A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

15 Trivia Questions Only Coffee Lovers Will Get Right

Updated: Jun. 27, 2024

Think you know beans about coffee? Quiz yourself and see how many of these coffee facts you can answer correctly.

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How well do you know coffee trivia?
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Test your coffee trivia knowledge

First question: how many cups of coffee did it take for me to write this article? The answer is not nearly enough. I’m sure many readers can relate when I say that I truly don’t know how I would function without my morning (and sometimes afternoon) cup of joe. A steaming mug with a splash of oat milk makes me almost a morning person—emphasis on “almost.” Considering we consume so much of this popular beverage, we should know all the coffee facts, right? Surprisingly, most of this information was new to me while I did my research so I’ll be impressed if you can get even a couple of these coffee trivia questions right. If you’re in the mood for a cup after this, find out the best coffee shops in your state.

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The name cappuccino comes from:
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The name cappuccino comes from:

  1. The drink’s resemblance to the brown cowls worn by Capuchin monks
  2. The similarity in color to the fur of Capuchin monkeys
  3. The Italian puccino, meaning “light brown one”
  4. The size of the cup in which it’s commonly served

If you’re a coffee enthusiast, you should know how to remove coffee stains.

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The drink's resemblance to the brown cowls worn by Capuchin monks
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Answer: 1

The word comes from the resemblance of the drink to the clothing of the Capuchin monks. Their brown tunics appear similar in color to the frothy drink we all know and love. If you want to brew a cup at home, this is the best way to make coffee.

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Espresso literally means:
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Espresso literally means:

  1. Speed it up
  2. To go
  3. Forced out
  4. Black and intense

Need some laughs with your latte? Check out these funny coffee quotes that keep the laughs brewing.

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Forced out
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Answer: 3

In Italian, the word espresso literally means “when something is forced out.” And to make sure everyone is on the same page, the word is pronounced “es-press-o,” not “ex-spress-o.” 

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Coffee was the first food to be:
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Coffee was the first food to be:

  1. Shipped from Europe to the New World
  2. Freeze-dried
  3. Used in Aztec religious ceremonies
  4. Roasted and ground for drinking
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Answer: 2

Coffee was the first food to be freeze-dried. Also known as instant coffee, just add a bit of hot water to the powder and stir. Milk and sugar are also acceptable. Learn ways you may be using your coffee machine all wrong.

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40% of the world’s coffee is produced by:
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40% of the world’s coffee is produced by:

  1. Africa
  2. Brazil
  3. Colombia
  4. Southeast Asia
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Answer: 2

Brazil! Brazil produces about 40 percent of the entire world’s coffee supply. With all that production, they’ll definitely need a few cups to keep it up.

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Kopi Luwak, the world’s most expensive coffee (up to $600 per pound), is:
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Kopi Luwak, the world’s most expensive coffee (up to $600 per pound), is:

  1. Processed during a full moon
  2. Brewed only with solid gold pots
  3. Made from coffee beans eaten and then excreted by a Sumatran wild cat
  4. Grown at a higher altitude than any other bean
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Made from coffee beans eaten and excreted by a Sumatran wild cat
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Answer: 3

Yes, it’s the beans excreted by a Sumatran wild cat! You may be wondering why people would pay so much for wild cat poo and I’m here to tell you that I personally don’t know. The beans are only partially digested and then stripped of their outer layer and thoroughly cleaned before being brewed. Those who have tried it say the flavor is very smooth, sweet, and earthy with a slight chocolate taste.

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Coffee beans grow on:
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Coffee beans grow on:

  1. A low, spreading vine
  2. A bush
  3. A tree
  4. The roots of a coffee plant
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Answer: 2
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Answer: 2

Coffee beans grow on a bush. It takes around three to four years for a coffee plant to start growing fruit. The coffee cherry will turn a bright red when it’s ready to be harvested. See how you may be shortening the life of your coffee maker and the ways to fix it.

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Most coffees are a blend of:
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Most coffees are a blend of:

  1. Light and dark roasts
  2. Caffeine and essential oils
  3. Arabica and robusta beans
  4. African and South American beans
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Arabica and robusta beans
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Answer: 3

Arabica and robusta beans are the most common. There are many types of coffee beans out there, but the only two that are really processed for drinking are arabica and robusta. Arabica beans are sweeter and softer with a higher level of acidity, while robusta beans are stronger, more bitter, and contain twice as much caffeine as arabica. Regardless of the type of coffee, make sure you’re following these coffee shop etiquette rules.

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An ibrik is:
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An ibrik is:

  1. A South-American tool for grinding coffee beans
  2. The Turkish word for barista
  3. A Middle Eastern coffee house
  4. A long-handled copper pot for making Turkish coffee
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A long-handled copper pot for making Turkish coffee
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Answer: 4

This Turkish pot makes quite the cup of joe. The pot is small and used for both brewing and serving. Turkish coffee is notable due to the beans being ground very finely. Sugar is also added during the brewing process instead of after. According to Starbucks baristas, these are your most annoying coffee shop habits that are any baristas pet peeves.

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Arabica varieties such as Java and Mocha are named after:
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Arabica varieties such as Java and Mocha are named after:

  1. The plantations where they’re grown
  2. The coffee grower who developed that variety
  3. Their predominant flavorings
  4. Their ports of origin
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Their ports of origin.
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Answer: 4

These beans are named after their ports of origin. Java is actually the name of an island off of Southeast Asia and Mocha derives from Mocha, Yemen. Don’t miss these little known secrets Dunkin’ employees won’t tell you.

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Sixteenth-century Muslim rulers banned coffee because of:
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Sixteenth-century Muslim rulers banned coffee because of:

  1. Its stimulating effects
  2. The gambling that took place in coffeehouses
  3. The black market that sprang up in the coffee trade
  4. Sufi mystics who wanted coffee limited to spiritual ceremonies
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Its stimulating effects
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Answer: 1

Coffee was banned for its unusual stimulating effects. The leader of the Ottoman Empire, Murad IV, wasn’t the only leader to object to coffee consumption, but he was certainly the most successful. He feared that coffee would cause disunity in Istanbul and those found breaking this law were punished with death. Unlike Murad IV, did you know that if you drink your coffee black you might be a psychopath?

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How old is instant coffee?
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How old is instant coffee?

  1. 100 years old
  2. 150 years old
  3. 200 years old
  4. 250 years old
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Answer: 4

Instant coffee is almost 250 years old! Convenience was always a major necessity for coffee drinkers on the go, even in 1771. Instant coffee made its debut in England that year, but wasn’t patented by the United States until 1910.

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The country that drinks the most coffee is...
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The country that drinks the most coffee is…

  1. Finland
  2. Sweden
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
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Image of Finland
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Answer: 1

The people of Finland consume the most coffee at 12.5 kilograms per person. Other Nordic countries such as Sweden, Iceland, Norway, and Denmark closely follow suit. Believe it or not, Finnish coffee drinkers sip nearly three times as much coffee than the average American. Impress your Starbucks barista with these coffee facts and read up on these secrets Starbucks employees won’t tell you.

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What was the most popular breakfast drink before coffee became widely available?
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What was the most popular breakfast drink before coffee became widely available?

  1. Tea
  2. Beer
  3. Water
  4. Hot Chocolate
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Answer: 2

Before coffee became readily available, beer was the drink of choice at breakfast. In fact, Frederick the Great of Prussia delivered a testimony in 1777 that encouraged citizens to drink beer with their breakfast as he feared coffee would interfere with the Prussian beer drinking traditions.

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Which is NOT a benefit of drinking coffee?
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Which is NOT a benefit of drinking coffee?

  1. Reduced risk of heart disease
  2. Reduced risk of cancer
  3. Reduced risk of Alzheimer’s
  4. Reduced risk of anxiety
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Reduced risk of anxiety
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Answer: 4

Luckily, studies show that coffee has corresponded with lower risks of diseases like heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s, but unfortunately, caffeine may increase the possibility of anxiety. Those who are already diagnosed with panic disorder or social anxiety disorder are at a higher risk.

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Which two states produce America’s coffee?
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Which two states produce America’s coffee?

  1. Hawaii and Florida
  2. Arizona and Florida
  3. Hawaii and California
  4. California and Florida
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Hawaii and California
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Answer: 3

Hawaii and California are the only two states that produce coffee. Hawaii used to be the sole producer (famous for its Kona coffee), but coffee plants were introduced in California in the early 2000s. The state currently has 30 coffee farms. Now that you’re done with this coffee trivia, check out these coffee puns for a whole latte laughs.