How to Make the Royal Wedding Cake

Updated: Jun. 10, 2024

Get the recipe for the Royal Wedding cake.

Prince William and Kate Middleton will be serving two wedding cakes to guests tomorrow afternoon at their Buckingham Palace reception. The first is a traditional British fruit cake, made by cake designer and pastry chef Fiona Cairns. At Kate’s request, it will have a floral theme, Cairns told Kate sent the chef a list of 17 flowers that symbolize love, marriage and happiness to be included on the cake. “There’s even a Sweet William,” Cairns said.

The recipe for Cairns’ marzipan and icing encrusted Vintage Glamour Wedding Cake can be found here. Those who want to check out other cakes by Cairns can check out her site,

The second cake, specially requested by Prince William, is a McVitie’s chocolate biscuit cake. The unbaked cake by McVitie’s, made to a secret Royal Family recipe, was a childhood favorite of the prince’s.

Buckingham Palace sent the recipe to chefs at McVitie’s, who will make a wedding-sized confection including 1,700 biscuits and nearly 40 pounds of chocolate. The company has refused to release the recipe. However, you can find the recipe—or one similar—in Eating Royally: Recipes & Remembrances from a Palace Kitchen, by Darren McGrady, and in the Chicago Tribune.

Sources: and Chicago Tribune

Reader's Digest
Originally Published in Reader's Digest