If you buy one scented candle, it’s hard not to buy a hundred more. Especially with so many different options to choose from. While some people make homemade candles, others enjoy the retail therapy of finding a few new jars.

The question is, does your favorite scent match your state’s favorite scent?

The most popular candle scent in every state

Shaneco Candlescents Graphic V3 1 4 Rd Via Shaneco.comVia Shaneco.com

Shane Co. decided to calculate every state’s favorite scent based on search history from November 2020 through November 2021.

Most of the states (34 to be exact) have a favorite scent that falls into one of nine major categories: pumpkin, vanilla, citrus, coconut, gardenia, lavender, lemon, rose and peppermint. The rest of the states, minus a handful, have stand-alone favorites. Illinois, my home state, has cotton as its favorite scent. Yes, I can attest to the popularity!

If you’re looking for candles that will create a cleaner, longer-lasting scent, check out these soy candles.

What scents are the most popular?

popular candles scent Rd Syndication Shaneco Candlescents Graphic V3 2 1Via shaneco.com


As expected, the pumpkin candle takes the lead spot. Arkansas, Washington D.C., Delaware, Maine, Mississippi, New Mexico, Rhode Island and West Virginia all claim this scent as their absolute favorite. But why is that? It could be because of the importance of fall to these states, or the love of pumpkin picking. Many states in the Northeast grow pumpkins for the fall harvest, so pumpkin in states like Rhode Island and Delaware make total sense.


Vanilla candles come in at a sweet second. California, Colorado, Connecticut, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, South Carolina, and Virginia call this their favorite scent. Vanilla just so happens to be America’s most popular flavor, so it makes sense as to why this scent is so high up on the list.


Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas, and Wisconsin enjoy the aroma of lavender, rose, and gardenia candles. It’s a great way to make it feel like summer all year round. And besides,, who doesn’t like flowers?


If you need a little pick-me-up during the day, a citrus candle will do the trick. States like Florida, Massachusetts, Missouri, Tennessee, and Washington all love a bright scent. Of course, Florida is on this list—it’s the leader in orange production in the United States!

Taste of Home
Originally Published on Taste of Home