A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

Drawing Straws

When his drink arrived, my brother-in-law Keith asked the waitress for a straw. "Sorry, I’m out," she said, sounding irritated. "The customers won’t stop asking for them." "Well," joked Keith,...

Marking Time

My sister and I decided to reframe a favorite photograph of our mother and father from when they were dating, some 60 years ago. After removing the picture from the...

Once in a Lifetime

Last June, my friend told me about her plans for our upcoming prom. "I’m renting a stretch limo and spending $1,000 on a new dress, and I’ve reserved a table...

Funny Smell

While filling up at a gas station, I accidentally spilled gasoline on my shirt. When I went inside to pay, I noticed a woman crinkling her nose. Embarrassed, I tried...

Cash For Clunkers

Seen on a Laundromat bulletin board: "For Sale—Car. Must be towed. Gets great gas mileage."

Changing Voice

My sister explained to my nephew how his voice would eventually change as he grew up. Tyler was exuberant at the prospect. "Cool!" he said. "I hope I get a...

Subject to Approval

An item on craigslist: "Antique sewing table refinished by my wife, $30. If she's home, $100."

He Works in Mysterious Ways

The subject line on the e-mail sent by our campus ministry after Easter read "He is risen!" But the next day, we received a rather startling message intended to clear...

Overheard at the Salon

At the salon, I overheard the receptionist admit to another customer, "I haven’t taken my vitamins today. I’m walking around unprotected." The customer commiserated with her. "I haven’t taken my...


Apéritif: French for "a set of dentures."

Birthday Greetings

Greeting Cards: When you care enough to send the very best but not enough to actually write something.

No "I" in Team

One of the players on our junior high football team never saw action in a game. But my brother, the assistant coach, liked the kid and always gave him pep...

Help Wanted

Scary business headline: "Air Traffic Controllers Can Apply for Job in Braille"

Difficult Travel

Fog forced our Puerto Rico-to-New York plane to be diverted to Washington, D.C. As I left the cockpit, a passenger complained, "A little bit of fog never stopped a train...

The Dog Ate My Alarm Clock

According to careerbuilder.com, a full 15 percent of workers admit to getting to the office late at least once a week. And here are some of their excuses: I have...

Being Reasonable

Everyone has a right to make money. A sign posted at a local pub reads "Be safe: Don't drink and drive. But please still drink."

A Little Early

"Baby born 10 months premature"

Usual Suspect

While prosecuting a robbery case, I conducted an interview with the arresting officer. My first question: "Did you see the defendant at the scene?" "Yes, from a block away," the...

Best Buy

"For sale: Red storage building, slightly damaged. Will not last long."

Help Wanting

Here’s a job to avoid: hiring manager. See what you’d have to contend with? The candidate answered his cell phone and asked the interviewer to leave her own office because...

Crisp Cookies

While I was making a huge batch of snickerdoodle cookies, I asked my ten-year-old to read the recipe and ingredients off the box to me, doubling them as he went...


After browsing the restaurant menu, I had a question for the waitress. "About the salmon entrée, is that a steak or a fillet?" "Neither," she said. "It’s a fish."

Eat Well

Forget about Halloween. If you're really eager to frighten the kids, just read them these headlines. "TV ads boost eating of obese children"

17 Warm-Weather Jokes for Summer

Hilarious moments from family vacations and beach excursions.


Inmates at our Ohio prison are allowed to shine shoes in order to make a few extra bucks. One day, I was having my shoes shined when the prisoner began...

Everyday Occurrence

When I arrived at my mother’s apartment complex, I was greeted by the disconcerting sight of a fire truck parked outside. There was no sign of smoke, and the firefighters...

Proper Lighting

Halfway through a romantic dinner, my husband smiled and said, "You look so beautiful under these lights." I was falling in love all over again when he added, "We gotta...

Big Litter

"For sale: Eight puppies from a German shepherd and an Alaskan hussy."

On Paper

When he received a journal as a gift, my eight-year-old son was mystified. "Mom, what am I supposed to do with this? The pages are blank." "You write down interesting...

Depending on the Day

One day my three-year-old daughter asked when her birthday was. Knowing that the date, April 14, would mean nothing to her, I said, "It’s either just before or just after...

Squeaky Wheel

The wheel of my grocery cart was making a horrible scraping sound as I rolled it through the supermarket. Nevertheless, when I finished my shopping and saw a cartless woman,...

On the Sidelines

I was sprawled on the living-room couch watching my favorite show on the Food Network when my husband walked in. "Why do you watch those food shows?" he asked. "You...

Common Thread

A middle school in New Ipswich, New Hampshire, encourages freethinking. A sign outside the school reads, "You are unique—just like everyone else."

Simple Explanation

Following my husband’s physical exam, the doctor delivered some bad news. "Your white blood cells are elevated," he said. "What does that mean?" I asked. Looking concerned, the doctor explained,...

Placing Blame

My daughter and her husband, naval reservists, have an eight-year-old son. When one of his parochial school classmates told my daughter that Angus had said a bad word, she said,...

3 Relationship Terms

Author Cindy Chupack coined these useful neologisms to help those dating today. Man-me-downs: Men who are passed on from one woman to another after a failed attempt at romance. Cupidity:...

Blind Date

"How was your blind date?"

"Terrible! He showed up in a 1932 Rolls-Royce."

"What's so terrible about that?"

"He was the original owner."

Flight of the Buzzard

Carrying two dead raccoons, a buzzard tries to check in at LAX for the red-eye to New York. "Sorry, sir," says the ticket agent. "We allow only one item of...

Generous Boyfriend

A teenager brings her new boyfriend home to meet her parents. They’re appalled by his haircut, his tattoos, his piercings. Later, the girl’s mom says, "Dear, he doesn’t seem to...

The Meek Shall Inherit…

The meek shall inherit the earth … if it's okay with the rest of you.

Monkey Business

Staring at an empty cage, a zoo visitor asks, "Where are all the monkeys?" "It’s mating season," the keeper replies. "They’re inside." "Do you think they’d come out for peanuts?"...


Two friends run into each other while walking their dogs. One suggests lunch. The other says, "They won’t let us in a restaurant with pets." Undeterred, the first guy and...

Good Eulogy

The pastor asks his flock, “What would you like people to say when you’re in your casket?” One congregant says, “I’d like them to say I was a fine family...

Hometown Heroes

Our hometown baseball team is called the Possums. They get killed on the road.

Stripping Titles

We disbar lawyers and we defrock clergy, so why don't we:
Delight electricians?
Derange cowboys?
Depose models?
Debark tree surgeons?
Depress dry cleaners?

Passing the Test

One time, I had to tell a candidate that we would not be able to offer him a job because his drug test had come back positive and ours was...

Dangerous Photography

A neighborhood photography studio offered a special that few could resist. The sign read, "Now Shooting Seniors for Free."

No Problem?

One diagnostic-imaging center claims that its high-tech medical procedures are second to none. The center's newspaper advertisement proclaimed, CT Colonoscopy: No Scope, No Sedation, No Recovery.

Car Troubles

A customer brought her car into our Saturn dealership complaining of rattling noises. Later, the technician said the problem was no big deal. "Just a case of CTIP: Customer Thinks...

Friendly Reminder

During my first meeting with my physically challenged students, I assured them that most people are handicapped in some way. "Look at me," I said. "My eyes are so bad,...


When my ex-Marine father-in-law was at my house, our six-year-old neighbor came by to play with my kids. I asked her if she knew who he was. She looked up...


During his fourth week of basic training, my grandson was able to make a brief phone call to me. He said he was attending church on base every week, which...

Marriage and Weight

How come married women are heavier than single women? A single woman goes home, sees what’s in the fridge, and goes to bed. A married woman sees what’s in bed...

Good Answer

A guy sees a beautiful woman at the other end of the bar. He walks up to her and says, "Where have you been all my life?" "Well," she says,...


‘Where is everybody?" the cowpoke asks. "They’ve all gone to see Brown Paper Pete hang," says a bystander. "Why do they call him that?" the cowboy asks. "Well, he always...

Apology Accepted

Teacher: George Washington not only chopped down his father’s cherry tree but also admitted it. Now, Joey, do you know why his father didn’t punish him? Joey: Because George still...

Great Writer

Visiting a college campus, the prospective student spots a building called Hemingway Hall. "That’s nice," he says, "a building named for Ernest Hemingway." "Actually," says the tour guide, "it’s named...

Friends ‘Till the End

It’s really humid in the woods, so the two hiking buddies remove their shirts and shoes. But when they spot a sign saying "Beware of bears," one of them stops...

A Tad Late

A tour bus stops in Runnymede, England, and the guide says it was here that the Magna Carta was signed. "When did they sign it?" one passenger asks. "1215," the...

Teed Off

Fred comes home from his usual Saturday golf game. "What a terrible day," he tells his wife. "Harry dropped dead on the tenth tee." "Oh, that’s awful!" she says. "You’re...

The Greatest Show on Earth

An acquaintance of ours was—how do I put this delicately?—not well loved. So when he died, I was amazed to see how many people showed up for his funeral. "I’m...

The Good News

Dr. Smith asks his patient, "Which do you want first, the good news or the bad news?" The patient replies, "Give me the good news." Dr. Smith says, "You’re about...

Truth in Advertising

Driving along a country road, I ignored a Bridge Out sign and continued on. But in a few miles I came to a stop: The road was completely barricaded. So...

Some Change

After cashing a check at the bank, the woman in front of me stood staring at her money. "Did I give you enough back?" asked the teller. "Yes," she said....

The Bracelet

As I was admitted to the hospital prior to a procedure, the clerk asked for my wrist, saying, "I’m going to give you a bracelet." "Has it got rubies and...

Marriage Secrets

When I asked a friend the secret to his 52 years of marriage, he replied, "We never go to sleep angry." "That’s a great philosophy," I noted. "Yes. And the...


I just got a GPS for my car, and my first trip with it was to a drugstore. Since the manual said not to leave it in the car unattended,...

Moving On

When our school librarian announced she was changing schools, my fellow teacher asked a student, "Why do you think Ms. Richardson is leaving?" The third grader opined, "Because she’s read...


I input a junior manager’s self-evaluation, which said in part, "I have been on the job for three months, and I finally feel as if I’ve accomplished something." I made...

Subject to Replacement

Proofreading an instruction manual for a hospital ventilator, I did a double take when I came across this questionable troubleshooting tip: "If the problem persists, replace patient immediately."

Going to the Zoo

A guy finds a sheep wandering in his neighborhood and takes it to the police station. The desk sergeant says, "Why don’t you just take it to the zoo?" The...

The Secret to Success

The pastor decides to use one rich parishioner to set an example. "John," he says, "you’re a successful businessman; surely you could contribute more to the building fund." John replies,...

Second Marriage

‘If I were to die first, would you remarry?" the wife asks. "Well," says the husband, "I’m in good health, so why not?" "Would she live in my house?" "It’s...