A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

No Perpendicular Jokes, Please

Parallel lines have so much in common. It’s a shame they’ll never meet.

I Liked Numbers Before They Were Cool

Q: Why did the hipster throw away his calculus book?

A: He found it too derivative.

Puns for The Lowest Common Denominator

I don't get the point of decimals.

I'm more partial to fractions.

4/1 Eyes

Q: Why should you wear glasses during math class?

A: They say it improves division.

End of the Number Line

When algebra teachers retire, how do they cope with the aftermath?

Solve for RIP

Old mathematicians never die.

They just disintegrate

Zero Sum

I knew a mathematician who couldn't afford lunch.

He could binomial.


Q: What did the mermaid wear to math class?

A: An algae-bra.

Teach the Teacher

Years ago, my dad started first grade in a one-room country school. When he returned home after that first day of class, his mother asked him if he liked it....

People Power

I advertised the following item on our local radio program: For sale: Small push-type lawn mower. Brand-new, $40. One person called and asked if the lawn mower was a single...

Hay, Oats and Fairy Dust

Our 4-year-old granddaughter, Ivy, has been taking riding lessons for over a year. One day during breakfast, she was talking with her mom about horseshoes. Ivy’s mom said the person...

Open-Door Policy

My wife and her friend were out to lunch when the temperature drastically dropped. They stood by her friend’s truck, shivering, while the friend searched for a key to unlock...

Over Yonder

Natives of Baltimore, Maryland, my wife and I decided to move to the country in southwest Virginia for a change of pace. After we made the move, we started to...

Where Eggs Come From

When my daughter, Brooxie, was 5 years old, she’d stay with my husband’s parents while we were at work. One day Brooxie was helping Papaw gather eggs. While putting the...

Breads and Braids

Head lice had been detected on a child in the local school, and the teacher told the girls in his class to wear their hair in a bun to discourage...

Cool Cows

During a summer ranch tour we were hosting for an elder hostel, our van passed a pasture with a windmill and a herd of cattle around a stock tank. A...

Baby on Board

My mother was babysitting my son, Lance, and they were watching a foal being born on a farm animal show on TV. With wide-eyed innocence, 3-year-old Lance looked at my...

Baseball Nut

Ray’s friends claim he’s a baseball nut. He says they’re way off base.

Creation Story

One night as I was putting my 2 1/2-year-old daughter to bed, I saw a bright full moon in the sky. I let her look at the moon for a...

Pick Up Sticks

We took our 3-year-old grand-son, Sawyer, and his parents to a Chinese restaurant. While we enjoyed our wonton soup and other dishes, Sawyer and his dad wanted to eat their...

Teacher’s Aid

With the economy improved, my son, Pat, finally found a job in electrical engineering. Pat traveled to various locales to analyze and fix problems with his company’s equipment. Yet it...

Fine Dining

A man told a friend about taking his wife to dinner for their anniversary. He described how the food was made in front of them. The friend said, “I’ve heard...

Taste and See

Two 10-year-old boys from the mountains were riding a train to the city for the first time. For a snack, the attendant gave them bananas. The boys had never eaten...

Two by Two

A few years back, Criseyda, my granddaughter, was visiting me. After a while, the house became very quiet. Calling out, I said, “Criseyda, where are you?” Her answer: “Mimi, I’m...

A Smoking-Hot Deal

The public safety officer came up to a large mob of people outside a department store and asked, “What’s happening?” A mall officer replied, “These people are waiting to get...

Fashion Freak-out

My sister Jordan was helping my 21/2-year-old niece Berea put on her sweatshirt when Berea’s head got stuck on the neck hole. Berea started panicking and saying, “I can’t see!...

Topsy-Turvy Turkey

I prepared Thanksgiving dinner for guests from out of town. I cooked for many hours using recipes I’d found. But the turkey, I confess, was not a golden brown. I...

Driver’s Education

My niece Katrina tailgates other cars and it makes me nervous. I just can’t get it through her head that she does this and that it’s very dangerous. One good...

Ripe Eggs

My granddaughter told me, 
 “Don’t buy brown eggs; they’re not ripe yet.”

Run of the Bulls

Q: Which dog breed chases anything that's red?

A: A bull dog

The Dog Ate My Homework

Q: What do you do when a dog eats your English homework?

A: Take the words right out of its mouth!

A Cocker Spaniel, a Poodle, and a Rooster

Q: What do you get when you cross a cocker spaniel, a poodle, and a rooster?

A: A cockerpoodledoo!

The Confused Tree

Q: Why did the tree think the dog was talking to him?

A: He kept saying “bark, bark, bark!”

College Educated Dogs

Q: What do dogs study for their PhDs? 

A: Barkeology 

Dogs and Marine Biologists

Q: What’s the difference between a dog and a marine biologist? 

A: One wags a tail and the other tags a whale. 

Dogs Can’t Dance

Q: Why aren’t dogs good dancers?

A: Because they have two left feet!

Yes, Dracula Has a Dog

Q: What kind of dog does Dracula have?

A: A bloodhound!

Dalmatian Puns

Q: What did the Dalmatian say after he had some kibble?

A: That hit the spot!

What Do Dogs Watch Late at Night?

Q: What’s a dog’s favorite late-night TV host?

A: Canine O’Brien

Chihuahua Christmas Music

Q: What’s a chihuahua’s favorite Christmas carol?

A: Fleas Navidad

The Disappointing Zoo

I wanted to see a bunch of different animals at the zoo, but all they had was one small dog.

It was a shih-tzu.

Dog Magician

Q: What do you call a dog who does magic tricks?

A: A Labracadabrador

Go Fetch!

My buddy said he threw a stick 20 miles, but his dog still found it and retrieved it.

I dunno… sounds a little far fetched to me.

Dogs Sometimes Litter

Q: Did you hear about the dog who had puppies on the side of the road?

A: She was arrested for littering.

Not Safe For Symphony

Q: Why shouldn’t you let kids watch big band performances on TV?

A: Too much sax and violins.

Beethoven Today

Q: What is Beethoven doing now?

A: De-composing

A Descending Chord

Q: What do you get when you drop a piano down a mineshaft?

A: A-flat minor

Country Music, Backwards

Q: What happens if you play a county song backwards?

A: Your wife returns to you, your dog comes back to life, and you get out of prison.

New Age, Backwards

Q: What do you get when you play New Age music backwards?

A: New Age music.

Music To-Go

Q: Why do bagpipe players walk while they play?

A: To get away from the noise.

The Music Thieves

Q: Why did the burglars decide to rob a music store?

A: For the lute.

Composer Puns are Classical

There are so many jokes about classical composers I could write you a Liszt.

Ludwig Van had a Farm

Q: Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens?

A: All they said was, “Bach, Bach, Bach.”

The Beethoven Diet

Q: What was Beethoven’s favorite fruit?


Lost Composure

Q: Why couldn’t the string quartet find their composer?

A: He was Haydn

No C Notes to Spare

Q: Why didn’t Handel go shopping?

A: Because he was Baroque.

A Quick Joke

Wanna hear a joke about a staccato?

Never mind, it’s too short.

Top Brass

Q: How do you fix a broken tuba?

A: With a tuba glue.

Stand and Deliver

Q: How do you make a bandstand?

A: Take away their chairs.

A Dad’s #1 Music Complaint

I’m so sick of people thinking they can just waltz into my room when I’m listening to music in 4/4.

Trumpetbeard the Dread

Q: How are trumpets like pirates?

A: They both murder in the high C’s

Balloons On The Air

Q: Which musical genre makes balloons terrified?

A: Pop.

Fishing For Chords

Q: What’s the difference between a piano and a tuna?

A: You can tune a piano, but you can’t piano a tuna.

A Sign for Music Nerds

A sign at a music shop: “Gone Chopin. Bach in a minuet.”

Three Notes Walk into a Bar…

C, E-flat, and G walk into a bar.

The bartender shows them the door and says, “Sorry, we don’t serve minors.”

A Hipster’s Dilemma

Q: How did the hipster burn his tongue?

A: He drank his coffee before it was cool.

Prophet of the Break Room

Q: How does Moses make his coffee?

A: He brews.

The Most Heinous Crime

Q: What do you call it when someone steals your morning coffee?

A: A mugging.

The Daily Grind

Q: What’s the technical name for a pot of coffee at work?

A: Break fluid

Oddly Familiar Coffee…

Q: What do you call it when you walk into a cafe you’re sure you’ve been to before?

A: Déjà brew

A Tale of Two Coffees

Q: What did the Brazilian coffee say to the Indonesian coffee?

A: “What’s Sumatra with you?”

A Tall Blonde Walks Into a Cafe…

A tall blonde walks into Starbucks. The barista says, “Hey, we have a drink named after you!”

The blonde says, “You have a drink named Tiffani?”

Jumper Cables Walk into a Cafe…

A pair of jumper cables walk into a cafe. The barista sees them and says, “I’m sorry but I’ll have to ask you to leave. I don’t want you starting...