St. Elizabeth Family Birthplace in Edgewood, KY

"Labor and delivery"

Crowds turned out in droves for St. Elizabeth’s benefit. (Credit: Jennifer Kinman)

We have two coworkers/friends battling metastatic cancer, and we were able to raise nearly $45,000 for them with a benefit thanks to our group Beat a Curse Support a Nurse. We also received help from our coworkers, families, friends, and other kind souls from the community who wanted to donate.

Stories About St. Elizabeth Family Birthplace

Other hospital departments bought and put together gift baskets for our silent auction, and outside businesses contacted us to see how they could help. Many businesses either donated or sold products to us at a discount for our benefit event.

The benefit made a tremendous impact on the lives of the two St. Elizabeth staffers affected by cancer. (Credit: Jennifer Kinman)