A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

A @#$%^& by Any Other Name

Tired of referring to your bosses with the same old, sorry expletives? Try some from abroad: Chinese: “Your mother is a big turtle.” Yiddish: “May you lie in the ground...

Business Signs of The Times:

Spotted on a restaurant’s website: “Glutton-free menu available.” Emily Payne, Greenville, South Carolina Seen on a New York City subway poster: “Se habla Español/Russian.” Aaron Fernando, Richmond Hill, New York...

Testimony Taken Down by Me, a Court Reporter

Question: Now, to the best of your knowledge, did your internal bleeding stop? Answer: I hope so. Diane McElwee, Norfolk, Massachusetts

There is Such Thing as a Dumb Question

There is No Such Thing as a Dumb Question, Except for These: • I work in IT. A customer asked me if a string of numbers I’d read off was...

Honor Among Thieves

A mother complained to my wife, a schoolteacher, that other students were stealing her daughter’s pencils. “It’s not the money—it’s the principle,” she insisted. “My husband took those pencils from...

A Home Affair

My client buys many rental properties, not always with the enthusiastic support of his wife. Recently, I was showing him a home when his wife called. I could hear her...

Cluck Life

Q: Why does a chicken coop have two doors? A: If it had four, it would be a chicken sedan.

Cats Are Smarter

Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow. —Jeff Valdez

How Lazy is He???

I tell ya, my dog is lazy. He don't chase cars. He sits on the curb and takes down license plate numbers. —Rodney Dangerfield

A Dog is More Than A Friend

My dog was my soul mate; we both took naps, we both skipped lunch, we both hated the vacuum... —Elayne Boosler

Impatient Cow

Knock! Knock! Who's there? Impatient cow. Impatient co... MOO!

A Dachshund Walks Into a Telegraph…

A Dachshund walks into a telegraph office, picks up a blank form, and writes: “Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof.” The clerk looks over the paper for...

Adding Insult to Introduction

Some Texans are mingling at the bar when an Oxford graduate walks in. “Howdy, stranger,” one Texan says. “Where are you from?” The Oxford graduate answers, “I come from a...

What’s Brown and…

Q: What's brown and sticky? A: A stick.

A Joke of Little Value…

Q: Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? A: He will stop at nothing to avoid them.

A Genius Solution

I put my root beer in a square glass. Now it's just beer.

Why Should 288…

Q: Why should the number 288 never be mentioned? A: It's two gross.

Why do Mathematicians…

Q: Why do mathematicians like parks? A: Because of all the natural logs.

Noah and the Snakes

With the Ark settled safely after the flood, Noah opens the doors and commands the animals, “Go forth and multiply!” All the animals depart the Ark, except for two snakes...

What do You Call a Number…

Q: What do you call a number that can't keep still? A: A roamin' numeral.

The House Problem

A physicist, a biologist and a mathematician are sitting on a bench, watching people entering and leaving the house on the other side of the street. First they see two...

An Average Joke

Q: Did you hear the one about the statistician? A: Probably.

Vice President of Rock

Q: What did Al Gore play on his guitar? A: An Algorithm

Invariable Consequences

Q: How do mathematicians scold their children? A: "If I've told you n times, I've told you n+1 times..."

Chicken Strips

Q: Why did the chicken cross the Mobius Strip? A: To get to the same side.

Solve for XX

Q: Why don’t Calculus majors throw house parties? A: Because you should never drink and derive.

The Engineer, the Physicist, and the Mathematician

An engineer, a physicist and a mathematician are staying in a hotel. The engineer wakes up and smells smoke. He goes out into the hallway and sees a fire, so...

Infinitely Many Mathematicians…

Infinitely many mathematicians walk into a bar. The first says, “I’ll have a beer.” The second says, “I’ll have half a beer.” The third says, “I’ll have a quarter of...

Law of Diminishing Returns

Old mathematicians never die; they just lose some of their functions.

What do You Call a Line…

Q: What do you call a parade of rabbits hopping backwards? A: a receding hare-line.

Scrooge, Junior Grade

Four-year-old to her two-year-old sister: "Let's play Christmas. I'll be Santa Claus and you can be a present and I'll give you away." —Contributed by Mrs. Kenneth Labaugh

I Don’t Say “Hey” Pro Bono

A lawyer e-mailed a client: “Dear Jennifer: Thought I saw you on the street the other day. Crossed over to say hello, but it wasn’t you, so I went back....

New From the China National Tourism Administration…

The China National Tourism Administration has created tips for its citizens when traveling abroad, including: • Don’t steal life vests from airplanes to give as gifts. • Don’t leave footprints...

“Brought to You by the Division of Vague Announcements”

Heard over the plant’s paging 
system: “Will John Porter please 
return to where you were before you went where you are.” Irene Onorato, Plymouth, Massachusetts

Department of (Ridiculous) Corrections

Journalists and editors on deadline make the occasional error. Some are funnier than others: • NBC reported that American students rank internationally at: “26th math, 21th science, 17th reading.” •...

Part-Time Work

Scene: A man applying for credit at a department store. Clerk: What do you do for a living? Man: I’m a tree trimmer. Clerk: What do you do after Christmas?...

How to Deal With an Errant Bosom

Recently, a man stopped at my desk at the library asking for help: A woman had breast-fed her infant and forgotten to “tuck herself back in.” I walked over to...

PowerPoint: the Program You Love to Hate …

• Were Moses alive today, the Ten Commandments would be known as the Ten Best Practices, presented in PowerPoint and followed by 40 years of status meetings. • The greatest...

Smoke ’em if You Got ’em

When I enlisted in my teens, I took up smoking cigars to make myself look more mature. Did it work? Well, one time, as I proudly puffed away at our...

An Aptly Named Vessel…

I was standing watch when an old, run-down freighter named Sagar Moti passed by. An officer asked if I knew what it meant. “Ocean Pearl,” I answered. He nodded. “It...

Air Force Handles Way Weirder than “Maverick”

In Top Gun, Tom Cruise’s call sign was the very apt Maverick. In real life, Air Force pilots’ handles are also often appropriate—but definitely not as cool. Like these: Boomer:...

Don’t Knock the Weather.

Don’t knock the weather. If it didn’t change once in a while, nine tenths of the people couldn’t start a conversation. Kin Hubbard

Electricity is Really Just…

Electricity is really just organized lightning. George Carlin

It’s Been Raining so Much in LA that…

It’s been raining so much in Los Angeles that the Chia Pet I threw in the garbage is now blocking my entire driveway. Jay Leno

If I’m on the Course and Lightning Starts…

If I’m on the course and lightning starts, I get inside fast. If God wants to play through, let him. Bob Hope

Why Does Moisture Destroy…

Why does moisture destroy leather? When it’s raining, cows don’t go up to the farmhouse yelling, “Let us in! We’re all wearing leather! We’re going to ruin the whole outfit...

My Food’s Food

"There must be a mistake: you've accidentally given me the food my food eats." —Ron Swanson, when given a plate of vegetables Parks and Recreation

Jokes Every Vegan Should Know

What do you call a dumb carnivore? A meathead. How many carnivores does it take to change a lightbulb? None. They prefer to stay in the dark. How many vegetarians...

Did You Hear About the Vegan Devil…

Did you hear about the vegan devil worshiper? He sold his soul to seitan.

Why Does Vegan Cheese Taste…

Q: Why does vegan cheese taste bad? A: It hasn’t been tested on mice.

The Saddest Story I Know

While at a convention, Bill, Jim, and Scott shared a hotel suite on the 75th floor. After a long day of meetings, they were shocked to find that the hotel...

The Time Traveler Protest

T NOW! What do we want? MORE TIME-TRAVEL JOKES! When do we want them? RIGH  @johnfreiler

Who Taught You That?

“Give me a sentence about a public servant,” the teacher instructed her second-grade student. “The fireman came down the ladder pregnant,” he answered. “Umm … Do you know what pregnant...

Crossword Puzzle Answers You’d Never get Right:

• Star of Gravity (Newton) • You say potato, I say __(carbsmakemefat) • Turned water into wine (ernestandjulio) • Number of wheels on an 18-wheeler (goingtoofasttocount) • Etsy, Russian (nyetsy) Source: Esquire

I Hide Photos…

I hide photos on my computer of me petting animals at the zoo in 
a file named Fireworks and vacuums so my dog won’t find them. @EliTerry

Swimming is Confusing…

Swimming is a confusing sport, because sometimes you do it for fun, and other times you do it to not die. Comedian Demetri Martin

First Microbes Breathed Sulfur…

First Microbes Breathed Sulfur Before It Was Cool Washington Post

Stolen Prosthetic Arm…

Stolen Prosthetic Arm Discovered in a Secondhand Shop Daily Echo, England

Marshall County Sheriff’s Candidate…

Marshall County Sheriff’s Candidate Disputes Report of Own Death WAFF (Huntsville, Alabama)

Every Time I Say That…

Every time I say that I’m ready to order in a restaurant, what I really mean is that I’m not ready but the panic will help me make a decision....

“I Was Only Breaking the Law a Little!”

My daughter-in-law was driving on the freeway when the sight of flashing lights in her rearview mirror made her pull over. “Do you know why I stopped you?” asked the...

Grandma, How You’ve Changed!

During my mother’s memorial, my five-year-old granddaughter could not stop staring at the urn that contained her ashes. “Is that really Great-grandma in there?” she asked her mother. “Yes, it...

The Wisdom of a Defeated Husband

My husband was cramming all his chores into one day, but each job revealed another problem. For example, while touching up paint on a wall, he discovered gouges in the...

The Magic Penny

We had just finished tucking our five kids into bed when three-year-old Billy began to wail. Turns out, he had accidentally swallowed a penny and was sure he was going...

How to Shock a Time Traveler

If someone from the 1950s suddenly appeared, what would be the most difficult thing to explain about life today? One answer: “I possess a device in my pocket that is...

How Do You Get Down…

Q: How do you get down from an elephant? A: You don't. You get down from a goose.

She Shoots, She Scores!

Why should you never breakup with a goalie? Because he's a keeper.

How Far Can a Fox…

Q: How far can a fox run into a grove? A: Only halfway—then he's running out of it!

Why Are Frogs…

Q: Why are frogs so happy? A: They eat whatever bugs them.

I Travel All Over…

Q: I travel all over the world, but always stay in my corner. What am I? A: A stamp.

With Pointed Fangs I…

Q: With pointed fangs I sit and wait; with piercing force I crunch out fate; grabbing victims, proclaiming might; physically joining with a single bite. What am I? A: A...

I Don’t Want To Say We Eat Out…

I don’t want to say we eat out a lot, but I’ve noticed that lately when I call my kids for dinner, they run to the car. —Julie Kidd

Taking The Cake

“You can’t have your cake and 
eat it too.”—People who don’t understand what cake 
is for. —@ShiraSelko