A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

Keep It Fresh

"Cooking Tip: Wrap turkey leftovers in aluminum foil and throw them out."—Nicole Hollander

Sweeter Than Salad

"Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie."—Jim Davis.

Pour You Another Glass?

"I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage."—Erma Bombeck

‘I’m Stuffed!’

"We're having something a little different this year for Thanksgiving. Instead of a turkey, we're having a swan. You get more stuffing."—George Carlin

A Scientist’s Recipe for Apple Pie

"If you wish to make an apple pie truly from scratch you must first invent the universe."—Carl Sagan

A Traditional Holiday

“I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land.”—Jon...

Too Much Turkey?

"You can tell you ate too much for Thanksgiving when you have to let your bathrobe out."—Jay Leno

What You Email Address Says About You

Here’s what your e-mail address says about your computer skills: Own domain (e.g., @joesmith.com): You’re skilled and capable. @gmail.com:When the Internet stops working, you actually try rebooting the router before...

Facebook Love

My ex and I had a very amicable divorce. I know this because when I wrote the Facebook status “I’m getting a divorce,” he was the first one to click...

Winning Numbers

Q: Why does a man twist his wedding ring on his finger? A: He's trying to figure out the combination.

One Wish

An angel appears at a faculty meeting and tells the dean, “In return for your unselfish and exemplary behavior, the Lord will reward you with your choice of infinite wealth,...

Your Move

"I was playing chess with my friend, and he said, 'Let's make this more interesting.'  So we stopped playing chess." —Matt Kirshen

Funny Research

Take heed, scientists: Not every scientific advancement is Nobel Prize worthy. Some must lay claim to an Ig Nobel Prize, awarded by the Annals of Improbable Research magazine: The Prize...

Good Genes?

The topic for my third-grade class was genetics. Smiling broadly, I pointed to my dimples and asked, “What trait do you think I passed on to my children?” One student...

A Delicious Mistake

Needing to escape her hectic office, my friend fled to the mall, bought a candy bar, and then relaxed on a bench next to a businessman. Soon, she heard the...

Good Qualities

We asked prospective job applicants at our business to fill out a questionnaire. For the line “Choose one word to summarize your strongest professional attribute,” one woman wrote, “I’m very...

A Sign From Above

Spotted on a church marquee: "Love your enemies; After all, You made them."

Good News

Scene: Starbucks. Customer:  Hey, you lost a lot of weight. Barista: No, I gave birth two weeks ago. Customer: To a baby?

One and Only

During a heartfelt chat with her friend about relationships, my wife sighed and said, “You know, if something happened to Lloyd, I don’t think I could ever marry again.” Her...

Love and Learning

Overheard at my garden-club meeting: "I never knew what compost was until I met my husband."

Sales Opportunity

As I shopped, the following announcement came over the department store’s PA system: “If someone here has a convertible with the top down, it just started raining. Towels are located...


As I helped my elderly neighbor clean out his garage, I stumbled upon an ax in the corner. “That was my grandfather’s,” he said, picking it up and running his...

New Technology

I finally convinced my mother that it was a good idea for her to learn to text. Her first message to me? "Whereisthespacebar?"

Young Help

In an attempt to balance work and motherhood, I delegated the grocery shopping to my young babysitter. But the job proved a tad daunting. One day while I was at...


My friend was working at an amusement park when a couple stopped him. “Excuse me,” said the woman, pointing to a pond. “What is that water made out of?” Bemused,...

In Training

I identify with football players because I know what it's like to spend your whole life training for a large, jewel-encrusted ring.

Stop the Presses

These holiday “headlines” — concocted by the satirists at the Onion — are completely fabricated. And yet they have the ring of truth. Coal Now Too Expensive to Put in...

Is the Client Always Right?

A graphic designer on the phone with his client. Designer:  Hi. I’m just updating the copy for your form and was wondering if you meant to say “programs” for the...

Too Short

The insurance industry loves its acronyms. The first time I saw the term proof of ownership was in a client's file that read "Insured has POO on damaged items."

Serious Infection

My helicopter crew landed on a frigate in order to evacuate a sick sailor who, we later learned, was suffering from a skin infection called cellulitis. When we arrived, we...

In the Band

Sam’s eighth birthday, my brother took him to a football game. During halftime, a Marine band played, and Sam studied them intently. “Why the interest in the band?” his father...

New Cars

Visiting a new port is always exciting, and when our destroyer docked in Kiel, Germany, it was no different. In fact, one of my men was awestruck. “Look, Chief,” he...

In the Clear

During my time in the Navy, everyone was getting KP or guard duty except me. Not wanting to get in trouble, I asked the ensign why. “What’s your name?” he...

Twitter Addiction

A man tells his doctor, "Doc, help me. I'm addicted to Twitter!" The doctor replies, "Sorry, I don't follow you …"

Proud Mom

I want to have a kid the way other people want to own stock in Google: I don’t want to be responsible for it; I just want to go to...

What's IQ Got to Do With It?

Sometimes men don’t date women for their IQs. Here are some examples: Today, my girlfriend asked me if my grandmother had any kids. My girlfriend and I went out to...

Unusual Changes

When I went back to the medical lab to have some blood drawn, I was greeted with a battery of questions from the technician. “Has your address changed?” she asked....

For the Mrs?

Even though there was a blizzard raging outside, I made it the half-mile to the bakery, where I asked the owner for six rolls. “Your wife must like rolls,” he...

Money Troubles

I was in small-claims court when I listened in on the case of a woman who held a good job but still had trouble paying her bills on time. “Can’t...

Gift Exchange

My friend reviewed her young son's fill-in-the-blank homework. One line: "At Christmas, we exchange gifts with ____." His response: "Receipts."

Mature Fun

As I was treating my daughter and her family to the buffet at a casino, all the bells and whistles for a winning slot machine began to go off. My...

Dangerous Name

When my 15-year-old son, Pat, stepped up to the plate during a Colt League baseball game, the young announcer declared, “Now batting, the right fielder, number 12, Pathogen!” After some...

A Quiet Group

I was diagnosed with antisocial behavior disorder, so I joined a support group. We never meet.

In Memoriam

Seeing her friend Sally wearing a new locket, Meg asks if there is a memento of some sort inside. “Yes,” says Sally, “a lock of my husband’s hair.” “But Larry’s...

What Cats Want

Me and the wife [singer Katy Perry] have three cats, and they get whatever they want. We can only know what they want from what we speculate, so it’s a...

Out With the New

Getting back together with an old boyfriend is pathetic. It’s like having a garage sale and buying your own stuff back.

Painfully Funny Obituaries

You’d die of embarrassment if these phrases appeared in your obituary: “She leaves behind a brother and 117 cats.” “Passed away in a failed stunt that has already been viewed...

Lost Dog

An old farmer is inconsolable after his dog goes missing. His wife suggests he take out an ad in the newspaper, which he does. But two weeks later, there’s still...

The Right Diagnosis

A man tells his doctor that he’s incapable of doing all the things around the house that he used to do. When the examination is over, he says, “Okay, Doctor....

A Believer

When my girlfriend said she was leaving because of my obsession with the Monkees, I thought she was joking. And then I saw her face …

Check Please!

My friend has a bad habit of overdrawing her bank account. One day before we went shopping, I complained about my lack of funds and lamented, “Guess I’ll use plastic.”...

A Glitch

After an enthusiastic recommendation from my wife, I began listening to the audiobook version of Frank McCourt’s  Teacher Man. “I love it, but his writing style is so disjointed,” I...

Relaxing Location

While my parents were making their funeral arrangements, the cemetery salesman pointed out a plot that he thought they would like. “You’ll have a beautiful view of the swan pond,”...

Proper Pronunciation

I bought a pint of  Häagen-Dazs ice cream at the supermarket. As the cashier rang it up, I asked, “How do you pronounce that?” Speaking slowly and distinctly, he said,...

The Test

When my eight-year-old asked how I knew I was pregnant, I told her I had taken a pregnancy test. “Oh,” she said. “What questions were on the test?”

Not so Helpful

The elevator in our building malfunctioned one day, leaving several of us stranded. Seeing a sign that listed two emergency phone numbers, I dialed the first and explained our situation....

First Draft

I didn’t enlist in the Army — I was drafted. So I wasn’t going to make life easy for anyone. During my physical, the doctor asked softly, "Can you read...

Ms. Black Thumb

There are people who have green thumbs. And then there’s me, Ms. Black Thumb. I didn’t think anyone else noticed until the day my sister visited. “I found this in...

Fitness Questionnaire

My friend sat down with a new client at her gym to review her application. For the question “To what do you attribute your fitness issues?” the woman wrote “Horrendous...

Liquid Ban

Shortly after the FAA announced the ban on fluids, my husband was stopped by airport security because they found a bottle of water in one of his carry-on bags. “Sorry,”...

Big Issues

Our priest asked how things were going with my father. "Well, he has issues," I replied, then shared a few details. After listening, he said, "Issues? Sounds like he’s got...

Drug Dealer?

My brother delivered prescriptions to people too ill to go out. Since the neighborhoods he visited were often unsafe, he decided to get some protection. "Why do you need a...

Funny E-Mail

Some people have a knack for remembering faces. Others, according to this e-mail I received at work, go them one better: "The only designated smoking area at Building One is...

Dogs Are People Too!

The dogs next door get a little noisy, so one day somebody called animal control to complain. When the officers arrived, I heard my neighbor tell them, "Hey, dogs bark....

Got Change?

Since my purchases came to $19.06, I handed the cashier a twenty. "Do you have six cents?" she asked. "Sorry," I said after fishing around my pockets, "I have no...

What's That Smell?

For a romantic touch, I washed our sheets with lavender-scented detergent. When my husband got into bed, he sniffed. "What’s this?" he asked. "Guess," I said coyly. "I have no...


I decided to grab a burger at a drive-thru. There were no cars in sight, so I rolled up to the pay window. “We’re still serving breakfast. And you have...

Baseball Junkie

One day we were watching a game, when my mother-in-law shrieked from the kitchen, "Jim, there’s a horsefly in here!" Not taking his eyes off the screen, he barked back,...

'Til Death Do Us Part

I suppose it speaks volumes about the state of my marriage when I admit to nodding knowingly at a remark made by a colleague. She was telling me about the...

Hair Today…

Our first stop as new recruits was the barber’s. "Want to keep your sideburns?" he asked. "Yes, that would be great," I said. "Okay, I’ll get you a bag to...

Pardon My French

"Who here speaks French?" demanded our sergeant. Three guys raised their hands. "Good," he said. "You get to clean the latrine. That’s a French word."

Birds and the Bees

On the way back from a Cub Scout meeting, my grandson asked my son the question. "Dad, I know that babies come from mommies’ tummies, but how do they get...

Single Girl Blues

“I’ll never find the right guy,” I heard the young guest at the wedding shower sigh. “Don’t give up,” urged an older woman. “Every pot has a lid.” “Or,” a...