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52 Fascinating Facts About U.S. Presidents

Updated: Jul. 17, 2024

Check out these wild, wonderful and just plain weird facts about U.S. presidents

Little-known president facts and trivia

In light of Presidents Day on Feb. 19, it’s only natural you’d want to look up everything about the intriguing world of U.S. presidents. The history of our nation’s leaders includes many known and unknown facts, some so peculiar that they may have you raising an eyebrow.

From Abraham Lincoln turning down the opportunity to host elephants (several pairs, we might add) to Thomas Jefferson’s unique interest in pet bears, we have a range of president facts that’ll give you a more in-depth look at the personality and interests of these iconic figures in U.S. history.

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Man feeding elephant with wide open mouth
Everett Collection/Shutterstock

Abraham Lincoln turned down the chance to host elephants

In 1861, the King of Siam offered to gift President Lincoln “several pairs of young male and female elephants,” which were indigenous to his country (Thailand today). The elephants could be bred to multiply, the king suggested, and the herds could be used as “beasts of burden” that could work alongside the military during the Civil War. The president politely declined the offer, opting to use steam power instead of animal labor.

Gerald Ford

Gerald Ford modeled on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine

Before he became the 38th U.S. president, Gerald Ford had a side gig as a model. In 1942, shortly after joining the Navy, he landed an uncredited spot on the cover of Cosmopolitan in his uniform. Another fun president fact? It was during this time that he met fellow model Elizabeth Bloomer, who he went on to marry. She became known to Americans as first lady Betty Ford.

John Quincy Adams
Ewing Galloway/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

John Quincy Adams approved a real-life journey to the center of the Earth

Back in the 1800s, little was known about our planet. In the absence of scientific evidence, people believed in some pretty kooky theories—like the idea that planet Earth is actually hollow. Our sixth president, John Quincy Adams, was on board with this one. The commander-in-chief even signed off on a proposed expedition by a fellow Hollow Earther and would-be explorer to the Earth’s “empty” core. But when Andrew Jackson was voted into office four years later, he put the kibosh on the journey that never was.

William Howard Taft

William Howard Taft took a custom bathtub on a trip to Panama

As legend has it, our 27th president once got stuck in a bathtub and had to be pulled out by six men. Although President William Taft did weigh 340 pounds at his heaviest, this story is wholly false. But it probably stemmed from Taft’s (very true) affinity for baths. In fact, he ordered a 7-foot-long tub that weighed a literal ton to be built and placed aboard the USS North Carolina, so he could luxuriate in it on his way to Panama.

Herbert Hoover

Herbert Hoover’s White House staff hid from him

In a very diva (or perhaps just racist) move, 31st president Herbert Hoover insisted that his staff never see him around the White House—and he didn’t want to see them either. This caused quite the charade, of course, as the staff felt pressured to hide from the president whenever he was present. According to White House journalist Kenneth Walsh, staffers would “pile into closets” and “hide behind bushes so the president couldn’t see them.”

President Lyndon B. Johnson And Wife Lady Bird
John Knoote/Daily Mail/REX/Shutterstock

Lyndon B. Johnson proposed to Lady Bird with a $2.50 ring from Sears

In 1934, Lyndon B. Johnson, then 26, proposed to Claudia Alta “Ladybird” Taylor, 22, on their first date. Though she declined his offer, Johnson continued to woo her from afar, sending his sweetheart 90 letters in the span of about 90 days. Impatient, Johnson traveled from Washington, D.C. to Texas to arrive at her door with an ultimatum: Marry me now or forever hold your peace. As a fun first lady fact, she accepted his proposal—and the $2.50 engagement ring that came with it.

potomac river
Charles Gorry/AP/REX/Shutterstock

John Quincy Adams loved to skinny-dip

While in office, sixth president John Quincy Adams often swam in the Potomac River, and he preferred to do so in the buff. Adams was an early riser, and in his diaries, he wrote of waking at about 4 a.m. and taking a morning dip—nude. Though it sounds risqué now, skinny-dipping was apparently common in the 1800s.

hemp plant
Philippe Hays/REX/Shutterstock

George Washington grew cannabis

Before you start thinking the nation’s first president was a stoner, you should know that George Washington grew hemp, not marijuana (they both belong to the cannabis family). He cultivated the hemp at his estate in Mount Vernon for industrial uses, like making rope and canvas.

Hugh Hefner
Kristian Dowling/AP/REX/Shutterstock

George W. Bush is cousins with Hugh Hefner

It turns out our 43rd president and the founder of Playboy are distant cousins. More specifically, they’re ninth cousins twice removed, sharing the same pair of great-grandparents. Another cousin shared by the two is former presidential candidate John Kerry.

White House

Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the White House its name

Though the residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is painted white, it was known as The Executive Mansion and The President’s Palace until October 1901, when then-president Theodore Roosevelt referred to it as The White House. The 26th president made the moniker official when he had it engraved on his stationery.

Fine Bone China
Chris Barham/Daily Mail/REX/Shutterstock

Warren Harding lost the White House china in a poker game

Here’s another interesting fact about one of the U.S. presidents: Warren Harding, our 29th president, loved a game of poker—and apparently, he was a high roller. During one of his bi-weekly poker games, Harding gambled away a set of china that had been in the White House since President Benjamin Harrison’s tenure six terms prior. He bet it all on one ill-advised hand.

Grizzly Bear
Mike Hollist/ANL/REX/Shutterstock

Thomas Jefferson kept pet grizzly bears

During his tenure as the third U.S. president, Thomas Jefferson became the happy recipient of a wild gift: a pair of grizzly bear cubs. He kept them in a cage on the front lawn of the White House for a few months before deciding they were too dangerous to keep and bequeathing them to a museum.


Ulysses S. Grant was arrested for speeding—on a horse

A noted equestrian, our 18th U.S. president was quite confident on a horse—perhaps too confident. While driving his horse and buggy at a furious pace during his presidential tenure, Grant was pulled over twice within the span of 24 hours. The second time, one bold police officer decided to arrest the commander-in-chief, who was ultimately given a fine. Legend has it that the officer and the U.S. president became friends.

President Harry S. Truman

The first White House bowling alley was a birthday present for Harry Truman

In 1947, 33rd U.S. president Harry Truman became responsible for having a bowling alley installed in the West Wing in celebration of his 63rd birthday. He became the first person to ever throw a bowling ball down the White House lane, and one of the seven pins he knocked down is on display at the Smithsonian Institution.

pony Horse

Bill Clinton is a My Little Pony expert

During a segment on the NPR show “Wait, Wait… Don’t Tell Me!” 42nd U.S. president Bill Clinton was quizzed about the animated movie My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. To the amazement of his hosts, he nailed all three questions and won a prize on behalf of the listener for whom he was playing.


Clint Eastwood was almost vice president under George H.W. Bush

While running for office in 1988, then-presidential nominee George Bush was not feeling lucky, so he considered bringing on Dirty Harry actor Clint Eastwood, who had been mayor of Carmel, California, to help breathe life into his struggling campaign. Bush famously chose Dan Quayle as his running mate instead.

James Abram Garfield
Universal History Archive/REX/Shutterstock

James Garfield could write in Greek with one hand and Latin with the other

The ambidextrous U.S. president, James Garfield, could write in two languages simultaneously: Latin and Greek. He taught both languages while attending the acclaimed Williams College in Massachusetts, where he was later named president before going on to be elected as the 20th president of the United States.

Frances E. Perkins

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first president to name a woman to his cabinet

In 1933, our 32nd U.S. president hired Frances Perkins as the first woman cabinet member, specifically secretary of labor. She had previously worked for him when he was governor of New York.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln allowed seances in the White House

During Abraham Lincoln’s term, first lady Mary Todd Lincoln reportedly invited mediums to the White House to call on departed spirits through seances. While there’s no definitive evidence, the president was said to have attended some of the events. He was also thought to believe in the occult to an extent.

Barack Obama
Zick Jochen/action press/REX/Shutterstock

Three presidents are Grammy winners

It may sound odd, but Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter have each won a Grammy. No, they’re not singers or songwriters, but they did nab prizes for Best Spoken Word Album for the audio versions of their biographies.

George Washington
Universal History Archive/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

George Washington’s teeth were made of something more disturbing than wood

It’s a popular misconception that our first U.S. president’s teeth were made of wood. In fact, they were made of something even worse: other people’s teeth—likely those of slaves or impoverished people. The dentures apparently also contained ivory.

Writing the Declaration of Independence
Universal History Archive/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

Two rival presidents died on the exact same day

Although friendly in their personal lives, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were political competitors. On his deathbed, Adams is believed to have uttered “Thomas Jefferson still survives,” in a final act of rivalry. Little did he know that Jefferson had died hours earlier.

Martin Van Buren
Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group/REX/Shutterstock

America’s eighth U.S. president was the first to be born stateside

Here’s a fact about one of the U.S. presidents you may not have learned in school: There were seven official U.S. presidents before Martin Van Buren, the first president to actually be born in the United States, took office. Van Buren was the eighth U.S. president. In fairness, the United States was not even founded until 1776, two years before George Washington took office, but facts are facts.

John Tyler

One of President Tyler’s grandchildren is still alive

How is it possible that a grandchild of our nation’s 10th president, John Tyler, who was born one year after George Washington took office and elected to office himself in 1841, is still alive, as of February 2024? The president was 75 when his last child was born in 1928, and the grandson is a descendant of that son.

James K. Polk
Nara Archives/REX/Shutterstock

No one could dance in the White House during James Polk’s tenure

The wife of 11th U.S. President James Polk was a strict Presbyterian and looked down upon dancing, so it was banned in the White House while her husband was in office, including at the Inaugural Ball. She also disapproved of horse racing and the theater.

General Ulysses S. GRANT
F A Archive/REX/Shutterstock

Ulysses S. Grant’s middle initial stood for nothing

You might know who is buried in Grant’s tomb, but do you know what his middle initial stood for? Well, neither did he. Apparently, it came from a typo on his application to West Point.

Rutherford B. Hayes
Universal History Archive/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

Rutherford B. Hayes was the first American to own a Siamese cat

The First Cat during Hayes’s presidency was literally the first cat—as in, the first Siamese cat to be owned by a U.S. citizen. She was a gift to the president and first lady. They originally named her Miss Pussy, but eventually simplified things by calling her Siam.

James Abram Garfield

James Garfield’s spine was on display at a museum

At the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Washington D.C., the spine of U.S. President Garfield was displayed in 2000 along with other medical oddities. The bullet hole from his 1881 assassination is clearly visible.

Chester Alan Arthur
Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group/REX/Shutterstock

Chester Arthur held a White House yard sale to finance a redecorating project

In what was probably the first and last White House yard sale, 21st U.S. president Chester Arthur sold two dozen wagon loads of presidential merchandise, including a pair of Abraham Lincoln’s pants and John Quincy Adams’s hat. He then used the money to hire an interior decorator.

William McKinley
Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group/REX/Shutterstock

William McKinley gave away his “lucky” red carnation right before he died

The 25th U.S. president was known for wearing a red carnation on his lapel for good luck. The boutonniere probably was a good luck charm, after all. While greeting a little girl at an event in 1901, he decided to give his lucky flower to her. Moments later, he was assassinated.

President Herbert Hoover
Nara Archives/REX/Shutterstock

Herbert Hoover had his own sport

To keep our 31st U.S. president fit, while Herbert Hoover was in office his physician invented a sport that was later called Hoover-ball. It’s a combination of tennis and volleyball, played with a medicine ball. The sport is still played competitively in Hoover’s hometown of West Branch, Iowa.

Squirrel Up A Tree
James Gray/ANL/REX/Shutterstock

Dwight Eisenhower ordered the assassination of squirrels

Our 34th U.S. president, an avid golfer, got sick and tired of squirrels messing up his game by digging up the green to bury their acorns. He ordered his valet to shoot the rodents, but the Secret Service forbade the use of guns on the White House grounds, so groundkeepers trapped and released the animals instead.


Four presidents were cheerleaders

What did Ronald Reagan, Dwight Eisenhower, Franklin Roosevelt and George W. Bush have in common? They were all cheerleaders in high school or college. Talk about squad goals!

John Adams

John Adams skipped school a lot

A lifelong outdoorsman, John Adams often chose to hunt and fish rather than go to school as a child. Despite his truancy, he made it into Harvard at age 15 and went on to become the second president of the United States.

Josephine The Parrot
Anthony Wallace/Shutterstock

Andrew Jackson taught his parrot foul language

What the heck? Andrew Jackson’s pet parrot began shouting obscenities at the 7th U.S. president’s funeral and had to be carried out. The president was a former war hero known for his tough exterior, so it surprised no one that he had taught the bird some colorful language.

Benjamin Harrison
Universal History Archive/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

Benjamin Harrison was afraid of electricity

When the Edison Company installed electrical wires in the White House for the first time in 1891, 23rd U.S. President Harrison and his wife refused to touch the light switches for fear of being electrocuted.

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan did standup comedy

When movie roles began drying up in the mid-1950s, Ronald Reagan decided to try his hand as a standup comic in Las Vegas. He later became a TV host, which led to the biggest role of his life: 40th president of the United States.

Calvin Coolidge

Calvin Coolidge befriended a man who tried to rob him

When Calvin Coolidge woke up to find a burglar rifling through his belongings, he managed to calmly talk down the would-be thief. The U.S. president found out the man was desperate to pay his hotel bill and buy a ticket back to his college campus, so Coolidge willingly gave him the contents of his wallet—$32—and snuck him out of the room and past Secret Service.


Franklin Roosevelt wore dresses as a child

Long before gender-neutral clothing became a thing, Franklin Roosevelt’s parents clothed him in dresses as a child. But it turns out some cultural norms happen in cycles; gender-specific clothing was not invented until about the time of World War I.


Jimmy Carter believed in UFOs

In 1973, four years before becoming the 39th president of the United States, Jimmy Carter filed a report of a UFO sighting in Georgia in 1969. He called it “the darnedest thing I’ve ever seen.” He promised, if elected president, to disclose government information about UFOs, but backpedaled while in office.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was a licensed bartender

Before he became the 16th president, Abraham Lincoln was a bartender and bar owner. He partnered with a friend to buy a bar in Illinois but gave it up to become a lawyer shortly thereafter. He remains officially the only U.S. president to be a licensed bartender.

John Adams
Universal History Archive/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

John Adams named his dog Satan

Plenty of U.S. presidents have had dogs as pets in the White House, but only one had a dog named after the devil himself. Satan was one of the pooches belonging to the second U.S. president, John Adams. No word on whether Satan lived up to its name.

David Rice Atchison

We had a 24-hour president

Ever hear of President David Rice Atchison? If the answer is no, that’s probably because he was only president for a day. In 1849, the inauguration of Zachary Taylor landed on a Sunday, and the religious incumbent refused to be sworn in on a holy day. He had Atchison stand in for him.

James Monroe

James Monroe attacked his rival with red-hot tongs

After backing down from running against James Monroe in the presidential election, William H. Crawford accepted a position as his secretary of the Treasury. During a fight between the two men, the fifth U.S. president chased the politician out while brandishing a set of tongs from his fireplace.

Thomas Jefferson
Ewing Galloway/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

Thomas Jefferson had a comically positioned bed

Jefferson famously served out his tenure at his estate, Monticello. Though his home was vast in size, he preferred to squeeze his bed into a tiny alcove that provided zero room at the foot and head of the bed. He’s thought to be the originator of the alcove bed layout.

Historical Collection 48

Presidents Day is technically called Washington’s Birthday

Presidents Day has a more complex history than one might think. After George Washington died in 1799, his supporters recognized his birthday as a day of remembrance. In 1885, his birthday became a federal holiday for the country. Later, in 1968, a new bill made certain federal holidays on Mondays and combined birthday celebrations for Washington and Lincoln into Presidents Day. According to the United States Code, however, that February holiday is technically still called Washington’s Birthday and never officially changed to Presidents Day. Federal code permits local governments and private businesses to name federal holidays whatever they want, so most states call it Presidents Day.


Three presidents married while in office

President John Tyler remarried in 1844 after the death of his first wife. Woodrow Wilson also remarried after the death of his wife, in 1915. And before his wedding, Grover Cleveland was one of two White House bachelors. (The other was James Buchanan, who never married.) Cleveland is also the only U.S. president to marry in a White House ceremony.

Historical Collection 32

Martin Van Buren made “OK” popular

Experts don’t definitively know the origin of “OK.” People suggest it has origins in Native American language or Sub-Saharan African language, among other possibilities. They do know that Martin Van Buren helped popularize the expression. One of his nicknames was “Old Kinderhook,” the town he was from in New York. During his election campaign in 1840, people held signs with, and chanted, “OK.”

Teddy Bear looks cute on a white background.

“Billy Possums” was meant to replace “Teddy Bears”

President Theodore Roosevelt inspired the name “Teddy Bears.” Roosevelt chose not to shoot a bear on a hunting trip, asking to put down the already injured bear humanely instead. Newspapers made cartoons of the event, and Morris Michtom, a candy shop owner, asked Roosevelt’s permission to sell stuffed bears in his shop and call them “Teddy Bears.” Once William H. Taft became president, toy makers worried that the bears wouldn’t be as popular. They came up with an alternative toy to name after Taft—”Billy Possums.” In 1909, the U.S. president ate possum in Georgia, inspiring the rival toy that never came close to the popularity of the Teddy Bear.

Eric Risberg/AP/Shutterstock

Ronald Regan consulted with an astrologist while in the White House

Joan Quigley was Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s astrologist while they were in the White House. Quigley only met the president once, but she did communicate regularly with the first lady. Quigley was reportedly responsible for timing conferences, speeches, takeoffs and landings, and even the State of the Union address. The president kept a color-coded calendar of good and bad days according to astrological rules and circumstances, based on information from Quigley. In her book, Quigley even claims she could have predicted the assassination attempt on his life—but at the time she hadn’t drawn up his charts.

George H. Bush and Kiichi Miyazawa, Japan

George H.W. Bush inspired a Japanese slang word

In 1992, George H.W. Bush vomited on the prime minister of Japan at a state dinner in Tokyo while in Asia for a 12-day trip. After the incident, the term Bushu-suru—”do a bush”—became a popular Japanese slang word for vomiting.

Historical Collection 35

John Quincy Adams kept a detailed, 51-volume diary

Here’s the last of our president facts: John Quincy Adams began keeping his 14,000-page journal in 1779 at the age of 12. He continued until shortly before his death in 1848. People can read the whopping 51 volumes online.


  • AP News: “Lincoln to Thai king: Thanks but no thanks for the elephants”
  • History.com: “Future president Gerald R. Ford is born”
  • Smithsonian Magazine: “John Quincy Adams Was an Ardent Supporter of Exploration”
  • History.com: “Did William Howard Taft Really Get Stuck in a Bathtub?”
  • NPR: “White House, Black History”
  • PBS:”To Court a Lady Bird”
  • Historic America: “Warren G. Harding: A Scandalous Presidency”
  • Monticello: “Grizzly Bears”
  • History.com: “The First Left-Handed President Was Ambidextrous and Multilingual”