A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

New Life Rule

Coffee is the most important meal of the day

Daily Grind

Spouse #1: Honey, this coffee tastes like dirt. Spouse #2: That's not surprising, dear, it was just ground this morning.

Brew For the Birds

Q: Where do birds go for coffee? A: To the NESTcafe

My Kind of Soup

Soup of the day: Coffee.

Bless You

Q: What's the opposite of coffee? A: Sneezy.

Pants on Fire

There are two types of people in this world: People who love Starbucks and liars.

Sweet Thing

Hold the sugar please, you're sweet enough for the both of us.


A man went to his psychiatrist and said, “Every time I drink my coffee, I get a stabbing pain in my right eye,” The psychiatrist said, “Well, have you tried...

Beatles Brew

Q: What is best Beatles song? A: Latte Be

Mug Love

Q: What did the barista's Valentine say? A: I can't espresso my love for you.

Cup of Computer

Q: How does a tech guy drink coffee? A: He installs Java!

Hot Stuff

Q: How are men like coffee? A: The best ones are rich, hot, and can keep you up all night.

He’s Got a Fast Car

Man: “Honey, on this Valentine’s Day, I want to tell you something… I’m not rich like Jack. I don’t have a mansion like Russell. I don’t have a Porsche like...

Wine Goggles

Me: "I love you." You: "Is that you or the wine talking?" Me: "It's me talking to the wine."

Big Blue Bully

Q. What does Earth say to tease the other planets? A. "You guys have no life."

Planetary Party

Q. How do Earth, Saturn, and Neptune organize a party? A. They planet.

It’s All Relative

In 1905, Albert Einstein published a theory about space. And it was about time.

I Hear the Drinks are Out of This World

Q. Where do astronauts like to party? A. The space bar.

Periodic Pun

Q. Why do people make bad chemistry jokes? A. Because all the good ones Argon.

Park in Space

Q. What do visitors to the International Space Station have to do before boarding? A. Pay the parking meteor.

Shroom Humor

Q. How much room does a fungus need to grow? A. As mushroom as possible. (Credit: nothingstacethesame on tumblr)

On the Verge of Stardom

Q. What did the astronomer's friends do after he didn't win the Nobel Prize? A. They gave him a constellation prize.

Sodium Sass

Q. Want to hear a Sodium joke? A. Na.

Moon Mishap

Q. What did Neil Armstrong do after he stepped on Buzz Aldrin's toe? A. He Apollo-gized.

Owls Say

Knock! Knock! Who's there? Owls say Owls say who? Yes, they do.


Knock! Knock! Who's there? Art Art who? R2-D2, of course.


Knock! Knock! Who's there? Kanga Kanga who? Actually, it's kangaroo.


Knock! Knock! Who's there? Déja Déja who? Knock! Knock!

No One

Knock! Knock! Who's there? No one No one who? *Remains silent*

Interrupting Cow

Knock! Knock! Who's there? Interrupting cow Interruptin- Mooooo!


Knock! Knock! Who's there? An extraterrestrial An extraterrestrial who? Wait–how many extraterrestrials do you know?


Knock! Knock! Who's there? Opportunity That's impossible. Opportunity doesn't come knocking twice!


Knock! Knock! Who's there? Says Says who? Says me, that's who!


Knock! Knock! Who's there? Honeybee Honeybee who? Honeybee a dear and open the door, please.


Knock! Knock! Who's there? Stopwatch Stopwatch who? Stopwatch you're doing and pay attention!


Knock! Knock! Who's there? Europe Europe who? No, you're a poo!


Knock! Knock! Who's there? Candice Candice who? Candice door open, or what?


Knock! Knock! Who's there? Spell Spell who? W-H-O


Knock! Knock! Who's there? Voodoo Voodoo who? Voodoo you think you are asking me so many questions?  

Early morning revelations

I woke up this morning and forgot which side the sun rises from, then it dawned on me.

Ode to tortillas

I've just written a song about tortillas; actually, it’s more of a rap.


Velcro—what a rip-off!

Vacuum cleaner

I recently decided to sell my vacuum cleaner as all it was doing was gathering dust.

Bothersome questions

Don't you hate it when someone answers their own questions? I do.

Russian dolls

I hate Russian dolls, they're so full of themselves.

Weighing every viewpoint

250 lbs here on Earth is 94.5 lbs on Mercury. No, I'm not fat. I’m just not on the right planet.

Remembering the good times

The best thing about good old days is that we were neither good nor old.

Squeaky clean thoughts

I have clean conscience. I haven’t used it once until now.

Late night munchies

If we shouldn’t eat at night, why do they put a light in the fridge?

Rock, paper, ticket

Do I lose when the police officer says papers and I say scissors?

Check your math

If I got 50 cents for every failed math exam, I’d have $ 6.30 now.

Supercharged swine

A pig stands in front of an electric socket: “Oh no, who put you into that wall?!”

The lost socks

Meanwhile, in a parallel universe: “Oh for God’s sake! Where are all these extra single socks coming from?!”

The original iPad

Moses had the first tablet that could connect to the cloud.

Fewer Guests

You know you're getting old when you have more candles on your cake than friends at your birthday party.

Growing Numbers

Q: What goes up and never comes down? A: Your age!

Surprise Parties

I've never enjoyed my surprise birthday parties because all I can think about is how good my friends are at lying to my face.

Thank God For Facebook

Thanks to Facebook, I never forget the birthdays of people I don't really know.

Kitty Birthday

Q: Where do you find a birthday present for a cat? A: In a cat-alogue!

Another Year Down

Q: Why are birthday's good for you? A: Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest!

Facebook Birthday

If you feel a bit lonely, forgotten, or just need someone to cheer you up remember...You can always change your birthday on Facebook!

Don’t Forget Your Wife’s Birthday

The best way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once.

Always Changing Numbers

It's easier to remember your age if you don't change it every year.

Trapped in Someone Else

I used to be a boy trapped in a woman's body. But after 9 long months, I was finally born!

Getting Older

I like birthdays, but I think too many can kill you.

Born to be Negative

I was born to be a pessimist. My blood type is B Negative.

Did You Remember This Year?

Today is your birthday, so congratulate yourself, especially if you're still young enough to remember it.

Can’t Blow Out the Candles

The older you get, the more you need to keep a fire extinguisher close to the cake.

Be Friendly with Babies

It's always a good idea to make friends with babies. That's free cake once a year for a lifetime.

Choo Choo!

My boss yelled at me the other day, “You’ve got to be the worst train driver in history. How many trains did you derail last year?” I said, “Can’t say...

Oh, Man!

A man sued an airline company after it lost his luggage. Sadly, he lost his case.

Just Can’t Trust ‘Em

Atoms are untrustworthy little critters. They make up everything!  

This Is Intense

The past, the present, and the future walk into a bar… It was tense.