A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

Which Is Faster…

Q: Which is faster, heat or cold? A: Heat, because you can catch cold!

Why Was the Chef…

Q: Why was the chef embarrassed? A: Because he saw the salad dressing!

Why Is Six Afraid…

Q: Why is the number six afraid of seven? A: Because seven ate nine!

Where Is the Ocean…

Q: Where is the ocean the deepest? A: On the bottom!

What Do You Break…

Q: What do you break before you use it? A: An egg!


Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
Wanda who?
Wanda hang out with me right now?

A Man Rode In…

Q: A man rode in to town on Tuesday, and left two days later on Tuesday. How so? A: His horse is named Tuesday!

Why Is the Letter A…

Q: Why is the letter A the most like a flower? A: Because the B is after it.

What Are Two Things…

Q: What are two things you wouldn't eat after waking up? A: Lunch and dinner.

Why Did the Boy…

Q: Why did the boy throw a bucket out the window? A: He wanted to see the waterfall. Q: Why did the boy throw butter out the window? A: He...

Which Is the Most…

Q: Which is the most curious letter? A: Y?

What Did Zero Say…

Q: What did zero say to eight? A: Nice belt.

What Do Pandas Have…

Q: What do pandas have that no other animal has? A: Baby pandas!

Why Can’t Someone…

Q: Why can’t someone living in Maine be buried in Florida? A: Because he’s still living!

Which Month Has…

Q: Which month has 28 days? A: All of them, silly!

What Starts With a P…

Q: What starts with a P, ends with an E, and has thousands of letters? A: The Post Office!

What Kind of Cheese…

Q: What kind of cheese is made backwards? A: Edam.

What Word Begins…

Q: What word begins and ends with an E, but only has one letter? A: Envelope!

What Five-Letter Word…

Q: What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? A: Short!

Poor People Have It…

Q: Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it, you'll die. What is it? A: Nothing!

I Have a Head But No Body…

Q: I have a head but no body, a heart but no blood. Just leaves and no branches, I grow without wood. What am I? A: Lettuce!

What Do You Throw Out…

Q: What do you throw out when you want to use it, but take in when you don't want to use it? A: An anchor.

What Only Gets Wetter…

Q: What only gets wetter the more it dries? A: A towel!

What Is Easy to Get Into…

Q: What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of? A: Trouble.

A Man Is Pushing His Car…

Q: A man is pushing his car along, and when he comes to a hotel he shouts, "I'm bankrupt!" Why? A: He’s playing Monopoly.

A Red-House…

Q: If a red-house is made of red bricks, has a red wooden door, and a red roof, and a yellow-house is made of yellow bricks, has a yellow wooden...

What Can Run But Never Walks…

Q: What can run, but never walks? Has a mouth, but never talks? Has a head, but never weeps? Has a bed, but never sleeps? A: A river.

The Man Who Made It…

Q: The man who made it doesn’t want it. The man who bought it doesn’t need it. The man who needs it doesn’t know it. What am I talking about?...

A Word I Know…

Q: This word I know? Six letters it contains. Take away the last .... and only twelve remains. What is the word? A: “Dozens”

Yellow I Look…

Q: Yellow I look and massive I weigh. In the morning I come to brighten your day. What am I? A: A school bus.

I Am the Beginning…

Q: I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. Who am I? A: The...

Gone Gaga

At this point, the only thing Lady Gaga could do that would shock 
me is to come out onstage wearing a sensible pantsuit from Talbots. @JennyJohnsonHi5

A chilling realization

As soon as the hospital made me put on one of those little gowns, I knew the end was in sight. Adam Joshua Smargon, Newark, Delaware

The Latest Food Trend

I ate a gluten-free, lactose-free, low-carb pizza for dinner tonight. (It was a raw tomato.) @samir

A Military-to-English Dictionary

The armed forces have a language all their own. Here’s our Military-to-English Dictionary: Birth control glasses (BCGs): military-issued eyeglasses noted for their unappealing appearance. Gone Elvis: missing in action. Latrinegram:...

My father transferred to a new Navy base…

My father was transferred to a new Navy base when I was four, so my parents quizzed me about our address. After I recited it perfectly, the test continued. “City?”...

A police officer pulled over a guy…

A police officer pulled over a guy for weaving across two lanes of traffic. He walked up to the driver’s window and asked, “You drinkin’?” The driver said, “You buyin’?”

My wife says I’m unsophisticated…

My wife says I’m unsophisticated and uncultured, so to prove her wrong, guess where I’m taking her. Hint: It starts with “B” and rhymes with “wallet.” Brad Hamer, on ruminate.com

Explaining Appetizers

It would be kinda embarrassing trying to explain what an appetizer is to someone from a starving country. “Yeah, the appetizer. That’s the food we eat before we have our...

Two babies are sitting in their cribs…

Two babies are sitting in their cribs, when one baby asks the other, “Are you a little girl or a little boy?” The other baby shrugs. “I don’t know how...

Happy Birthday, Facebook!

On February 4, we’ll celebrate ten years of people posting unintentionally funny status updates from their office cubicles when they should be working. Here are some of the crazier ones:...

Poor word choice, Doc

A doctor sent this note to our medical clinic: “Patient needs a referral for your office from me. I saw her for her ankle and would like you to run...

The New Rules of the Workplace

These office drones know exactly what you’re thinking at work: • No one likes hearing “agree to disagree.” Why don’t we just say, “You’re wrong, but I don’t feel like...

Work is an Onion

Supervisor: This project isn’t something we can finish off quickly. It’s like an onion. It has layers that we have to peel away, one by one. Coworker: And it will...

England’s oddest visa requests

It’s Winter break time, and a lot of people will be traveling. Which means it’s also a great time to be the person who gets to approve visa requests, like...

My cousin once called in sick…

My cousin once called in sick to work because of a “death in the family.” I was her boss. reddit.com

For much of her bartending shift…

For much of her bartending shift, my wife had to contend with a rowdy customer. At the end of the night, he demanded, “Where’s the bathroom!?” “Go down the hallway,...

Doing God’s work…sort of

From a church bulletin: “The new parking area looks great. Thanks to the men who turned out Saturday to help with the groveling.” via gcfl.net

Our neighbor brought over a delicious…

Our neighbor brought over a delicious homemade meal, eliciting this comment from my daughter: “No offense, Mom, but Kristi’s dinner makes you look like a really bad mother.” My older...

Dates from Hell

Have a date for Valentine’s Day? Hope it doesn’t end up like these @FirstDateHell dates. • He couldn’t remember my name, so he asked if I would mind if he...

“I think there were buildings nearby…”

It’s easy to get disoriented when visiting New York City. One befuddled tourist asked his hotel concierge, “The last time we were in NYC, we got out of a subway,...

I was visiting my mother…

I was visiting my mother one day, when she passed the candy dish full of chocolates and took one for herself. “I thought your doctor told you to stop eating...

Not what I meant, guv’na

My daughter said something to me that I didn’t think was very polite. I told her she needed to say it again in a nicer way—so she repeated it with...

I saw a documentary on…

I saw a documentary on how ships are kept together; It was riveting. —Stewart Francis

When I was a child…

When I was a child my father attacked me with cameras; I still have flashbacks. —Stewart Francis

It’s weird that NFL players…

It’s weird that NFL players don’t constantly look at their phones to check their stats. —@shawnries

I prefer the tight yoga pants…

I prefer the tight yoga pants football players wear over the frumpy businesswoman slacks baseball players wear. —@QuinnK

Anyone who thinks women…

Anyone who thinks women talk too much has never sat through a six-hour Super Bowl pregame show. —Nora Barry

My dad didn’t text…

My dad didn’t text me after the Patriots game, which is basically a Life Alert signal if you’re from New England. —@joshgondelman

The rules of football…

The rules of football and the plot of The Godfather are the two most 
complicated things that every guy understands no matter how dumb he is. —Julian McCullough

Anyone who’s just driven…

Anyone who’s just driven 90 yards against huge men trying to kill them has earned the right to do jazz hands. —Craig Ferguson

What Do You Call an Old…

Q: What do you call an old snowman?   A: Water!


Knock! Knock! Who's there? Olive. Olive who? Olive you and I don't care who knows it!

What does Charles Dickens…

Q: What does Charles Dickens keep in his spice rack?   A: The best of thymes, the worst of thymes.

What’s the different between a cat…

Q: What’s the different between a cat and a comma? A: A cat has claws at the end of paws; A comma is a pause at the end of a...

Which dinosaur knew…

Q: Which dinosaur knew the most words?   A: The thesaurus.

Why do artists…

Why do artists constantly feel cold?   Because they're surrounded by drafts.

There are only two types of computers…

There are only two types of computers in the world: those that waste your precious time and those that waste your precious time faster. —anonymous

I’d like the window…

I’d like the window that says “Are you sure you want to do this? OK/Cancel” to pop up less often on my computer and more in my real life. —@AaronFullerton

A Digital Dictionary

User: the word computer professionals use when they mean “idiot.” —Dave Barry

One can play…

“One can play at this game ...” —me to my computer solitaire. —@meganamram

Bark-alaureate of Fine Arts

My dog licked the crumbs out of my computer keyboard and earned an online college degree. —@SCbchbum

The Latest Craze

Taking pictures with an iPad is the new fanny pack. —@ClarkeKant