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What Is Your Zodiac Tarot Card, and What Does It Reveal?

Updated Jun. 28, 2024

When astrology meets tarot, you get to know your true self. Here's what the zodiac tarot cards say about your personality and purpose in life.


Gain clarity through zodiac tarot cards

We all want to know more about our true nature, right? As a tarot reader and astrologer for over 25 years, I talk to people every day who are seeking to understand themselves better. Self-awareness can lead us toward greater levels of contentment and happiness. It’s a universal need, and everyone (even the cynics) loves hearing about what makes them tick. You probably know your star sign, but I bet you didn’t know about your zodiac tarot cards. They are a hidden resource of knowledge about who you really are.

I’ve found that astrology combined with tarot is the sweet spot for truth—though astrology is thousands of years old and tarot is only about 500, the two are intertwined. As tarot was developed in the realm of magical secret societies, you can find both the planets and the astrological elements represented in the tarot deck. But one of the most revealing crossovers is that you will find your zodiac sign’s tarot card in the major arcana (the power cards) of each deck.

Similar to your life path number in numerology, your zodiac tarot card reveals the essence of your personality that drives your destiny and purpose in life. If astrology is about information, and tarot is about prediction, then the junction of the two practices is how your self-knowledge fulfills your potential in this lifetime. Ahead, you’ll find an explanation of the zodiac tarot cards for every star sign.

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Aries (March 21–April 19): The Emperor

This sign is known for its boldness, courage, dynamism, ambition and passionate nature, but Aries’ tarot card, the Emperor, reveals the traits that most dictate an Aries’ path in life: natural leadership and pioneering. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, a cardinal sign and a fire sign, all of which fuel an appetite to be noticed, followed, in charge and leading the way.

The Emperor has a duality, though, which Aries folk would be well advised to remember. Leadership is not about doing only what you want in your own way at all times. The Emperor can become dogmatic and controlling, turning a would-be career strength against you—both on the job and at home. Aries must resist the temptation to ignore everyone else’s opinion or input and instead nurture a leadership style that is compassionate, understanding and keen to collaborate. This is especially pertinent in personal relationships. If the Emperor is given total sway, then Aries can seek to dominate, which will backfire eventually.


Taurus (April 20–May 20): The Hierophant

The Hierophant tarot card embodies spiritual leadership, teaching, rebellion and mentorship. (Fitting, considering hierophant is the ancient Greek word for a high priest.) At its extremes, the Hierophant is part cult leader, part guru. So what does this mean for people whose star sign is Taurus?

I find that Taureans are deep thinkers and analysts, always seeking information and data to chew on. Their ruminations are private, internal and long-winded, but with earth as their zodiac element, the conclusions they reach are always grounded in fact, robust and pressure tested with time and new data. I always seek a Taurean out when I want a solid point of view on something. The Hierophant is reflective of that deliberation ability.

Taureans should be wary, however, of becoming too embedded in their opinions and viewpoints. Life moves fast, the world changes, ideologies flex and mutate, and new information flows. What starts out looking wise can become stubborn if it doesn’t adapt and respond to new input. Taureans must wear their Hierophant robes loosely and keep returning to the real world to seek, assimilate and use the latest data and information to draw fresh conclusions.


Gemini (May 21–June 20): The Lovers

Geminis are known as the zodiac’s twins, and the Lovers card mirrors that comfort with duality, multiple viewpoints, ambiguity and flexibility. But it is also a nod to passionate and highly collaborative relationships, which Geminis are adept at building and nurturing. People with this sun sign are great at working solo but even better at being an inspiring catalyst in a small group. They can achieve their life’s purpose by working in creative, supportive and motivated partnerships, duos, small teams and circles.

The Lovers will nudge Geminis to not let their flexibility turn into fickleness, infidelity or even betrayal of the tested old for the unproven new. Geminis have magpie-like natures and are easily distracted by shiny objects. This tarot card asks them to keep the faith with those they have committed to and to see things through if they want to land the desired results.


Cancer (June 21–July 22): The Chariot

Cancer’s tarot card reveals a side of their nature that is not always immediately obvious to those who know them: their relentless ability to move mountains when fixed on a goal. We astrologers all know that Cancerians love their homes, their safe spaces, their privacy and their known and loved routines. It’s easy to be lulled into thinking this sign is passive, the “done to” but not the doer.

Wrong. Cancerians have an inner core of steel, especially when it comes to getting something they truly want. They spring into action, prioritize their goal above all else and travel to the ends of the Earth (literally) to make it happen.

Cancerians can make the most of their life when they truly connect with this card’s ability and message. The Chariot can encourage them to break barriers and do whatever is necessary to manifest a triumph. To that end: Goal-setting is vital to keep Cancerians moving ahead—building and serving their personal agendas—so they don’t get sucked into other people’s life stories. People born under this sign survive and thrive best when motivated and pursuing a heartfelt purpose.


Leo (July 23–Aug. 22): Strength

The visual on the Strength card is often a lion, which is, of course, Leo’s astrological symbol. It represents their pride, regal bearing, power and charisma, but Leo’s tarot card is more of a narrative about how Leos best mature over their life story. Leos are born full of life, vital, confident and sure of their position in the top spot. They’re strong, in a sense.

But life brings multiple challenges, which draw out deeper aspects of Leo’s emotional intelligence. They’re still strengths, just more subtle ones: mercy, resilience, bravery and wisdom.

Leos must be willing to go on this journey—to endure hardship and failure, to learn from mistakes and to swallow their pride and sizeable ego—to gain the new strengths available to them. Like bonus gifts, each earned trait makes life easier to live.


Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): The Hermit

Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, Virgos are super smart people. Virgos notice everything, have high levels of discernment and analysis, and are naturally perceptive when it comes to the world around them. The Virgo tarot card, the Hermit, amplifies this superpower because it embodies enlightenment and knowledge. The Hermit is a purist about discovering new frontiers of information, learning, insight and experience. This is how Virgos attain their best self and destiny.

The Hermit is also, obviously, a solitary figure. Virgos are drawn to others in terms of helping, fixing, repairing and, frankly, taking over their tasks … because they believe they can do it better (and they’re not wrong). This tendency can lead Virgos into metaphorical martyrdom—the last stop on the “I’ll do it myself” train—and mission-impossible situations. Other people are not there to be fixed. The Hermit reminds Virgos to stay in their lane, focus on their personal development and knowledge, and use that to fuel their purpose and progress.


Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): Justice

This zodiac sign is all about balance, harmony, fairness and equality. And no tarot card embodies that better than Justice, which represents the thirst for justice, the desire for everything to be aboveboard and the need for merit to rule. Libras are highly analytical and can unpick complex and messy issues, traits that serve them well in careers related to justice. A Libra’s ideal life is organized, serene, calm and in perfect synchronicity.

But a word of warning: Libras must be careful not to overlook their own bias when doling out justice. Many possess a blind spot when it comes to recognizing just how blessed, fortunate, well-treated or favored they are in a situation. People with this sun sign have to forcefully direct the same intensity of analysis toward themselves as they do to others.


Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): Death

Yes, the Scorpio tarot card is Death, but don’t assume it reflects doom and gloom. Interpreting zodiac tarot cards is all about nuance. The Death card resonates well with the purpose and nature of Scorpio’s ruling planet: Pluto represents the underworld and the forces of sex, birth, death and regeneration. Scorpios are fearless, inquiring and ceaseless when it comes to understanding all of life’s mysteries and conundrums. They are often drawn to the occult, the underbelly of human nature and the process of death itself. The Death card is about embracing a “little death” in order to release what no longer serves you and welcome new energy.

Their interest in darkness and shadow realms is strong but must be tempered with lightness, brightness, positivity and optimism. Without that balance, Scorpios risk turning “gray,” which means they delve so deeply into the dark side of human nature that its extremes become norms. It is then hard to find a way back. Too much death and decay is not healthy for the Scorpio psyche.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): Temperance

Sagittarius is the go-getting, freewheeling, spontaneous, wild and uninhibited child of the zodiac. Above all others, Sagittarians yearn for space and freedom. They’re eager to have adventures (intrepid travels are nonnegotiable) and to live without the weight of the past or the expectations of the future. Temperance is a foil for that liberated part of their nature and seeks to slow them down a little, forcing them to think more carefully, ponder the options and mitigate the risks. By all means, jump … but know what you’re jumping into!

Temperance represents the philosophical side of Sagittarius—the thirst for understanding and for grounding experience in wisdom and insight. The combination of courage and wisdom is this sign’s ideal nature: wildness tempered with something weightier. When Sagittarians mature and find this flow, they feel more settled and at peace with themselves.


Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): The Devil

Like the Devil tarot card, Capricorns are worldly, sophisticated, materialistic, ambitious, maybe even greedy for status and position, and willing to do whatever it takes to get to the top. The hardest-working sign in the zodiac, Capricorn is ruled by the taskmaster planet Saturn. People born under this sign are shrewd and don’t carry fanciful, naive or immature notions about what people are really like and how the world really works. They usually succeed in every endeavor, whether that’s founding a company or earning loads of money. And that’s because they are relentless, savvy and driven to win.

The Devil is their tarot card for these reasons, but it also serves as a warning to not get too wedded to finery, material rewards or wealth at the expense of spiritual, emotional and heartfelt needs and desires. The Devil reminds them to escape their servitude to the almighty dollar and the material world, instead building up their relationships, family, home and personal life. All work and no play makes Capricorn an unhappy soul. They mustn’t let the Devil win.


Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): The Star

The Star tarot card is perfectly at home in the realm of air element Aquarius, the rarest sign of the zodiac. It aligns beautifully with Aquarians’ good intentions, optimistic and hopeful natures, appetites for progress and improvement, and ability to invent and innovate new answers to age-old questions. The Star is like a dream-come-true card, a cosmic wish to be granted whenever you desire (as long as you are bold enough to take steps in your dream’s direction).

Aquarians would do well to hold this card close to their hearts because they need to pursue true passions, believe in their dreams and invest their intellect and inventiveness wisely. They are pioneers, and others often rain on their parade or question their dreams. The Star gives this clever sign permission to follow the highest aim possible.

Zodiac Tarot Card The Moon V2

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20): The Moon

Pisces’ tarot card is the Moon, our planet’s satellite and the powerful presence behind our tides, seasons, cycles and even emotions. Full and new moons trigger a release and new intentions, respectively. As for the Moon card, it’s all about secrets, illusions and even lies—hidden knowledge that only the determined or super insightful can reach, fitting for a seeking, curious Pisces. People born under this sign are creatures of intense emotion, endless empathy, intuitive and instinctive understanding, and even psychic leanings.

Pisceans should note the Moon’s link to illusions and facades, and they must be wary of their tendency to shy away from hard truths or cold reality. They can often bury their heads in the sand, refuse to engage or simply paint a different, prettier picture over the top of what’s really there. Ultimately, this undoes them. “Beware the Moon” are smart words to live by for Pisceans, serving as a reminder to dig for answers and look behind the veil.

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