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Work & Career

They say you spend over a third of your life working, so you might as well love what you do. Whether you are loving every second of work, searching for a new career, or just trying to make the workday a little more bearable—Reader’s Digest is here with the tips, tools, and strategies to help you get to work.

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How to Decline a Job Offer Without Burning Bridges

When a professional opportunity doesn't feel like a good fit, these expert-approved tips can help you bow out gracefully.

This Is How Much Target Managers Really Get Paid

It takes a lot of work to manage a Target!

The 4 Facial Features People First Notice About You

Hint: It’s not your eyes, nose, or mouth.

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20 Cyber Security Secrets Hackers Don’t Want You to Know

Computer hackers have lots of tools to threaten your Internet security, but these tips from cybersecurity experts can help protect...

How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself,” According to Recruiters

The goal of any job hunter is to make it to the interview process, but nerves might kick in once...

41 Little Grammar Rules to Follow to Sound Smarter

C'mon: Make your high school English teachers proud.

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6 Polite Ways to End a Conversation

Bound by manners and common decency, you can find it difficult to walk away from a conversation without seeming rude....

7 Surprising Things Your Outfit Color Says About You

Here's why yellow might be off-putting and blue could land you the job.

10 “Innocent” Things You Didn’t Know Could Get You Fired

Some employment don'ts are obvious, but these seemingly innocuous behaviors could also cost you your job.

The 10 Attributes of Wildly Successful People You Should Memorize Now

You know those people who seem to ace everything in life? Researchers have uncovered their secrets to success.

This Is Your Biggest Career Strength, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Not sure of your career path? Not confident in your professional skills? You might want to take a hint from...

10 Jobs Americans Can’t Live Without

Sometimes the most important workers are the ones behind the scenes. These are the jobs Americans can't live without—the crucial...

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7 Sneaky Things Your Voice Can Predict About Your Personality and Health

It's not just what you say—it's what you sound like when you say it.

This Is How You Should Really Format a Business Letter

Email may rule work correspondence, but knowing how to write a business letter never goes out of style.

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Smart Ways to Keep Your Pet Happy While You’re at Work All Day

If you leave your favorite pet at home all day while you're working, don't fret—we found the most entertaining ways...

8 Things You Shouldn’t Wear to a Job Interview, According to CEOs

Even if your qualifications make you the perfect candidate, wearing the wrong interview clothing could damage your credibility—and cost you...

15 Milestones Everyone Needs to Reach by Age 30

So, you've nearly hit the big 3-0! Congrats. You've probably seen a whole load of milestones along the way—make sure...

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How the Disney’s ‘Frozen’ Was Almost a Massive Failure

The Disney megahit was almost a disaster, until a series of creative brainstorms saved the day.

These People Donated Millions After They Died—But No One Knew They Were Rich

In life, they were humble secretaries, 
teachers, and janitors. 
When they died, they were richer 
than anyone knew—and they 

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Here’s How Much Money Costco Store Managers Make—It’s More Than You Think

We always knew working at Costco would be good, but not this good!

12 Ways You’re Giving off a Bad Vibe Without Realizing It

The body postures, facial expressions, and other behaviors below can broadcast negativity to people around you, hurting your reputation and...

13 Phrases Women Need to Remove from Their Vocabulary

How you present yourself isn't only about your clothes or behavior: It's what you say that conveys the real you....

20 Words and Phrases Smart People Don’t Use

If you're smart, or at least want to sound intelligent, remember that some things are better left unsaid.

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Former Employees Say This Is the Worst Job at Costco

Costco is rated one of the best companies to work for, but there's one job employees dread.

17 Reasons My Favorite Teacher Changed My Life

It only takes one person to make a difference in the life of another—and teachers are often that person. Check...

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9 Coffee Shop Etiquette Rules You Need to Follow

When you sit at a table to organize your bills or get a jump-start on work, is it OK to...