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10 Beautiful Words That Should Make a Comeback

Updated Jul. 22, 2021

Listen up, language lovers. Increase your vocabulary with these pretty words that roll off the tongue.

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Emma Kapotes/Rd.com


Limerence: n. The state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person. Melissa’s limerence for J-Lo was obvious from the dozens of posters on her bedroom walls. Here are some more beautiful words that describe love—and these don’t even have an English equivalent.

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Emma Kapotes


Chatoyant: adj. Showing a band of bright reflected light, like a cat’s eye. The chatoyant emerald in Anne’s ring dazzled everyone at the party.

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Emma Kapotes


Diaphanous: adj. Light, delicate, and translucent. The bridesmaid wore a diaphanous dress of pale gold. Unlike these rare, beautiful words, you probably use these words and phrases every day… and you’re also probably using them wrong.

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Emma Kapotes


Penumbra: n. The partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object. The late afternoon sun cast the door’s gauzy penumbra on the wall.

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Emma Kapotes


Abyssopelagic: adj. Referring to or occurring in the region of deep water above the ocean floor. The spelunkers explored a cave that could only be compared to the ocean’s abyssopelagic zone: dark, cold, and literally lifeless. All of these beautiful words might be lovely, but this is the single most beautiful word in English, according to non-native speakers.

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Emma Kapotes


Susurrus: n. whispering, murmuring, or rustling. The susurrus of the stream accompanied the hikers on their springtime trek.

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Emma Kapotes


Clishmaclaver: n. idle talk; gossip. The office kitchen is the unofficial center of clishmaclaver. Check out some more of our favorite cool, fancy words that make you sound smart.

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Emma Kapotes


Auric: adj. of or relating to gold. The candle’s auric glow created a romantic atmosphere for the couple’s anniversary dinner.

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Emma Kapotes


Louche: adj. disreputable or sordid in a rakish or appealing way. Paul felt at home in the louche world of the theater. Learn more about the evolution of the English language with these fun old-fashioned words we wish would make a comeback.

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Emma Kapotes


Lagniappe: n. something given as a bonus or extra gift. The meal came with a lagniappe of cornbread. Next, boost your word power by learning the truth about these grammar rules your English teacher lied to you about.