A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

Let’s Split the Check, Too

Are you going to finish that atom? You want to split it?

Why Did the Gym Close?

Why did the gym close down? – It just didn’t work out.

No Offense Taken

The skeleton literally didn't mind that everyone called him a bonehead.

“Come on, I’m a Fungi.”

Q. How much room should you give fungi to grow? A. As mushroom as possible.

Sour Grapes

The skeleton ordered a cabernet wine with a full body because he didn't have one.

Floating Away

Did you hear about the chemist who was reading a book about helium? He couldn't put it down!

I Have an Okay Ceiling

My ceiling isn’t the best… But it’s up there!!!


Q: Why are skeletons so good at chopping down trees? A: They're LUMBARjacks!

Trees on the Internet

How do trees get online? – They just log in.

Good Tidings We Bring

What did the beach say when the tide came in? ... Long time no sea.

Just Relax

Q: Why are skeletons so calm? A: Because nothing gets under their skin!

Embarrassed Tomato

Why did the tomato blush? – Because it saw the salad dressing.

Jazz Hands

The skeleton played a melodic solo riff on his shiny sax-a-bone.

Doctor’s Orders

Did you hear about the skeleton that dropped out of medical school? He just didn't have the stomach for it.

I Ate a Watch

I once ate a watch. It was time consuming.

Speedy Travel

A photon checks into a hotel and is asked if he needs any help with his luggage. He says, "No, I'm traveling light."


Q: Why do French people eat snails? A: Because they won't touch fast food.

Lonely Hearts

The skeleton cried his eyes out because he didn't have any body to love.

Negative Nancy

Atom 1: "I think I've lost an electron." Atom 2: "Are you sure?" Atom 1: "I'm positive."

Storytelling Cats

Why are cats bad storytellers? – Because they only have one tale.

Sitting by the Fire

Q: What happened to the skeleton who stayed by the fire for too long? A: He became bone dry

Sea Creature

Q: What do you call a monster with no neck? A: The Lost Neck Monster.

Answer Me!

Q: Why are chemists great for solving problems? A: They have all the solutions.

Cleaning the Spice Rack

I had to clean out my spice rack and found everything was too old and had to be thrown out. – What a waste of thyme.

When Life Gives You Melons…

Q: What do you do when life gives you melons? A: See a doctor, because you’re probably dyslexic.

Noisy Cemeteries

Skeleton 1: Why are graveyards so noisy? Skeleton 2: I dunno. Why? Skeleton 1: Because of all the coffin.

Chinese Vandalism

Did you hear the news about that Chinese restaurant that got vandalized? It was an act of wonton destruction.

The Skeleton Detective

Q: Who was the most famous skeleton detective? A: Sherlock Bones

A Pack of Prying Peppers

Q: What does a nosy pepper do? A: Gets jalapeño business.

Best Time of the Day

6:30 is the best time on a clock… hands down.

Lost Luggage

I tried to sue the airport for misplacing my luggage. – I lost my case.

Mode, Median, And…

When she told me I was average, she was just being mean.

Lacking Courage

I wanted to tell a skeleton pun, but I don't have the guts for it.

Buried Alive

Did you hear about the man who was accidentally buried alive? – It was a grave mistake.

Potluck BBQ

That skeleton sure brought his appetite to the picnic—and also some spare ribs.

Neutral Territory

A neutron goes into a bar and asks the bartender, "How much for a drink?" The bartender replies, "For you, no charge."

Running With the Cars

Confucius say, man who runs behind car will get exhausted, but man who runs in front of car will get tired.

Maid Service

The skeleton couldn't keep anything tidy because of his lazy bones.


Q: What do you call a dishonest noodle? A: An Impasta.

Weather Or Not, Here I Come

Q: What is a tornado’s favorite game to play? A: TWISTER

Technologically Advanced

The skeleton didn't like to talk on the rotary skelephone—he preferred his cell bone.

The Death of Boiling Water

RIP boiling water. You will be mist.

Ice, Ice Baby

Q: If H2O is the formula for water, what is the formula for ice? A: H2O cubed

Zen Master Visits the Dentist

Why did the Zen master refuse novocaine when he had his tooth pulled? He wanted to transcend dental medication.

Couch Potato

Skeletons love to binge-watch their favorite shows on the skelevision.


Q: What did their parents say when they heard that Oxygen and Magnesium were going to get married? A: OMg

Sticks Float

Sticks float. They would.


The skeleton couldn't help being afraid of the storm—he just didn't have any guts.

Eskimos in a Kayak

Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, but when they lit a fire in the craft it sank — proving once and for all that you can’t have your...

Time for Church

Every Sunday, the skeleton plays his organ for the congregation.

At Least You Chemis-Tried

Once I told a Chemistry joke. There was no Reaction.

You Can Eat Anything, Except the Smoked Salmon

In ancient Rome, deli workers were told that they could eat anything they wanted during the lunch hour. Anything, that is except the smoked salmon. Thus were created the world’s...

Perfect recipe

Q: What does the skeleton chef say when he serves you a meal? A: "Bone Appetit!"

Ships, Ahoy!

Q: What happened to the pirate ship that sank in the sea full of sharks? A: It came back with a skeleton crew!

He Has a Point

Q: What would you call a funny element? A: He he he (helium helium helium)

Short in Stature

The favored historical ruler of skeletons is none other than Napoleon Bone-a-part.

Made You Laugh

Skeletons are great at stand-up comedy—when they use their funny bone.

Time for Tea

Skeletons serve tea and coffee on bone china—watch out for chips!

Skeleton Dance Dilemma

Q: Why didn’t the skeleton dance at the Halloween party? A: He had no body to dance with!

Camouflage Trousers

I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any.

Elementary Fun

Q: How often do you like jokes about elements? A: Periodically

Licensed to Fly

The favorite mode of travel for skeleton pilots is—wait for it—the scareplane or the skelecopter.

Cannibals and Clowns

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: "Does this taste funny to you?"

A Skeleton’s Favorite Instrument

The one instrument that the skeleton can play better than others is the trom-bone.

Paper Factory Life

I work in a paper factory, where my responsibilities are twofold.

I Meant Well

Last week I called someone a watering hole but I meant well.

Skeleton School

There are two skeleton teachers at school. One is humerus, but the other is very sternum.

Werewolf Junior

Q:  Mummy, why do all the other kids call me a hairy werewolf? A:  Now stop talking about that and brush your face!

A Vampire’s Nightcap

Q:  What did one thirsty vampire say to the other as they were passing the morgue? A:  Let’s stop in for a cool one!

Sickly Vampire

Q:  How can you tell if a vampire has a horrible cold? A:  By his deep loud coffin!

The Skeleton Gourmand

Q:  What do skeletons say before eating? A:  Bone Appetit!

Thirsty Vampire

Q:  Why did the vampire get fired from the blood bank? A:  He was caught drinking on the job!

Angry Vampire

Q:  What is a vampire’s pet peeve? A:  A Tourniquet!