Whether you prefer fluffy scrambled eggs, or you like them hard-boiled or sunny side up, eggs have become a staple in the American diet. Aside from just tasting delicious paired with some toast and a coffee, they are packed full of nutrition. Eating eggs notoriously helps with reducing cholesterol, lowering the risk of heart disease, and they contain quality protein, all while being low in calories. But some eggs may look a little different than others, like having a spotted or bumpy shell, which may deter you from eating them. We’re here to crack the code for you before you crack your next egg. Plus, here’s why brown eggs are more expensive than white eggs.

What does it mean when there are spots or bumps on an egg?

You may have noticed that some eggshells are discolored with dark brown spots. This is known as a “speckled” egg. These dark splotches are created early in the process as the egg is traveling through the hen. As the egg passes through the oviduct (the organ that processes the yolk and adds the shell), it spins. If the egg spins too slowly as it moves along the tube, it can end up looking a little speckled.

You may also notice a bumpy egg or two in the carton you just brought home from the grocery store. The “bumps” just mean the eggshell has some texture to it rather than being completely smooth. This also occurs in the oviduct as the egg passes through the hen. There may just be some debris in the tube as the shell is being formed. Debris in the oviduct is more common in older hens or younger hens who don’t receive enough nutrients. When this happens, calcium is released which encloses the debris in the shell.

Is it safe to eat speckled or bumpy eggs?

The short answer is yes.

There is certainly no need to discard any eggs with either of these physical abnormalities—it’s also safe to eat expired eggs as well. The part that matters the most when it comes to egg safety is how you cook them, as the biggest fear surrounding egg safety is salmonella, a group of bacteria that causes food poisoning. While it may not necessarily be salmonella, look for black or green spots inside the eggshell. This may be a sign of bacteria or contamination.

First, make sure the eggs are kept in the refrigerator and use within three weeks of purchasing for the best quality. Even if you don’t see any dark colors inside the eggshell after you crack it, it’s important to keep everything clean. If you come in contact with raw egg while you are cooking, make sure to thoroughly wash your hands, utensils, and any surfaces the egg may have come into contact with. Also, make sure that the eggs are cooked until the yolks are firm.

The bottom line is, your bumpy and spotted eggs are perfectly safe to eat. Before you start whipping up breakfast, check out this eggs-quisite egg cracking hack that is truly hard to beat. Then, use one of these simple egg recipes to get your day started.


  • Mental Floss: “Why Do Eggshells Sometimes Have Weird Bumps and Spots?”
  • FDA: “What You Need to Know About Egg Safety”
  • Egg Safety: “Eggs – Inside and Out”
  • Fresh Eggs Daily: “Why Does my Chicken Egg Look Weird?”
  • Healthline: “Top 10 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs”