the cashier, who told the manager. A...


Our salesman at the electronics store was pitching a high-definition television. A fellow shopper, overhearing the spiel, mentioned that he’d upgraded his regular TV to high-def. "How’d you do that?"...

It’s a Toss-Up

A woman walked into the elevator tossing her keys up in the air and catching them. After one too many tosses, she dropped the keys, and we watched as they...

New Car Wash

My niece was thrilled to hear that a new car wash was opening up in her neighborhood."How convenient," she said."I can walk to it."

What’s the Baby on Our June Cover Thinking?

Tired of doom-and-gloom headlines? We are too! At Reader's Digest, we believe it’s our job to act as an antidote to all the negativity in the news. That's what convinced us to pick our June cover model. We took one look at that face and couldn't help but smile. Hence, the birth of our June cover line: "Oh, cheer up!"

Concerned Owner

The 6 a.m. regulars at the dog run are, not surprisingly, a pet-oriented group. Recently John started discussing his trip. "The flight was awful! We were delayed for a few...

Smart Pills

Feeling listless, I bought some expensive "brain-stimulating" pills at the health food store. But it wasn’t until I got home that I read the label. "This is just rosemary extract,"...

Like a Rolling Stone

At my ten-year-old’s request, I loaded my Rolling Stones tunes onto his iPod. "I had no idea you liked the Stones," I said. "Sure. I like all that old-fashioned music,"...

Self Serve

My husband, who uses a wheelchair, showed up at his eye doctor’s for an appointment. The receptionist checked the schedule, then said, "The nurse will call you in a moment....

Good References

A teller at our credit union was assisting a member with a loan application. "Do you have references?" she asked. The member replied, "Do they have to be living?"

Easy Requirements

After months of fruitless searching, I ran across a job in the want ads that I knew I was qualified for. The posting read "Position may be filled by male...

Feared Meeting

I was on my way out of the house to meet with a cantankerous client, and I was dreading it. The look on my face must have given me away...

Resume Classics

What’s the finest example of fiction today? The résumé. Here are some classics sent to bemused hiring managers. Candidate listed military service dating back to before he was born. Candidate...


I’d contacted a butcher to get sheep brains for a lecture in my neuroanatomy class and said I’d be by to pick them up. But when I arrived at his...

Looking for Space

I was driving around and around a parking garage in search of an available space. Nothing. Then I noticed a couple walking ahead of me. "Going out?" I called to...

A Great Weight-Loss Tip

The biggest loser at my weight-loss club was an elderly woman. "How’d you do it?" we asked. "Easy," she said. "Every night I take my teeth out at six o’clock."

Beware of Dog

This ad in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle was obviously directed toward pet lovers only: "Free to good home, a loving Jack Russell terror dog."

All Possible Outcomes

At the dentist’s office for oral surgery, I was handed a couple of forms to fill out. As I signed the first one, I joked with the receptionist: "Does this...

Ach Who?

Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
Ach who?
Bless you!

Alpaca Who?

Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
Alpaca who?
Alpaca the trunk, you pack-a the suitcase.

Amos Who?

Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
Amos who?
A mosquito bit me!

Boo Who?

Knock! Knock!
Boo who?
It's me, why are you crying?

Cash Who?

Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
Cash who?
I didn't realize you were some kind of nut!

Cow Who?

Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
Cow who?
Cow's don't "who" they "MOO"

Ketchup Who?

Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
Ketchup who?
Ketchup with me, and I'll tell you!

Robin Who?

Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
Robin who?
Robin' you! So hand over your money!

Sam and Janet Who?

Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
Sam and Janet
Sam and Janet who?
Samenjanet evening.

Save the Polar Bears

During a trip to the zoo, we saw a sign posted next to the empty polar bear exhibit stating that the bear had died after eating a glove. "The poor...

Wevill Who?

Knock! Knock!
Who's there..!
Wevill who?
We will we will Rock you.

Great Writers

A customer at our bookstore asked me, "Do you have the original book Romeo and Juliet? My daughter needs it for school, and all I can find is the play."

Listening Skills

"Guess what?" yelled my high schooler as he burst through the door. "I got a 100 on the Spanish quiz that I didn’t even know we were having." "That’s great!"...


When a lonely frog consults a fortune-teller, he’s told not to worry. "You are going to meet a beautiful young girl," she says, "and she will want to know everything...

Late for Work

Johnson, who always shows up for work on time, comes in an hour late, his face scratched and bruised, his glasses bent. "What happened to you?" his boss asks. "I...

Final Farewell

Following a funeral service, the pallbearers are carrying the casket out of the church when they accidentally bump into a wall. From inside the coffin they hear a faint moan....

Among the Living

Interviewing a college applicant, the dean of admissions asks, "If you could have a conversation with someone, living or dead, who would it be?" The student thinks it over, then...

Good for Ants

A garden center customer picks up a container of insecticide and asks the salesperson, "Is this good for red ants?" "No," says the salesperson. "It’ll kill ’em!"

Ridiculous Town Name

Two American tourists are driving through Wales. They decide to stop for a bite to eat in the village of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogo- gogoch.* Baffled by the name, one of them turns...

Silly Teacher

Teacher: Millie, give me a sentence starting with i. Millie: I is … Teacher: No, Millie. Always say, "I am." Millie: Okay, I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

In the Stomach

A man goes to the doctor complaining about stomach problems. The doctor asks him what he’s been eating. "I only eat pool balls," he says. "Red ones for breakfast, yellow...

Odd Package

An officer in my unit in Iraq was on the phone with his mom. She asked if there was anything he needed. Yes, he told her, lots of ChapStick. There...

Army Girl

"Daddy," said my 11-year-old daughter, "I think I want to join the Army." "Baby," I answered, "I think the Air Force would be a better option for you." "But I...

3 Resume Killers

Looking for a job? Try to avoid these résumé bombs, collected from bemused hiring managers: Candidate specified that his availability was limited because Friday, Saturday, and Sunday was "drinking time."...

Lost the Keys

I was cleaning a hotel room when the previous occupant came in, looking for her husband’s keys. We searched high and low without luck. I finally peeked underneath the bed...

Bible Bafflement

My friend opened a ministry, using a snippet from the Bible as the name. But he soon regretted his decision to order office supplies over the phone. When his stationery...

4 Silly Tour Guide Questions

Think it’s easy being a tour guide? VisitBritain, a travel bureau, has compiled these tourist questions. "Is Wales closed during the winter?" "Why did they build Windsor Castle on the...

Extra Supervision

When hiring new staff at her public library, my daughter always asks applicants what sort of supervision they’d be most comfortable with. One genius answered, "I’ve always thought Superman’s X-ray...

Unusual Beauty Contestant

An e-mail from our school principal: "The Miss BHS Beauty Pageant has been moved to Friday night instead of Saturday because of the contestants involved in the hog show."

Daily News

The irate customer calling our newspaper offices loudly demanded to know where her Sunday edition was. "Ma’am," I interrupted, "today is Saturday. The Sunday paper is not delivered until Sunday."...

Work Workout

After my daily jog to work, I found a colleague standing outside our building, puffing on a cigarette. Seeing that I was sweaty and out of breath, she became concerned....

On Friends and Countrymen

Conversation at our business lunch turned to illegal immigration. “I read an article that said 60 percent of Americans are immigrants,” commented one of my colleagues. “That can’t be true,”...

10 Quotes About Springtime

Funny, uplifting and silly quotes about this beautiful time of year.

Paying Attention

When a nosy fourth-grade student wanted the scoop on what another teacher and I were discussing in private, I decided it was time for an impromptu lesson in manners. "Do...

Always Be Prepared

Seen on a marquee outside the Clinton Correctional Facility, a maximum security prison in Dannemora, New York: The Dannemora fire department reminds you it’s fire prevention week. Practice your escape...

Grandmother Approved

Even with a thousand games, dolls and crafts to choose from, my customer at the toy store still couldn’t find a thing for her grandson. "Maybe a video or something...