A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

A Road Racket

We were at a red light when a car pulled up, its music blasting. “He’ll be deaf before he’s 25,” I said. “It won’t help us,” my wife replied. “He’ll...

Projecting Happiness

One hard thing to explain to teens is how legitimately exciting it used to be when someone would wheel in an overhead projector. @juliussharpe

G-d Hates B.S.

Before beginning the service, our pastor read aloud a note he’d been handed moments earlier. “It says here that I should announce that there will be no B.S. tomorrow morning,”...

"You Need a Shorter Password."

While he was visiting, my father asked for the password to our Wi-Fi. “It’s taped under the modem,” I told him. After three failed attempts to log on, he asked,...

A Thanksgiving Problem

When I trace a turkey, it comes out looking exactly like my hand. @ConanOBrien

Who's the Real Turkey?

What do Black Friday shoppers and the Thanksgiving turkey have 
in common? They know what it’s like to be stuffed and then jammed into 
a small place.

More Idiotic Job Applicant Blunders

We’ve been over this before: Stupid doesn’t play well on job interviews. Hiring managers wish these job seekers had gotten the memo. • Applicant acted out a Star Trek role....

Virginal Word Choice

The topic of my student’s essay was the importance of trust, camaraderie, and toughness among football players. “After all,” he wrote, “you don’t want a bunch of pre-Madonnas out there...

Bad Soldier Mistakes

It’s important that soldiers learn from their mistakes; otherwise, they’re bound to repeat them at inopportune moments. Here soldiers share what they’ve gleaned from past gaffes: • “I was cold”...

spel chekers

On Facebook, the English language has few friends. Three examples: Post: I can’t stand people that don’t know the difference between your and you’re. There so dumb. Response: Their, their,...

Toddler Wisdom

Events had left my son-in-law’s sister feeling sad, and she started tearing up. Luckily, our two-year-old grandson was nearby to dispense words of wisdom. “Don’t cry,” he said. “Sometimes batteries...

What Does DUMB Stand For?

While serving jury duty, I noticed that the defense attorney seemed a bit nervous. At one point, he picked up a piece of evidence and asked his client, who was...

Doing The Man Dance

If you’ve seen me impatiently standing in line, then you’ve seen 
me dancing at a concert. @SammyRhodes

The One About The Stand-in Gorilla

When a zoo’s gorilla dies, the zookeeper hires an actor to don a costume and act like an ape until the zoo can get another one. In the cage, the...

One Way To Foil Fridge Thieves

The note left on the office refrigerator was addressed to “The culprit who ate what you thought were two peanut butter ice cream bars.” We’ll skip over the details and...

Vitamin D(imwit)

Scene: Our break room. Coworker #1 pulls out a bottle of vitamins. Coworker #2: What’s that? Coworker #1: Vitamin D. Coworker #2: Why do you take that? Coworker #1: Because...

Urine Trouble Now

An irate patient called our pathology group, demanding that I explain every lab test on her statement. “Of course,” I said. I brought up her bill: “Number one, urinalysis …”...

Sweet and LOL

When my customer ordered 
iced tea, I asked, “Sweetened or 
unsweetened?” Her answer: “What’s the difference?” Ruth Anne Pluckhorn, Moorestown, New Jersey

The Maximum-Security Bathroom

If a company’s most valuable resource is its people, how come the employees aren’t locked up, but the toilet paper is in a reinforced steel box with a lock, bolted...

Militant Roaches

I’m convinced my cockroaches have military training. I set out a roach bomb—they defused it. —Comedian Jay London

Bad Soup

The bean soup I’d ordered was mostly water. I decided to tell the waitress. “This soup is awful,” I said. “I know,” she said. “I don’t like bean soup either.”...

Family Loopholes

To get my cousin to write to her even once, my aunt resorted to sending him a check with this note: “Do not cash until you write me a thank-you.”...

A Watched Pot Never Boils…

A watched pot never boils, but it does get paranoid. Lesley Wake

Yahoo Questions

Yahoo Questions that will Destroy Your Faith in Humanity…. “Can I safely look at a picture of the sun?” “How can I be sure I’m the real mom of my...

If Truth Be Beauty…

If truth is beauty, how come no one has their hair done in a library? Lily Tomlin

If You Can't Beat 'Em…

If you can’t beat them, arrange 
to have them beaten. George Carlin

10-Pin Puns

I recently stumbled upon 
my favorite new sports team. It’s 
a woman’s bowling squad called 
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Gutter. Jacqueline Tessman, 
Benton Harbor, Michigan

Where There's A Will…

Where there’s a will, there’s a relative. Ricky Gervais

Barbershop Blunders

The barbershop was crowded, so the woman at the cash register offered to put my name on the waiting list. “What is it?” she asked. “Stephen, with a P-H,” I...

It's A Small World…

I think the expression “It’s a small world” is really a euphemism for “I keep running into people I can’t stand.” Brock Cohen

A Penny Saved…

A penny saved is a penny that will sit around in a jar for five years. @Keatingthomas

How Many Tech-Support People…

Q: How many tech-support folks does it take to change a light-bulb? A: We have a light-bulb here, and it works fine. Can you tell me what kind of bulb...

How Many Economists…

Q: How many economists does it take to change a light-bulb? A: None. If the light-bulb needed changing, the market would have already done it.

How Many Teenagers…

Q: How many 16-year-olds does it take to change a light-bulb? A: Whatever.

How Many Telemarketers…

Q: How many telemarketers does it take to change a light-bulb? A: Only one, but she has to do 
it while you’re eating dinner.

Redneck Movie Quotes

Famous film quotes get the redneck treatment: • “You had me at ‘Sooooey!’” • “Use the horse, Luke.” • “Are you crying? There’s no crying in NASCAR!” • “Of all...


Can a 3-D printer make ink 
cartridges for a 2-D printer? Comedian Joe Mande

The Other Mortal Coils

I told the kids I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. So they unplugged my computer and threw out...

Names For Groups You Never Knew

A pride of lions, a gaggle of geese … and here’s how we might classify these groups: • A brat of boys • A giggle of girls • A stagger...

Iced to Eat You

Happy One-year anniversary to the Lean Cuisine in my freezer! @SCbchbum

Wax On, Mouth Off

Karate: the ancient Japanese art of getting people to buy lots of belts. Comedian Myq Kaplan

The End Is Nigh-er Than You Thought

A priest and a pastor are standing by the side of a road holding up a sign that reads “The end is near! Turn around now before it’s too late!”...

The Perpetual Pizza Pun-Off

A Military lab has developed a pizza that boasts a shelf life of three years without being frozen, and now the Week has asked its readers to name this durable...

I Never Feel More…

I never feel more privileged 
than when I get angry about a website design. Comedian Kelly Oxford

Before LinkedIn…

Before LinkedIn, I didn’t know any strangers. @Joshmalina

A Method to His Mitchness

The late comedian Mitch Hedberg said that he would write jokes by sitting around his hotel room thinking of things that cracked him up. “Then I go get a pen,...

Behind The Newsprint

Working for a news organization is a tough job, as these world-weary tweets suggest: • News reporter: “The computer erased all the apostrophes in my story. Apparently I’m too possessive.”...

No Emergency Exits, Thanks

The flight attendant on our trip was handing out plastic pilot wings to some kids. As I stepped forward, she jokingly offered me one, but I passed. Pointing to the...

Skip To The Good Part, Please

I wish people were like Internet videos and you could tap them lightly to see a clock of how much longer they’re going to be talking. @juliussharpe

Store Hours Are Never

Today, my 808 area code phone number has yet again been mistaken for a 1-800 number. I’ve been getting phone calls at three in the morning from people on the...


I bet cats have 
a secret website where they 
upload clips of cute humans 
trying to open DVD packaging 
and jump-start 
cars. @rolldiggity  

Fools Brush In

“So what’s that brush for?” the new hire asked. “It’s used to clean toilet bowls in the lobby,” said the first manager. “Actually, it’s for scrubbing deep fryers,” said the...

Hunter, Gatherer, Manager?

I’m pretty sure the dinosaurs died out when they stopped gathering food and started having meetings to discuss gathering food. From meetingboy.com

My New Power

I bragged to my boss that I didn’t need painkillers after a major surgery. His response: “This time, your evil superpowers came in handy.” Patricia Speilburg, Port Huron, Michigan

Did You Feel It?

I discovered that I’d spent an hour walking around a mall with a shoe store’s “Feel the Comfort” sticker stuck to my body. More humiliating? It was attached to my...

We Don’t Even Want to Know

File These Headlines Under: We Don’t Even Want to Know. •Firefighters Use Jaws of Life to Free High School Girl from Locker •FDA Approves Third Silicone-Gel Breast Implant •Missing Woman...

Quip To Complete Purchase

I used to find buying books from Amazon slow and inconvenient, until one day the 
receptionist suggested 
I use their website. Peter Serafinowicz

Killing Time Online

The only people who don’t click Skip on ads before YouTube videos are people who died during that ad. @Damienfahey

Every Marriage Needs A Spin Doctor

My wife told me that I twist everything she says to my 
advantage. I take that as a compliment. Submitted by reader D. T.

Bored Elon Musk

The parody Twitter account @boredElonMusk figured that if Musk could cofound PayPal and also develop the Tesla electric automobile, he might invent these next: • A TV that gets louder...

That's What I Call 'Force Quit'

I’m thinking of opening a firing range where all the targets are shaped like computers with screens full of pop-up ads. Comedian Dan Burt

Control Freak

Knock! Knock! Who's there? Control Freak. Con— Okay, now you say, "Control Freak who?"

The Airborne Obnoxious Event

“Ohhh, bless you … Bless you … Riiiight. Because you’re special air.”     —A burp to a sneeze Comedian Andrew Hibbard

The Only Qualification…

The only qualification for working at an airline is making 
a confused face at a monitor. Comedian Julius Sharpe

King Soloman Jr.

We were reading The Wisdom of King Solomon in my Sunday school class. An illustration showed King Solomon ordering a child to be cut in half, as one woman sobbed...

Jimmy Fallon Asked For Embarrassing Texts From Moms…

I once got a text from my mom where “You’re amazing” autocorrected to “You’re adopted.” @StefenColalillo On Valentine’s Day last year, my mom texted me, “Enjoy your VD.” Not the...

What's a Hipster?

“What’s a hipster?” asked my four-year-old cousin. “Someone who will wear something just to look different,” I said. “They’ll often buy clothes in thrift shops and wear thick glasses.” “Is...

Strain in The Mass

Scene: Sunday mass. I turned to greet an older woman. Woman: My! You have the most beautiful skin. Me: Oh, thank you. Woman: If I were younger, I’d hate you....

Alphabet Soup or Salad?

At the supermarket checkout, the cashier was having trouble finding the price for my cucumber. “Maybe the list is alphabetical,” I offered. So he started searching from the bottom of...

Catch and Retweet

Give a man a fish, and he’ll 
Instagram it; teach a man to fish, and he’ll still Instagram it. @hipstermermaid

Popular NSA Pick-Up Lines

“Did you fall from heaven? Because there’s no tracking data on how you arrived at this location.” @Normwilner “I’d tap that.” @SanaSaeed “I know exactly where you have been all...

I Invented a New Word:

plagiarism. Submitted by M. R.

Drumming Up A Reason

A man vacations on a tropical island, and the first thing he hears is drums. He goes to the beach and hears the drums; he eats lunch, he hears the...