A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Funny & Humor

Sometimes you just need a good laugh…and if that time is now, you’ve come to the right place! From funny stories to jokes to puns to riddles and everything in between, we can guarantee that you’ll soon be in good humor. And if you want to get in on the laughs, submit your funniest joke!

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50 Funny Town Names from Each of the 50 States

From Boring to Slaughterville, read up on America's most unusual city names and their origins.

11 Words and Phrases That Don’t Mean What You Think They Do

Prepare to have your mind blown: Here are just a few of the misleading names we commonly use for foods,...

10 Strange Food Jobs That Actually Exist

You don't have to be a chef to work with food. Check out these rare and strange job ideas for...

10 Funny Foreign Signs with Hilariously Bad Translations

These funny signs are proof: Bad translations can have hilarious consequences.

18 Pictures That Will Bring You Back to the ’80s

Get ready for some serious feelings of nostalgia.

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11 Food Product Icons You Never Knew Were Based on Real People

There is more behind the name than delicious food.

11 Emergency Room Stories That Are Almost Too Crazy to Be True

Nurses are known for being caring, empathic, organized, knowledgeable, and graceful under pressure, but let's face it: Emergency room nurses...

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27 Hilarious (but Totally Real) Names for Groups of Animals

A grumble of pugs, an embarrassment of pandas, a kindle of kittens! The A Compendium of Collective...

7 Common Words That Mean the Exact Opposite of What You Think

"Outlaw," "scan," and "irregardless"... you're using them all wrong.

14 Crazy (but Totally Real!) Requests from VIP Hotel Guests

If you think asking for extra pillows, towels, and blankets when you travel makes you a difficult hotel guest, you'll...

15 Redundant Words That Make You Sound Ignorant

'New Scientist' writer Stanley Newman coined the term “RAS syndrome” in 2001 as a diagnosis for anyone who adds an...

15 Reasons Comedians Should Name Everything

There are funny names for everything— just ask George Carlin, Demetri Martin, and these other top comedians.

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17 Horse Jokes You Can’t Help but Laugh At

Pony up! Quit stalling and check out these equestrian gags for unbridled laughs.

9 Animals You Didn’t Know Could Talk

These animals all have their own way of communicating with humans, and it's really amazing—and sometimes hilarious—what they say!

70 Presidents Day Jokes to Prove You’re the Comedian in Chief

Presidents Day is meant to honor our nation's leaders, sure, but even more fun? Roasting them with these Presidents Day...

8 Beautifully Haunting Pictures of Route 66 Ghost Towns

Along the 2,291 mile highway that is Route 66, you'll find territorial-era mining towns, quiet farming villages—and an American history...

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21 Rarely Seen Photos You Won’t Find in History Books

Get a unique look at everyone from Hollywood stars to British royals with these rarely seen photos from throughout the...

13 Weirdest Things People Have Tried to Steal

Cars, computers, art, packages, and jewelry are often the target of robberies and thefts. But what about Nutella and,...

11 Words and Phrases That Used to Be Insults—but Are Now Compliments

From bad to mad to geek, there's no endorsement stronger than one of these inverted compliments!

60 Funny Science Jokes That Will Get the Best Reaction

These science jokes about physics, chemistry, biology and everything in between are scientifically proven to get a laugh

18 Craziest Things 911 Dispatchers Have Ever Heard on the Job

As you read these wacky stories, please keep in mind that 911 is for life-threatening emergency situations. Not because, say,...

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12 Rarely Seen Photos of Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace has seen a lot over the years. These pictures capture some of its most memorable moments.

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15 Rarely Seen Photos of JFK and Jackie Kennedy

Despite the affairs, John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline were a total power couple. You can feel the love just looking...

101 History Jokes That Even History Buffs Will Find Hilarious

Those who do not laugh at history are doomed to repeat it. These history jokes will provide the lessons and...

10 Almost-Extinct Words You Should Start Using Right Away

Whenever the dictionary gets updated, some words face the chopping block. If you would be sad to see “skedaddle” skedaddle...

13 Things a Stand-Up Comedian Won’t Tell You

It's true—we’ll do almost anything to get onstage. Find out what other secrets our profession holds and our biggest pet...

24 of the Worst Real-Life Vacation Disasters

There's a reason psychologists say that vacationing is among the most stressful of life events, right alongside changing jobs, moving...

12 Smart Jokes That Make You Sound Like a Genius

Do you long to be the funniest pompous twit in the room? Memorize these!