If music soothes the savage beast, music puns probably relax the savage beast even further. We think. We’ve never really checked if a savage beast appreciates a good pun.

But when it comes to humans, music and comedy go together like a soprano and an alto. Both soundtrack our celebrations, cheer us up on rough days and have brought people together since the beginnings of civilization. Everybody has a favorite song or joke, and now can maybe find a mash-up of the two in the lists below. These puns will earn you laughs from musicians, pop fans, high school orchestras and even the toughest audience of all, grumpy piano teachers.

If you want an encore, though, be sure to check out this collection of music jokes. Or if you only have time to listen to a single, here’s a list of short jokes.

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Funniest music puns

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  • I don’t lightly interfere; I heavy metal.
  • All talk, no showtunes.
  • Singer-songwriters? That’s all, folk.
  • Phew! Got off Ska free.
  • Time flies when you’re having funk.
  • Hip-hop? Hooray!
  • Tango down in flames.
  • Tuner or later, we all have to dance.
  • He’s such a bad singer, he has delusions of bandeur.
  • Don’t rock it until you’ve tried it.
  • I don’t give a rap.
  • The bluegrass is always greener on the other side.
  • I’m looking for a choir purpose.
  • When verse comes to verse, sing a song.
  • She’s punk as a skunk.
  • Help me! I’m in treble.

Want something to drink with your music? Try these coffee puns.

Clever composer puns

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  • Where there’s a John Williams, there’s a way.
  • Don’t go, come Bach!
  • Flip your Ludwig.
  • Car broke down? Take the Debussy.
  • Enjoy a roll in the Hayden.
  • Mahler? I don’t even know her!
  • Two composers walk into a Bartók.
  • For the Gershwin!
  • Real Mendelssohn don’t run from fear.
  • Handel with care.
  • Make a Liszt and check it twice.
  • High notes can shatter Philip Glass.
  • When Richard listens to German opera, he’s known to Wagner his finger.
  • Within each person is a good Wolfgang and a bad Wolfgang.
  • Alan didn’t win the gold; he won the Silvestri.
  • Would your like your ice cream in a cup Morricone?
  • Oh, no! Alexandre fell and went Desplat!
  • Instead of coffee, start each day with a cup of Tchaikovsky.
  • I’m lactose intolerant, so I eat Schubert.
  • On the count of three… Rachmaninoff, paper, scissors, shoot!
  • I have post-traumatic Strauss disorder after the elementary school band concert,

Feeling like you need a palette cleanser? Enjoy some pickle puns.

Pop music puns

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  • I need new clothes! To the Taylor, Swift!
  • Everybody’s working for The Weeknd.
  • Queen up your room!
  • Keep calm and Mariah Carey on.
  • Women are from Venus, men are from Bruno Mars.
  • There’s more than one way to Doja Cat.
  • Here comes Santana Claus!
  • Rolling Stones gather no moss, but do have Wood.
  • Take a Bowie.
  • Don’t get Madonna. Get even.
  • Teach your children to Cher.
  • I travel as the Sheryl Crow flies.
  • Never met a blind tiger, but I have seen a Def Leppard.
  • This Led Zeppelin is slower than if took a Stairway to Heaven.
  • Wanna tell me your favorite Nirvana album—oh, Nevermind.
  • Flavor your wrap with Salt and Pepa.
  • I don’t want to order a short pop star. I want an Ariana Grande.
  • When they go J-Lo, you go high.
  • She liked the song “Shivers” so much that she didn’t walk to the record store, Sheeran.
  • For flowers, I’d go the extra Miley.
  • Sorry if you saw that pun coming from a Miley away.
  • Johnny was country music’s Cash cow.
  • Andre 3000 turned hip-hop inside Outkast.
  • He’s busy as a Bieber.
  • He didn’t want to go camping because he was afraid of Post Malone in the dark.

Hungry for more? Devour these delicious food jokes.

Instrument puns

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  • I played the wrong note, but no need to guitar and feather me!
  • Sitar and stay awhile.
  • Something’s wrong with your guitar? Don’t Fret!
  • Always look for signs and cymbals.
  • I’ve heard enough of your glockenspiel.
  • I’m tired of mindless violins.
  • There’s always room for cello.
  • Going, going, gong!
  • One synthesizer fits all.
  • Saved by the cow bell.
  • Keep your hi-hat on.
  • Gimme the lute.

Keep laughing all the way to Uranus with our collection of space puns.

Punny Music Jokes

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  • Why isn’t Taylor Swift allowed to donate plasma?
    Bad Blood.
  • Who always wins at Battle of the Bands?
    The Beat-alls.
  • Who was Beyoncé before she married Jay-Z?
  • What instrument is good for catching fish?
  • Why were the baby’s first words “Gaga”?
    Because they’re born this way.
  • Who’s the Boss of all oranges?
    Juice Springsteen.
  • What dessert did Prince bring to the party?
    Raspberry Sorbet.
  • How do you navigate power pop?
    Always look to Big Star.
  • Where’s the artist who sang “Paper Planes?”
    No one knows. She went M.I.A.
  • Who’s a hunter’s favorite musician?
    Britney Spears.
  • What do you call a fake songwriter?
    A composeur.
  • Why did Celine Dion use a ladder?
    To reach the high notes.
  • Where do singers like to visit when they’re on tour?
    All the vocal hangouts.
  • What is Beethoven working on these days?
  • What musician do you need to avoid if you have diabetes?
    Matthew Sweet.

Have all these jokes made you fall in love with puns? You’re a deer! Seriously, check out these deer puns.