A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

What's in a Name?

Imagine my surprise when I went to Tipler Army Medical Center for a heart bypass operation and discovered my surgeon’s name was Dr. Eror. "What a name for a doctor,"...

Wise Guy

A co-worker returned after lunch carrying a dress from the cleaners. "Pretty," said one of the guys. "Big date tonight?" "I picked it up for a friend," she replied, adding,...

Tell Tail

My friend Allison adopted a stray cat and took it to the vet to be neutered. "I’m about 90 percent certain he’s been fixed," the vet said. "How can I...

Little Driver

My wife left the car unattended for only a minute, but it was long enough for our two-year-old to climb in, throw the car into reverse and crash into a...

Get Busy Signal

Shortly after joining the Army, I was in line with some other inductees when the sergeant stepped forward with that day’s assignments. After handing over various tasks, he asked, "Does...

Smart Cookie

Our day-care center spent time helping the kids memorize their home addresses. My daughter, who was in my class, had her street name down, but couldn’t remember the house number....

Role Reversal

Our son lived at home all four of his undergraduate years. He moved out only when he went to grad school and got an apartment. The first time my husband...

Look Out!

With several years of Army National Guard duty under his belt, my roommate applied for officer training. But his lifelong dreams were dashed after he failed the eye exam. "That’s...

Handle With Care

You didn’t have to be a brain surgeon to figure out that a customer at our post office was an off-duty mail clerk from another plant. He’d written on his...

Time Guzzler

Just ahead was one of those hybrid cars struggling up the steep hill. As I pulled out to pass it, I noticed a sign in the window: "I know, I...

What Did You Say?

During flight school, our instructor noticed that a young pilot wasn’t wearing her earplugs correctly. "If you don’t fix your earplugs, you’ll turn into a deaf old man like me,"...

Layer It On

My colleagues and i recently received this e-mail from the facilities department: "Due to construction, your office may be either cooler or warmer than usual on Tuesday. Dress accordingly."

Dolphin Bride

I told my wife, Annie, about a story I heard on the radio. An eccentric millionaire married a dolphin at a resort where she swam with the critter. "Isn’t that...

Loose Change

There were tons of vending machines on base, and as the supply sergeant, I was responsible for all of them. So I pulled in a private and had him count...

Hammering Nails

During a home renovation, my grandfather was watching me drive in nails. "You hammer like lightning," he said. "Really?" I replied, flattered. "You never strike the same place twice."

Honey, I'm Home!

Traveling is a major part of my wife’s job as a saleswoman, and it’s not unheard-of for her to visit four or five cities in one week. I hadn’t thought...

Barracks Brigade

Few people know what a quartermaster does. So during my aircraft carrier’s Family Day, I demonstrated a procedure called semaphore—I grabbed my flags and signaled an imaginary boat. When finished,...

Spiritual Sign-Off

Inspirational speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer still remembers the card his kids gave him for his 64th birthday. The front said, "Inside is a message from God." Pleased they finally appreciated...

Vital Signs

She’s only in her 40s, but my friend Mary has bounced back from cancer, heart problems, even a stroke. Through it all, she and her husband, Mark, have kept their...

No Free Lunch

Expenses were out of control at our data supply company, and our bosses weren’t happy. "When you travel," the vice president said in a meeting with his sales force, "lunch...

Wouldn't You Know!

My husband uses scraps of wood, called "shorts," for carving. In a lumber store, he saw some lovely pieces in a bin behind the counter. But he had a lot...

Just Visiting

My mom moved into a new condo, and I went to visit for a couple of days. Searching for a coffee cup one morning, I sighed, “It seems like I’m...

Saint Someone

In the midst of a creative writing assignment we were doing in class, I asked my first-grade students to come up with a good name for the main character. "Chicago,"...

What’s Cookin’?

When I put on my new chef uniform — a pair of very baggy, loud-striped pants — I was mildly horrified. But my wife was philosophical. “It’s okay, honey,” she...

The Perfect Game

I was glued to the TV. It looked like the pitcher would throw a no-hitter. My wife, who thinks baseball is boring, wondered why the crowd was so excited. "It’s...

Armed to the Tee

I arrived home to find the place ransacked. Fortunately, my niece and her husband, PJ, were with me. Grabbing a golf club, PJ searched the house to make sure the...

Twelve-Step Jargon

Twelve-step jargon has seeped into the language. I was trying to get my son to do his homework. "What’s the assignment?" I asked. "Write a paper on a national leader,"...

Jury Duty

"Does anyone in this room need to be dismissed from jury duty?" my father, a judge, asked a roomful of prospective jurors. A nervous young man stood up. "I’d like...

Sign of the Times

Snail mail, I decided, is definitely dead. Before I left on a trip to Alaska, I promised my five-year-old grandson, "I’ll write you a letter when I get there." "Okay,"...

D as in Dumb

Some people bend over backward not to insult others. A while ago, I overheard my sister, a travel agent, confirm her client’s flight this way: "Your confirmation code is F...

O Is for Ouch

My laptop was driving me crazy. "The A, E, and I keys always stick," I complained to a friend. She quickly diagnosed the problem. "Your computer is suffering from irritable...

Nights and Weekends

I took what felt like an opportune moment to ask the guy I was dating if he was serious about our relationship. Looking hurt, he said, "Do you know how...

Mission Accomplished

Our new commander was the gung-ho type, determined to shake things up on the base. No detail was too small, not even the IN and OUT trays on his desk....

Beauty of the Beholder

An elderly patient paid me a wonderful compliment. "You’re beautiful," she said. I must have looked skeptical because she was quick to assure me that she was sincere. "It’s just...

Renters' Excuses

No one likes coughing up rent. But at least these tenants gave landlords creative reasons for avoiding it. "With my daughter’s graduation, our new boat, and our trip to Europe...

Consulting the Experts

The computer in my high school classroom was acting up. After watching me struggle with it, a student explained that my hard drive had crashed. So I called IT. "Can...

Going to the Dogs

When our client’s dog lapped up anti-freeze, the veterinarian I work for ordered a unique treatment: an IV drip mixing fluids with vodka. “Go buy the cheapest bottle you can...

How to Ruin an Interview

When you’re interviewing for a job, you want to make an impression. Hiring managers report that these people made one—just not the right kind: Applicant hugged hiring manager at the...

Lunch Break

When a squirrel slipped into my house, I did the logical thing: I panicked and called my father. "How do you get a squirrel out of a basement?" I shrieked....

Hoping for the Best

My second graders were assigned the task of writing thank-you cards to soldiers serving in the Middle East. One of them wrote, "Thank you for protecting us! I hope we...

Years of Romance

Shortly before our 25th wedding anniversary, my husband sent 25 long-stemmed yellow roses to me at my office. A few days later, I plucked all the petals and dried them....

A Dime a Dozen

While visiting a retirement community, my wife and I decided to do some shopping and soon became separated. "Excuse me," I said, approaching a clerk. "I’m looking for my wife....

Helping Her Out

When my very pregnant niece, a sergeant in the New York Army National Guard, accidentally knocked over a glass of water, one of her soldiers volunteered to help clean it...

The Trouble With Dating

Dating is complicated. You don’t believe us? Here are some examples: Right after we broke up, my ex-girlfriend called to ask how to change her relationship status on Facebook. I...

Sign of the Times

At a baby shower, everyone was asked to complete nursery rhymes. My 11-year-old daughter Taylor contributed this: "Jack Sprat could eat no fat. His wife could eat no carbs."

It's About Time

A few weeks? after the death of my father-in-law, I found my seven-year-old son crying in bed. His grandmother had died the previous year, and he was taking it all...

American Food

Upon returning from a stint in Iraq, my sister insisted that the best part about being home was having real food again: "The Lunchables I had for breakfast was great!"

Dad Approved

I’d been secretly dating for several months, and it was time to break the news to my very protective father. My mother thought he’d take it better if she explained...

Trash Service

Instead of saying, "And here's your receipt," cashiers should say, "Will you throw this away for me?"

A Charity Case

A local charity had never received a donation from the town’s banker, so the director made a phone call. “Our records show you make $500,000 a year, yet you haven’t...

What That Tattoo Really Says

If truth-in-advertising laws governed your tattoos, here’s what the ink would actually say: Still in my rebellious rite-of-passage phase. I anticipate always feeling as whimsical as I was when I...

Good Health

I know it's supposed to be pejorative, but I like the sound of Obamacare. I imagine him making me soup and reading me stories.

Cool Doctor

I just met the coolest gynecologist. He's an O.B.G.B.Y.O.B.

Mom's Movie Reviews

Renting a film? Check My Mom’s Movie Review, where comic Lauren Palmigiano’s mother gives her opinions. Burlesque Oh. My. God. Loved it. I will watch this 100 times. If I’m...

How to Fail Driver’s Ed

As I quizzed my driver’s-education students about road signs, the one for Slow Moving Vehicle stumped them. So I offered them a hint by lifting the sign above my head...

The Town Crier

Sarah, the self-appointed arbiter of the town’s morals, stuck her nose into everyone’s business. She made a mistake, however, when she accused her neighbor George of being an alcoholic after...

Bookstore Guidance Needed

In some quarters, bookstores may be considered dinosaurs, but odd customers are evergreen, as these requests to bookstore clerks prove. "Can you tell me who the author of Shakespeare is?"...

Beyond Our Power

A customer called our service line demanding help with her TV set, which wouldn’t come on. "I’m sorry, but we can’t send a technician out today due to the blizzard,"...

Not a Promising Sign

An elevator in our office building is frequently out of order. The last time, maintenance posted a sign that summed up the situation: Elevator Closed for Temporary Repairs.

Problems With Babel Fish

A bilingual road sign in Wales caught bikers off guard. The English part read Cyclists Dismount. The Welsh: Llid Y Bledren Dymchwelyd, or "Bladder disease has returned." One theory for...

Judging a Restaurant by its Name

Last October, Baltimore handed out its first citation to a restaurant for repeated violations of the city’s trans-fat ban. The name of the eatery: Healthy Choice.

Sensitive Employee

To show his appreciation, a newly hired Japanese office worker bought his boss chocolates. But when he found the box unopened, the insulted worker went ballistic, destroying 22 computers. "I...

Funny Misprints

Mark Twain warned: “Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.” The same can be said for these English-challenged notes doctors wrote on patient charts: “The...

Long Tour of Duty

I work in a courthouse, so when I served jury duty, I knew most of the staff. As I sat with other prospective jurors listening to a woman drone on...

Sailing vs. Shopping

After we had lunch with another couple, the women went shopping, and the men opted to go sailing. Bad decision—a storm blew in while we men were out on the...

Good Gifts

While the choice of words might be off, a pharmacy near Dover Air Force Base in Delaware is doing its part to help soldiers serving abroad. A sign in the...

Life Experience

Experience is a great teacher, especially if it’s someone else who’s learning from his mistakes. These examples were sent to learnfrommyfail.failblog.org: “When holding a DVD in one hand and food...

A Lovely Place

After I was widowed, I moved to Wales. My neighbor asked me where my husband was. "He’s gone to a better place," I said. She looked amazed. "Better than Wales?"

Family Crest

Scene: Playground

A young girl is reading a book about knights.

Girl: What does our family crest look like, Mommy?

Mom: Poor people being crushed by a boot.

Alien Concept

Martians land on Earth, and the first thing they do is seek out a doctor to discuss reproduction. "Martian forms come down an assembly line, and robots add the head,...

Menu Item

I’d just sat down at a Manhattan diner when I noticed schav on the menu. Since I hadn’t had a bowl of the cold, sour soup in quite a while,...

War Veteran

When I took my school-age daughters to a lunch with veterans, I told them to ask questions. One of the men said he’d fought in the Korean War, and the...

No Smoking

I was in our local VA hospital when a clerk began scolding a veteran who’d lit up a cigarette in a no-smoking area. "Sir!" she barked. "When did you start...