A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

13 Golden Rules for Working from Home

Updated Jan. 25, 2024

It’s important to set boundaries between work and home life and to establish firm routines to keep you motivated.

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Closeup image of female hands using modern laptop in interior, woman's hands using notebook computer and typing on keyboard while working at home or office

The pros and cons of working from home

More people than ever are working from home right now due to a nationwide outbreak. While most of us are happy to make the responsible decision to keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy, working from home does come with some unique challenges for people who are not used to it. Despite being committed to the work, people often hit roadblocks throughout the day when confined within the four walls of their own home. Clare Evans, a time management and productivity coach, admits that its not just the surrounding environment that causes distractions. Other difficulties include finding the discipline to sit down and work, dealing with the idea of not being able to “get away from the office”, and a lack of human interaction. On top of this, it’s the chores (“that pile of laundry isn’t going to fold itself”), the kitchen (“I can use another cup of tea”), and the television (“Just one more episode…) that are major culprits of distraction. Ahead, Evans offers simple solutions for the very difficult task of how to work from home. First, you’ll want to make yourself aware of the reasons you can’t focus and what to do about it.

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Have a designated work space

Whether you have a dedicated office or a small table for your work, make sure that this zone is for work only. It will make it much easier to leave work at the end of the day and not let it trickle into your home life. Pick a spot that’s away from most of the commotion in the house or consider making space in part of your garage or quiet corner of the basement just for your office. If you must work from the sofa or a cushy chair, invest in a rolling laptop stand that gives you a definitive work station. We like the one from LEVO—it’s sturdy and adjustable, so you can use it sitting down, lying down, or any position in between.

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Work regular hours

Just because you’re home doesn’t mean you can’t be on a minute-by-minute schedule. “Schedule your working day in the same way you would if you were in an office,” Evans suggests. This may be more difficult for those with kids, but consider sharing child-care with another working parent; that way you can both have some much-need uninterrupted time to yourselves. Make sure that you maintain your normal business hours, whatever they may be. Think of yourself as “on the clock” during those hours. Plan to arrive at work and leave work during your same, regular hours. This will allow you to set boundaries between work and home. Be more productive in the first hour of your work by trying these tricks.

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Check in with work—frequently

You won’t see your boss or co-workers as often, so it’s important to check in frequently. Send an extra email to confirm receipt of materials, call up a co-worker to check in on a project, and make it clear that you’re accessible and available throughout the day. Be sure you’re following proper email etiquette when reaching out, though.

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Take a lunch break

Or any break! Take a few minutes out of your day and relax. Order in some lunch or heat up leftovers from last night. Give yourself time to recharge before you head back to work—the rest of your day will go much smoother. This is a tricky, but necessary tip. To keep your mind clear and your thinking sharp, small, relaxing breaks are helpful. It’s important, however, to keep them short. Evans suggests setting a distinct time limit for each intermittent break.

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Don’t clean

Resist the temptation to straighten up or take on large projects around the house while you’re working from home. Keep your normal cleaning schedule.

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Keep a routine

Resist the temptation to stop your morning dressing and breakfast routine or evening wind-down and dinnertime. Keep things consistent, just like they were when you were commuting to the office, and you’ll keep your sanity in check.

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Don’t volunteer too much

Although you’re home throughout the day, avoid volunteering to watch kids or pets for friends and family. This nice gesture can soon prove to be too much as you really need to focus on work during your set work hours. Take advantage of the minutes or hours that you’re not commuting and offer to help out during that time.

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Stay professional

Just because your home office doesn’t have a dress code doesn’t mean that you can wear your pajamas or nothing at all to business meetings. If you’re clean and dressed, you’ll conduct calls much more professionally and have better results. Avoid the temptation to be relaxed with your communications just because you’re in your fuzzy bunny slippers. Also, try these time management tips to get the most out of your time.

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Take advantage of technology

Technology should be your friend, not your enemy, especially when working from home, says Evans. A few things you’ll need to work more productively: a reliable computer, a headset for hands-free note-taking, a variety of apps to manage your schedule and clients, an at-home printer, and a fast and reliable internet hookup. Without these simple technologies, you’re setting your workday up for failure.

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Sang Lee/Shutterstock

Plan ahead of time

Going into a workday blindly may not be the best approach. “Be clear about what you want to achieve, both in the long-term and on a daily basis,” Evans says. Try making a to-do list, prioritized by urgency. Try eating more of these superfoods that help you focus too.

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Set clear boundaries

This applies to both your physical and mental work-from-home space. Keep everything separate—keep your work hours for work only, and your workspace for work only. That way, you can “close the office door” at the end of your working day, Evans says.

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Reward yourself

You’ll never get through a long workday without treating yourself. One of the perks of working from home is you can reward yourself with the things you like without getting the side eye from a nosy coworker—try a mid-afternoon stroll around the block after finishing a PowerPoint or a fresh-baked cookie after getting off a conference call.

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Volkova Vera/Shutterstock

Look for support

Learning how to work from home is a task for your family and friends, too. “Let them know what your work hours are, when you can be disturbed, and when you’re not available,” Evans says. And when they’re really not getting the hint, there’s always a “Do Not Disturb” sign (a door with a lock helps, too.) If you’re still having trouble getting your work done, try buying one of these office accessories that will help you successfully work from home.