A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

7 Funny French Fast-Food Restaurants

The Week asked its readers to come up with the name of a French fast-food restaurant: •Brief Bourguignonne •Kentucky Fried Chic •Tore de Pants •Fatatouille •Fryer Jacques •Have It Eur...

Fitness Tip

The trouble with jogging is that by the time you realize you're not in shape for it, it's too far to walk back.

What Is This Pilot Thinking?

This British weapons system officer revealed what he thinks of his pilot. Now tell us what the pilot is thinking. Comment below and we will collect the best!

Changing With the Times

When I was in high school, I wore Birkenstocks. Or as I call them now, the '90s version of a purity ring.

New Crayon Colors

New Flat-Panel Television Pitch
Turn-Signal Vermilion
Credit-Card Magnetic-Strip Coal
Netflix-Envelope Scarlet
Cubicle Ecru
Unraked-Leaves Sienna
Energy-Efficient Fluorescent-Bulb Quartz
Blue-Screen-of-Death Cobalt

The Stream

A motorist was driving down a rural dirt road when he came upon a stream. He called out to a man walking by, "Do you think I can drive my...

Screen Saver Question

I often wonder about people who live in tropical destinations. What do their screen savers look like?

The Little Man

A teenager waltzed into our jewelry store to buy a cross for her boyfriend. I showed her a selection, and she pointed to three: "Can I see that one, that...

Clients From Hell

Clientsfromhell.com was established by freelance art directors and graphic designers who have seen the dark side of their clients … and survived. Client No. 1: So it turns out you...

With Love…

An angry customer called me at the florist shop where I work. Her problem: the card. Her kids had sent the flowers and wanted it signed "Love, your two rugrats."...

Help Wanted

A touching tribute to a waitress, spotted outside a local restaurant: "RIP Sandy. We will miss you. Server needed."

Easy Math

Question on second-grade math quiz: "Tony drank 1/6 of a glass of juice. Emily drank 1/4 of a glass of juice. Emily drank more. Explain." My grandson’s answer: "She was...

The Odd Complaint

One woman raved about the rides at our water park, but she did have a valid complaint: "The water in the wave pool tastes horrible!"

Dressing the Part

Before my son could start going on job interviews, he needed to dress the part. That, he decided, required a $500 suit. "What!?" I answered, gagging at the price tag....

We Have Our Suspicions

"Police were called to Market Square for a report about a ‘suspicious coin.’ Investigating officer reported it was a quarter." "The Learning Center reports a man stands at his window...

Vision Issues

During World War II, selective service wasn’t always so selective. My nearsighted friend went before the draft board to explain just how poor his vision was. "If I lose my...

Making the Case

While I was assigned to the space shuttle program, my job included ordering supplies. One of the engineers requested a new dictionary. Following regulations, I asked him why he needed...

Funny Pet Names

Does kitty dream of slinking down the catwalk? If so, give her a name that screams “I’m a star!” Like these actual pet names … Cats Cleocatra Bing Clawsby Chairman...

Crossing the Street

When my friend spotted a blind man and his guide dog at a crosswalk, she stopped her car and waved them on. "Uh, Cynthia," I said, "he can’t see you."...

The Warning

I should have known better than to take my four-year-old son shopping with me. I spent the entire time in the mall chasing after him. Finally, I’d had it. "Do...

Visiting the Base

After visiting my son at his base, I complained to my brother-in-law: "Security there is so tight, you practically have to give up your firstborn to get in." He replied,...

People Like You

I was shopping when I saw a soldier back from Afghanistan. With tears in my eyes, I thrust out my hand and said, "Thank you for your service to our...

Poor Excuse for an Employee

Need a reason for being late to work? Don’t try these—they didn’t help any of the workers who actually used them. My deodorant was frozen to the windowsill. My car...

Meeting Mom

My cousin was in love and wanted to introduce his bride-to-be to his hypercritical mother. But in order to get an unbiased opinion, he invited over three other female friends...

Delicious Beverage

Our three-year-old daughter was making up a poem when she asked us what rhymed with stop. My husband said, "Think of something that’s cool and refreshing but that Mom and...

Knowing the Territory

It was my friend’s first camping trip with her husband, and they were lost. He tried all the usual tactics to determine direction—moss on the trees (there was none), direction...

My Service

Meeting with my new pastor, I asked if I could have a church service when I eventually die. "Of course," he said, grabbing his date book. "What day do you...

Pick Me Up

I was a mess. My career as an artist was going nowhere, my horseback riding was no longer fulfilling, and in general I felt unattractive. My husband did his best...

In Reverse

The road we were on led us to a covered bridge just as another car approached from the opposite direction. At an impasse, the other driver—clearly feeling wronged—shouted, "I never...

Being Prepared

I was not thrilled with the idea of letting my clueless 13-year-old son babysit his younger sisters, even though he begged me to. “What about a fire?” I asked, referring...

Winter Games

My two sons, Jake and Austin, are a handful. So I wasn’t surprised that Dad looked frazzled after we took them to a football game. "It will be a cold...

Lawnmower Upgrade

At age 70, my grandfather bought his first riding lawn mower. “This thing is great,” he bragged to my brother. “It took me only an hour and a half to...

Clicking Into Place

"Everything's starting to click for me!" said my father-in-law at dinner. "My knees, my elbows, my neck … "

Inspiring Job

If the people who make motivational posters are so motivated, why are they still working in a poster factory?

Coastal Town Names

Concerned about what will happen to cities if the polar ice caps melt? Don’t be. New names have already been chosen. Atlantis City, New Jersey Pariscope, France Sail ‘Em, Massachusetts...

A Wrong Answer

While doing a crossword puzzle, I asked for my husband’s help. "The word is eight letters long and starts with m, and the clue is ‘tiresome sameness.’" "Monogamy," he answered.

Teeth Cleaning

The sight of my mother cleaning her dentures fascinated my young son. He sat riveted as she carefully took them out, brushed and rinsed them, and then popped them back...

Here To Stay

A customer at a coffee shop was clearly peeved by the text message he’d just received. "You ever have that ex-girlfriend who just won’t go away?" he asked his friend....


The day I knew my in-laws had finally accepted me: As we pulled into their driveway, my father-in-law was on the phone. "Oh, I have to run," he told the...

Special Karaoke

At the restaurant, a sign read "Karaoke Tonight!" Grandma studied it before asking, "What kind of fish is that?"

Looking For Mom

While my three-year-old grandson was attending a birthday party, his friend’s father sneaked off to take a shower before work. Halfway through, the father heard a tapping on the shower...

Mirror Image

Always weird to meet your stunt double. It's like looking into a mirror where the other you took care of yourself.


En route to church to make his first confession, my nervous seven-year-old grandson asked me what he could expect. "Confession is where you tell all the bad things you’ve done...

Step Ladder

I was out in the garden with my stepladder today. Not my real ladder. No, I don't get along with my real ladder.

Get Me Copy!

September is Be Kind to Editors and Writers Month. As these quotes from overheardinthenewsroom.com prove, we need all the sympathy we can get. First editor: "They just sent in a...

For Richer and For Poorer

"When I married Donna, I could get both hands around her waist," said my husband’s grandfather. Pointing at his full-figured wife, he boasted, "Now look how much I got. That’s...

Good Advice

My sister is a know-it-all who bristles at anyone’s well-intentioned advice. But when our older sister gave her several clever tips, she was impressed. "I have to hand it to...

Assumed Name

A fourth marriage meant yet another name change for me. I didn’t realize the upheaval it had caused until I asked my father why I hadn’t heard from him in...

Picture Frame

My daughter loved the picture frame her five-year-old son bought her for Mother’s Day. She found a photograph of him and replaced the cat photo that came with it. Landon...

Second Thoughts

In fourth grade, my son had a huge crush on a classmate. So for Valentine’s Day, he bought her a box of chocolates and took it into school. When I...

Eat the Colors

Over dinner, I explained the health benefits of a colorful meal to my family. "The more colors, the more variety of nutrients," I told them. Pointing to our food, I...

Gassing Up

When my father ran out of gas, he called my mother to pick him up in her car. They went to a gas station, filled a gas can, and returned...

St. George and the Dragon

A tramp knocks on the door of an inn known as St. George and the Dragon. The landlady answers. “Could you give a poor man something to eat?” asks the...

Odd Jobsite

On his way to perform at a graveside service, the bagpiper gets lost. After many wrong turns, he finally arrives, but the minister and mourners have already gone. Only the...

Showing Off

My 13-year-old nephew thought his "gangsta" outfit—low-riding pants and exposed boxers—made him look cool. That is, until the day his five-year-old cousin took notice. "Nathaniel," she yelled out in front...


Is the chemical symbol for holy water H2Omg?

Birds of a Feather

I knew that my husband’s hearing had deteriorated after our friend—new to the city— asked where he could meet some singles. "Well," said my husband, "I see them in the...

Catch of the Day

For 15 minutes a small crowd watched my surf-fishing husband struggle to haul in something big. The drama ended when his catch turned out to be a waterlogged 4 x...

Speed Reader

I don't know how to speed-read. Instead, I listen to Books on Tape on fast-forward.

Good Advice

"You wouldn’t believe my bad luck," a burglar tells his friend. "I broke into a lawyer’s house last night, and he caught me. He let me go but told me...

Flying Problems

A businessman flying first class is sitting next to a parrot. The plane takes off, and the parrot orders a Glenlivet, neat. The businessman asks for a Coke. After a...

Possession Charge

During her retirement party from the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office, coworkers told stories about my less-than-worldly mother. My favorite came from her supervisor, who recalled one of the first...

Life or Something Like It

The human race is faced with a cruel choice: work or daytime television.

It's All in a Name

If your name is on the building, you're rich; if your name is on your desk, you're middle-class; if your name is on your shirt, you're poor.

Keeping Up Appearances

An elderly shopper at our supermarket used a check to buy such items as cotton balls, cotton swabs, powder, and cold cream. On the memo line, she’d written, "Repairs."


I called a temp agency looking for work, and they asked if I had any phone skills. I said, "I called you, didn't I?"

Work and Life

I received a letter saying I would not be given the American Express credit card I'd requested because my income wasn't substantial enough. Oddly enough, I work for American Express.


At a planning meeting at my college, I congratulated a colleague on producing some superb student-guidance notes explaining how to combat plagiarism. "How long did it take you to write...

In Canadian

Scene: A gas station in Canada Customer: Excuse me. Why won’t my debit card work on the pump? Owner: Are you using an American card? Customer: Yes. Owner: American cards...

Career Changes

My mother has tried her hand at several careers, some even concurrently. Imagine the surprise of both a hospital patient and my mom when the patient awoke after surgery and,...

Quiet Starbucks

It's so quiet in the Hollywood Starbucks this morning, you can hear a name drop.

Cute Nicknames

Do you have a nickname for your beloved? Snookums, maybe? My Little Dollop of Joy? The Brits have lots of them. The London jeweler H. Samuel discovered these pet names...

Family Matters

“Why doesn’t your mother like me?” a woman asks her boyfriend. “Don’t take it personally,” he assures her. “She’s never liked anyone I’ve dated. I once dated someone exactly like...