A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

From the Beyond

Brevity is next to confusion in the insurance business. When a client died, her daughter told our agency that she would cancel the home policy the following week, once her...

Time Out

After a lengthy course on improving computer skills, a teacher finally seemed to get the hang of it. In fact, he admitted in his self-evaluation, "computers have simplified and shortened...

In Demand

After I took a job at a small publishing house, the first books I was assigned to edit were all on the topic of dieting. "Isn’t the market flooded with...

Leaving a Light On

An elderly man visits the doctor for a checkup. "Mr. Smith, you’re in great shape," says the doctor afterward. "How do you do it?" "Well," says Mr. Smith, "I don’t...

Keeping Track

Found in a heap of recycled files donated to our school was this curiously labeled folder: "Excuses I Have Used."

Long Time, No See

My 45-year-old sister was attending the wedding of a childhood friend when she ran into people she hadn’t seen in years. How long exactly? One of them shouted, "Kathy, you...

War Stories

My father was telling his young nephew about fighting in Vietnam. "Are you a hero?" Jose asked. "Nah," said Dad. "Did you ever shoot anyone?" "No. All I did was...

Unlikely Problem

One of our visiting Italian students at Sheppard Air Force Base said he wouldn’t be able to fly that day. "Why?" his teacher asked. Marshaling all the English he knew,...

Mothers' Confessions

Mother’s Day is nigh, so we’re loath to say this: Mothers aren’t perfect. Here they admit it: "My son knows he’s not allowed downstairs until 9 a.m. Reason? He’s been...

Mom's Call

I was sound asleep when the telephone jarred me awake. "Hi!" It was my peppy mother-in-law. She proceeded to rattle on about the busy day she had ahead and all...

Being Honest

Overheard in a ladies' fitting room: "Honestly, do these pants make my rear end look big?" "Honestly? Your rear end makes the pants look big."

A Good Choice

There was a typo on a test I was taking. Instead of "(D) none of the above," it said "(D) one of the above." So I circled it.

Reason for Visit

Suspecting he had a serious medical condition, I nagged my husband until he agreed to see a doctor. Once there, he was handed a mountain of forms to fill out....


When I asked my friend if she was planning to attend church, she just shook her head. "I haven’t gone in a long time," she said. "Besides, it’s too late...

Funny Sample

It was time for my dog’s annual checkup. Following the vet’s instructions, I collected a stool sample and dropped it in a plastic container before we left for his office....

Branch of Service

Our elementary school was honoring local veterans. The students were a bit intimidated and didn’t know how to approach them. "Start by introducing yourself," I said. "Then ask what branch...

The Definition of Fame

Three guys are talking about what constitutes fame. The first guy defines it as being invited to the White House for a chat with the president. “Nah,” says the second...

Fun Class

Seen outside a professor's door at Georgetown College: "Psychology 376: Dying, Grieving, and Coping. Take for your major or minor, or as a fun elective."

International Pride

A brother of a student of mine showed me a photo their father had sent from Iraq. In it, his dad is sitting atop a tank. On the back of...

Airline Fees

With airlines adding fees to fees, The Week magazine asked its readers to predict the next surcharge they’ll levy for something previously free. 1. In the unlikely event of loss...

Wise Words

Whenever someone says, "I'm not book-smart; I'm street-smart," all I hear is "I'm not real smart; I'm imaginary smart."

Love Letters

My grandmother told me how she ended up marrying Grandpa. She was in her 20s, and the man she was dating left for war. "We were in love," she recalled,...

Mind Off the Racetrack

To get his mind off his losing streak at the racetrack, I took my friend horseback riding. Being a novice, he freaked when his mount took off. "How do I...

Little Problems

Our school had just installed a new air-conditioning system, and a representative from the company wanted to make sure it was running smoothly. Poking his head into an empty classroom,...

One Last Look

When a body was brought to her funeral home, my friend contacted the next of kin. Per previous instructions, the deceased would be cremated, she told him, so he needed...

My Son

I stole a couple of minutes from work to give my wife a call. She put my two-year-old son on, and we chatted a while before he ended it with...

Unique Gift

Every year on my birthday, I looked forward to my aunt’s gift—a scarf, hat, or sweater knitted by hand. One year, she must have had better things to do because...

Funny Character Descriptions

Humorist Phil Proctor does a lot of radio voice-overs. But his favorite part of the job is reading the character descriptions in the script: • "We’re looking for the voice...


Medical transcription requires a keen ear for technical jargon. But one applicant insisted she was singularly qualified for the position. After all, she wrote in her cover letter, "both of...

The Right Tie

While we were working at a men’s clothing store, a customer asked my coworker to help her pick out a tie that would make her husband’s blue eyes stand out....

Good Parenting

If you are truly serious about preparing your child for the future, don't teach him to subtract—teach him to deduct.


My wife took our three-year-old to church for the first time. Getting impatient while waiting for the Mass to start, he turned to her and asked, "What time does Jesus...

The Best Man

My son Timothy was his brother’s best man. To commemorate the event, Daniel bought him a silver mug, but the engraver made a slight mistake. The mug read “Best man...

Big Problem

My father is allergic to cotton. He has pills that he can take, but he can't get them out of the bottle.

Identity Crisis

A gnome is in the garden busily destroying some bushes when a house cat appears. "What are you?" asks the cat. "A gnome," comes the reply. "I steal food from...

Weight Loss Hotline

Thank you for calling the Weight Loss Hotline. If you'd like to lose a half pound right now, press "1" 18,000 times.


I opened the refrigerator at work to get my lunch. Instead of my dessert, I found this note: "IOU one banana cream. Sorry, it was an emergency. Sharon."

Fighting for Honor

In honor of our armed forces, the University of South Carolina football team used the backs of players’ jerseys to display a little patriotism. They placed words like Duty, Service,...

Too Many Cooks

A wife is scrambling eggs when her husband bursts into the kitchen. "Careful," he cries. "Careful! You’re cooking too many at once. Too many! Scramble them! Now! We need more...

Relative Comfort

As my sister relaxed on the couch, her head comfortably leaning against the crook of her husband’s arm, her cell phone beeped. It was a text message from her husband:...

The Important Things

With fire alarms blaring at my mom’s apartment complex, she grabbed her favorite bathing suit and ran out. "A bathing suit?" I said later. "Of all the priceless things in...


Q: What did the green grape say to the purple grape?

A: Breathe! Breathe!

Good Service

I was attending a benefit, and before the show began, I walked up to a man wearing fatigues. "I just want to thank you for your service to our country,"...

Asking for Help

A devastated-looking man knocks on the door of a woman known for her charity. "Please, ma’am," he says when she opens up, "can you help this poor, tragic family down...

Old Suit

My wife and I were at my high school reunion. As I looked around, I noticed the other men in their expensive suits with their bulging stomachs. Proud of the...

Role Playing

My girlfriend likes to role-play. For the past five years, she's been playing my ex-girlfriend.

Meet the Madmen of Pranks

Learn how they pull insane hoaxes and outrageous stunts in the name of good comedy.

Waking Up

It took me forever to wake up one of my nursing home patients. But after much poking, prodding, and wrangling, he finally sat up and fixed his twinkling blue eyes...

Good Sense

Before my daughter went on her first date, I gave her "the talk." "Sometimes, it’s easy to get carried away when you’re with a boy," I said. "Remember, a short...


When my boss returned to the office, he was told that everyone had been looking for him. That set him off on a speech about how indispensable he was to...


Driving back from Vermont, I stopped at a vegetable stand. It was deserted except for a sleeping German shepherd. I stepped over the dog, helped myself to some corn, then...

Gift From Dublin

A Dubliner proposes to his girlfriend on Saint Patrick’s Day and gives her a ring with a synthetic diamond. "You cheap bum!" she yells. "This isn’t even real." "I know,"...


After finishing his meal, my grandfather, a retired Marine captain, asked the waitress for the 15 percent discount the restaurant offered veterans. "Do you need to see my military ID?"...

Odd Job

One read through this man’s résumé and it was no wonder he was looking for a new line of work: Under "Previous Job," he’d written, "Stalker at Walmart."

Romantic Travel

When my petite mother found her seat on the airplane, she was crushed between my 200-plus-pound father and another large man. "I bet you wish you’d married a smaller man,"...

Wedding Band

"Wedding band—Ladies' size 5, gold, 5 diamonds, $250. Worn only 32 days by an old, narcissistic witch."

GPS Abuse

Simon Cowell: This entire trip has been simply ghastly. You missed two turns, and your side-view mirrors weren’t adjusted properly. And the worst part was the singing to the radio....


Discovered: why our nation’s education system is in trouble. When a friend delivered 20 new math books to a teacher’s classroom, the teacher exclaimed, "Oh, shoot! I was hoping it...

The Judgement

After I prosecuted a man for killing a bird out of season with his slingshot, the court clerk suggested setting up a date for him to return with both the...


A job application made me do a double take. After the entry "Sex," the applicant had written, "Once in Florida."

Sofa Sale

"For sale—Blue sofa with two attached lazy boys."

Flirting Trouble

Clearly, my husband and I need to brush up on our flirting. The other night, after I crawled into bed next to him, he wrapped his large arms around me,...

Insurance Policy

When my insurance company refused to pay for my newborn son’s circumcision, I got a letter explaining its logic. Under the procedure "Circumcision" was written "Unable to locate member."

In the Supermarket

At our supermarket, I noticed a woman with four boys and a baby. Her patience was wearing thin as the boys called out, "Mommy! Mommy!" while she tried to shop....

Literacy Testing

My son, a high school senior, went to take a national literacy test recently. A sign on the classroom door read "Literacy Testing in Progress: Do Not Distrub!"

Real Estate

"Nice 2-bedroom home. The owner has noted that there are termites that have done some damage. Selling house ‘as is.’ Don’t Wait. This Wonderful Property Will Not Last Long."

Better Than One

I’d just come home from my sixth medical appointment of the week with one more to go, so I was in a lousy mood when my daughter called. After I...

Frugality Now

A millionaire, a hard hat, and a drunk are at a bar. When they get their beers, they notice a fly in each mug. The millionaire politely asks the bartender...

Guessing Game

Once I’d finished reviewing my daughter’s homework, I gave her an impromptu quiz. “What is a group of whales called?” I asked. “I’ll give you a hint—it sounds like something...


I won't be hiring this assistant soon, even if her résumé boasts, "I'm a team player with 16 years of assassinating experience."

The Joy of Discovery

I think the Discovery Channel should be on a different channel every day.

Shower Talk

One of our hotel guests complained to me about a spraying showerhead: "I can't get in the shower without getting wet!"

Airplane Talk

En route to Hawaii, I noticed one of my passengers in the coach section of the airplane dialing her cell phone. "Excuse me. That can’t be on during the flight,"...